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Posts posted by woofer808

  1. Hotfix v1.321!


    I caused some network timing issues before packing the mod on version 1.32, so there's a hotfix now. See the first post for links and such!

    /* Changelog version 1.321*/	
    //KNOWN- Issue with map selection in GUI breaking at times. Fix is to close indicam gui then opening and closing the regular map before going back to the gui.
    //FIXED- HOTFIX for mod version not loading correctly in conjunction with some mods.


    • Thanks 1

  2. New version uploaded to all the places is 1.32. The biggie for this one is that it now handles some things over the network. Like assigning eventhandlers and excluding other indiCam using players from being part of the actor selection pool. So hopefully now we'll see more of the high action scenes and we don't have to worry about getting an hour of footage of another indiCam clients standing in a base idling.


    /* Changelog version 1.32*/ 
    //KNOWN- Issue with map selection in GUI breaking at times. Fix is to close indicam gui then opening and closing the regular map before going back to the gui.
    //ADDED- indiCam clients in a multiplayer game won't be part of the actor selection pool while they have their indiCam camera running. It is to avoid getting footage of a still player in a field somewhere (thanks Reggs).
    //ADDED- Checkbox in gui for showing chat during camera operation.
    //FIXED- Actor switching won't include headless clients anymore.
    //FIXED- Situation checks did not work in multiplayer. Eventhandlers are now rewritten to be put onto the actors' client over the network and comnmunicating to the instance of indiCam that put them there.
    //FIXED- Actor death did not work on players in MP because the death cam eventhandler wasn't local to their machine
    //FIXED- Headless clients and dedicated servers are now more excluded from actor randomizations (Thanks Gold John King)
    //FIXED- Cameradude wasn't excluded from "only players" actor randomization (Thanks Gold John King)
    //FIXED- Current actor wasn't excluded from selection pool in some actor auto switching modes
    //FIXED- Unit autoswitching mode within group now switches to another group if all units within the group dies.
    //FIXED- Unit autoswitching mode within group no longer makes dead units the actor.
    //FIXED- Chat is now hidden by default during camera operation.
    //FIXED- Purged the last bunch of usages of comment command in scripts
    //ADDED- New foot scene "stationaryFrontRandom"
    //TWEAKED- Foot scenes spend less time high above and more time at low and medium distance
    //TWEAKED- Foot scenes at higher action values have shorter scene duration by about a third
    //TWEAKED- Helicopter scenes switch earlier when actor moves away from stationary camera
    //TWEAKED- Helicopter front facing scenes are shorter by about two thirds
    //TWEAKED- Actor was set multiple times when using the mapclick selection method.


    • Thanks 1

  3. @TeTe T that is a really neat idea! I have never thought of scripting actor changes like that.


    I modified your code a bit and also found a bug because of it, so thanks for that. The idea in the future is that you should be able to toss the GUI out completely so that everything can be scripted in a mission. So that scripted actor change is something that should be easily done in that system


    [] execVM "INDICAM\indiCam_core_init.sqf"; // Initializes the scripts
    indiCam_var_visionIndex = 0; // Required for now because of bug
    sleep 1; // Giving init some more time
    [] spawn {
    	[] execVM "INDICAM\indiCam_core_main.sqf"; // Starts the camera
    	sleep 1;
    	[phrog_1] call indiCam_fnc_actorSwitch;
    	sleep 10;
    	[phrog_2] call indiCam_fnc_actorSwitch;
    	sleep 10;
    	[phrog_1] call indiCam_fnc_actorSwitch;
    	sleep 10;
    	indiCam_var_requestMode = "off"; // Turns the script off entirely

    edit: please don't count my usage of the word "that" in this post.

    • Thanks 1

  4. New version 1.3

    Complete redesign of the core scripts have been made. No script was left untouched and most got re-written from scratch.

    Major redesign of camera movement system has been done as well. It now gets calculated on each frame to alleviate jitter as much as possible. That means that all the old scenes were wiped and I have started to create new ones. There is a basic set of scenes in and I will add more as I manage to get them stable and smooth enough. The upside is that switching scenes and actors are a whole lot more stable.

