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About -75th-Cross-

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  1. -75th-Cross-

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    1- Noted here, it will be done eventually 2- Very good point, I'll update the fob templates and allow people to define which units to use in classnames.sqf.Noted here Hey zbug thank you for solving the 2 point really appreciate that. Regarding the 1 first point - any ETA ? :rolleyes: I also thought using the UI (showing stats) only in FOB or Base ? So if you are near the FOB or Base it will show up while leaving it disappears. Some kind of roleplay where you can see the stats looking into the filling cabinet or something :lol:
  2. -75th-Cross-

    [MP][CTI-COOP] Liberation (beta)

    Hey zbug thank you for this awesome map. I have two questions 1. is it possible to hide the hud/information on the right side ? ( I'm using the freecam sometimes for some nice shots while my mates are fighting ) 2. We are playing with rhs mod and have already changed a few classnames but i couldn't find the csat fob script where i can change the classnames for it. I've found some fob template scripts but was not sure if these are the right one i changed them but had still the csat faction in the fob. Best regards