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Everything posted by Larry0503

  1. Larry0503

    Wear what you want

    @pierremgi Writing the post took longer than finding and correcting the error 😄
  2. Larry0503

    Wear what you want

    First of all, nice Script. I found a Uniform where your Script does not work: "U_BG_Guerilla2_3" I guess this problem appears on some other uniforms too The Problem is, that in that case _selectedUnif will be filled with three different classnames. You select the first one by default. _uniformObject will be undefined and the code crashes in line 39 bc of !isNull _uniformObject To fix it i iterate over _selectedUnif and exit if _uniformObject is not nil I have changed the following part to fix it, starting with line 21 private _selectedUnif = ((_uniforms select {toLower (gettext (_x >> "picture")) splitString "\"joinString "\" == _picture}) apply {configName _x}); if (_selectedUnif isEqualTo []) exitWith {}; if !(pl_container isKindOf "CAManBase") then { private _unifClass = ""; { _unifClass = _x; _unifConts = (everyContainer pl_container select {getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _x #0 >> 'ItemInfo' >> 'type') == 801}); _cnt = 0; for "_i" from 0 to _index do { if (lbText [_idc,_i] == _text) then { _cnt = _cnt +1; _uniformObject = _unifConts select {_unifClass == (_x #0)} select (_cnt -1) select 1 }; }; if (!isNil "_uniformObject") exitWith {_unifClass = _x;}; } forEach _selectedUnif; _selectedUnif = _unifClass; } else { _selectedUnif = _selectedUnif #0; _uniformObject = uniformContainer pl_container }; And everything, with the changes i made I fixed it in my implementation and updated your original with the fix - i hope i got everything, had no time for testing
  3. Will there be a 1.88 profiling/performance branch? I've seen files for linux in your Dropbox but no windows server files.