    The second large addition is the new system that detects special events and cuts to a scene to show that. The only one implemented just yet is the detection of launcher usage by a unit.

    Se the first post for links to download package, steam links and so on.

    //REMOVED- The number of scenes are now back to only a few due to core rewrite. Future releases will see more of them added back in the new system.
    //ADDED- Actor auto switching added to gui with controls for duration and nine different modes.
    //ADDED- If a player is the current actor, that player will be selected in player list upon loading the gui
    //ADDED- Made the player list in gui display what side each player is on. Runs out of space real fast though.
    //ADDED- Automatic night vision will now take terrain and current date into account and turn on half an hour after sunset and turn off half an hour before sunrise
    //ADDED- Made actor deaths handeled by the scripted scene system and more reliable.
    //ADDED- Manual mode added to gui.
    //ADDED- Slider in GUI: Chance of capture cinematic scenes upon detection (0-100%). Zero means off.
    //ADDED- The initial drop-down selection on map side will be whatever side the player is.
    //ADDED- Pressing F9 during camera will now also store the scene name in a list. Going out of the camera immediately after pressing F9 will list the contents in a hint. Good for finding scenes that aren't working.
    //ADDED- barrelWatch scene which will track barrel direction. Only for tanks for now.
    //FIXED- GUI now looks as intended in both the script and the mod version. Thanks Taro!
    //FIXED- Actor death now takes actor auto switch setting into account.
    //FIXED- Units of any side can now be selected on the gui map.
    //FIXED- Scene override timer now works in scripted version without gui.
    //FIXED- Eventhandlers weren't removed from non-actor units in a controlled fashion
    //FIXED- Changed wording of gui elements and tooltips for some controls.
    //FIXED- Updated diary with information on GUI.
    //FIXED- Start button could be pressed repeatedly and launch several instances of the camera.
    //FIXED- Settings changed in gui will now be applied even if the camera isn't already running.
    //FIXED- Culled a whole lot of unused code.
    //FIXED- When debug was on it spawned the indicator spheres on every client.
    //FIXED- indiCam settings window could be shown ontop of regular map which caused issues with cursor and markers
    //FIXED- If there is only one unit (the player) on a terrain, the camera will not find eligable actors and try to switch actor indefinitly
    //FIXED- An occational CTD when calculating too large or small movement values after switching actors.


    • Like 4
    • Thanks 1

  5. New version v1.2 with the significant update being a new GUI as a new main method for controlling the script. I have yet to figure out why the mod version looks different from the script version. It has probably something to do with my usage of #include, but I'll get to that eventually.


    Se the first post for links to download package, steam links and so on.


    Version 1.2 published 2018-12-27
    //ADDED- Automatic switching between players or AI depending on what the current actor is. Cycles intervals ON-10min/ON-5min/ON-2,5min/ON-1min/OFF
    //ADDED- A GUI as a new main way for controlling the script. The keystrokes stays - to help with easy access over remote desktop during gameplay.
    //TWEAKED- Key F1 will now start GUI during camera operation.
    //ADDED- Added abilitiy to override scripted scene duration with a fixed timer in the GUI.
    //ADDED- Added "Hold switching of scene" checkbox. It makes a sense to use in conjunction with "force next scene"


    • Like 4

  6. Speakeasy 2.0 is now ready for download. Find the link in the first post. 


    You will find the new training scenario in the download package. Those of you who subscribed to the old scenario on the Steam Workshop are kindly asked to subscribe again. We took down the old Workshop page and replaced it with a new one for the current version of our scenario. All existing subscriptions have been lost in the process.

    • Thanks 2

    How did you get this feature to work? I thought voice commands simply translate into a sequence of automatic key presses but there are no keys bindings in vanilla Arma which allow for such a feature?
    You are quite right. It all happens within the profile though. You first have to assign a specific unit to a role at the beginning of a mission using voice. That stores the correct unit number in a variable.

    The code is more or less:
    [Two] [assign mg] - stores 2 in {mg_variable}, the machine gunner class.

    [Mg] - presses F{mg_variable}

    So any unit can be a machine gunner in speakeasy and a single unit can have several roles.

