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About Dixie22

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  1. Dixie22

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    Well, now suddenly a lot of players are having a hard time getting in our server. It's trying to load them in as a darn seagull. I can't even get in to my own server. We've had our server for months and haven't made any changes to it lately and disabled the seagull thing very early on. Seriously, Bohemia? What is going on?
  2. Dixie22

    A2/A2:OA Patch 18.12.2015

    I've put many hours into this game as well and I'm not happy with these changes at all. As everyone else has said, leave the guns and vehicles alone and focus on actual bug fixes. I would love if you reverted at least most of the changes (if not all). If you want such changes on guns, maybe create a different version of it with a different class name so people who own servers can choose if they want them in their server. Who knows, maybe some would want a more mild version of TWS guns. (I know I wouldn't, but maybe a couple would.) I honestly liked the DMR the way it was. That goes for the PKP and TWS guns. I loved the PKP simply because it did zero (use to be up to 800m) and worked with NVG. Now the PKP no longer zeros at all nor does it work with NVG. Taking away the PKP's zeroing at 800m? Fine, lower the zeroing, but don't take it away altogether. Also, leave it compatible with NVG. I liked the sound of AS50. There was nothing wrong with it before. Adjusting vehicle speed was a lame move too. Again, stick with bug fixes, please—also, really consider reverting these changes.