    Sent from my STF-L09 using Tapatalk

    • Like 1

  8. We can start by establishing that the reason you get the _keycode192 not set error is because F_init isn't run properly. The keycodes are in fact set up in F_init.


    Just now, ICloakI said:

    I too am experiencing _keycode192 I've done everything you said but when I start VoiceAttack I get the following message; Stopped command, 'F_init' : focus lost.


    I get the "focus lost" error a little now and then when I start VA while something else (like Arma) is running. Especially if I keep tabbing between other programs while VA is starting up. It doesn't really have anything to do with the actual profile, but with VA itself as far as I have been able to tell. But you are saying you get this everytime you start VA with the profile?


    What happens when you switch to another profile and back to Speakeasy without closing the program while the "Target" drop-down list is set to "Active Window"?

  9. New version: V1.11 - General changes and updates for smoother development workflow. See OP for links.


    //ADDED- Keypress: F9 - Press during running camera to get the current scene ID name printed on screen. Good for debug and bug reports.
    //ADDED- Dev switch: Set {indiCam_devMode = true} to run everything uncompiled which will facilitate script and scene development on the fly.
    //ADDED- Camera logic: randomLinear - Plan is to use for random camera panning movement or as camera shake.
    //ADDED- New scene: nonStabilizedCam - Simulated unstable binocular movement using randomLinear logic on foot mobiles and vics
    //FIXED- Some of the top-down scenes have been lowered somewhat and given more zoom (tip by Kremator and Tankbuster).
    //ADDED- New Scene: shakyChasePerson - A hectic third person sene for high action level
    //FIXED- The cameraman is now invisible to all unts and can't take damage while the camera is running (tip by Tankbuster)
    //FIXED- Scene selection now differentiates between helicopters and planes
    //FIXED- Scenes divided into separate files for each vehicle category to give better overview.
    //ADDED- Possibility to state conditions in a scene to disqualify it. For example if a scene should only be used for a specific vehicle.
    //FIXED- Scene will now switch directly upon actor mounting or dismounting a vehicle instead of waiting for the scene timer to run out
    //FIXED- Situation check eventhandlers no longer gets stacked from previous actors, but transfers to each new actor
    //ADDED- Serverkey added to release package


    • Like 5

  10. Thanks @Tankbuster! That is a lot of valuable info. 



    That key does work with the current build. :)

    Yay! First time I did that stuff, so glad it worked out.



    Not sure if I did something to break it, but the AI killed the player running Indi and that seemed to crash the other player in my server.  Both lost connection to the server, which usually means the server has gone down, but in this case, it was just the clients.

    Very weird. Any particular game mode or scenario going on?


    Also, the enemy AI will still attack the Indicam player, so he needs to be moved well out of the way or he'll be killed.

    I guess cheat mode is already on since it's possible to see all units on the map. I could make the cameraman invincible, captive or something along those lines while the script is running.


    Personal taste, but I think the distant views are too far, especially the high-looking-down ones and those for dismounted actors.

    I need a lot of personal tastes to be able to arrive at a good middle ground. I try and keep track of it, so it's appreciated.



    I'd quite like to see, when actors are in fixed-wing, a camera 'bolted' to the top of the tailplane looking forward, or close to a weapon pylon. Perhaps it could switch near pylon/gun when player changes fire mode?
    Similar for land vehicles, when the player is in a Prowler, for example, a camera bolted to the roll cage would be funky.

    I hadn't thought about detecting weapon switching, only actual firing of weapons. I'll look into that for sure.



    Also, F3 seems not to be selecting pilots?

    This is not expected behaviour. I'll have to add that to the list of things to investigate.

    • Like 1

  11. New version. See main post for links and such.


    Version 1.1 published  2018-05-02:
    Some new significant functionality, thus the jump directly to v1.1.

    //ADDED- F3 to switch to another random unit that is of the same side and within a certain distance of the current actor.
    //ADDED- A very rudimentary Manual camera mode. Access with F4. For a proper manual camera, see the gCam mod.
    //FIXED- Map selection completely rewritten from scratch and works better now.
    //ADDED- It's now possible to differentiate between units within some vehicles while selecting actor on the map.
    //FIXED- Selecting a unit that is in a vehicle as actor no longer makes the actual vehicle the actor
    //FIXED- Keypresses no longer stack between restarts of the camera
    //FIXED- Camera no longer resets vision mode when restarted
    //FIXED- Camera controls stay on the player between remoting with the "Advanced AI command" mod.
    //FIXED- Some diary entries corrected
    //ADDED- New scene: Medium and high altitude, medium far, front view with randomization


    • Like 5
    • Thanks 1

  12. Thanks @kremator!

    To be perfectly honest, you shouldn't have to read the actual manual in order to be able to close the camera. That's just bad design on my part. Maybe a very quick notification when you start the camera back up? I could also give a hint when any "wrong key" is pressed, but I really want to keep clutter away from the screen as much as possible.

    I'd prefer the close key to be something that isn't pressed by mistake to easily so I opted out of the any-key solution.
    Escape key is also something that I shy away from since that gives access to the debug console in the main menu.

    Is there some sort of key that is common in other mods that people to some extent take for granted?

    • Like 1

  13. indiCam - independent camera

    This is a script that I built to help me with recording Arma 3 cinematics.


    The core idea for indiCam is to use a separate computer to record secondary gameplay footage around a player on a multiplayer server without the need to manually move the camera around.

    That stems from me wanting a secondary perspective to mix with my regular first-person footage in a video editor.


    No actual recording is done by the script. For that you will have to use screen recording software like OBS, nVidia Shadowplay or Radeon ReLive on the machine that is running indiCam.

    So it turns the game into an automatic camera robot. Once it has been started, it will follow your selected unit around while automatically switching between camera angles depending on situation and visibility of the target. The target unit can be a player or AI as well as of any faction.


    The camera will completely take up the screen. The computer running it will not be able to participate in regular gameplay.

    indiCam is short for independent camera. It needs to run independently on a separate copy of Arma, preferably on another machine entirely.


    Examples of usage:

    • Observe players on a multiplayer server (and record it) to get all the juicy details
    • Let AI duke it out in epic single player scenarios and use as screensaver, cause the Arma must go on.
    • Record your own gameplay in a multiplayer scenario from another client, since it can never be too much Arma.
    • Record the trials and tribulations from the perspective of the opposing force so that you can watch that after the fact and bask in your own shock and awe.



    Technical description

    Definition: actor - term for the current unit that the camera is tracking

    Definition: scene - the complete set of variables that defines how the camera should behave at any given situation such as camera position, zoom, target object or things like that.


    The script is built in a modular fashion and picks a scene type depending on the current situation. Each scene can be tweaked and optimized to suit by editing the code.

    The main factor that the script takes into account is for vehicle type. If the actor is on foot - which is considered a vehicle type - the scenes will look different from when the actor is in a helicopter for example.

    Depending on vehicle type, the script will then adjust for level of action around the target and speed/altitude of vehicles.


    New functionality from 1.3 is the "scripted scene" system that is intended to capture special events. The current one is a script that looks around the vicinity of the camera to see if any units are aiming their launcher. It will then roll the dice to see if it should show that specific event. After it's done, the camera will go back to regular operation.


    Press F to start the indiCam control window.


    Each scene has an individual duration time defined. After that time has run out, the script will do a line of sight check and pick a new scene where the actor is visible from the camera position. Currently that means that the actor might not necessarily be in frame, but below or behind the camera. There is also a possibility of making the scene ignore the line of sight check so that it will be applied anyway.

    Many scenes randomizes the camera position and zoom level. So each time they are applied they will not look exactly the same. This makes the footage more varied. It also helps with finding a camera position that works within a confined space like a house as well as open areas by placing those far away camera angles with a high level of zoom.


    So creating new scenes of your own should be pretty straightforward, just copy a similar existing one and put it in the situation where you want it. In the scene selection script there is a code block that can force a scene to execute. This is where new scenes can be trimmed in properly before being put into the randomizing loop.

    On the more advanced side of things, the script uses hidden proxy objects for camera placement and orientation. They’re called “game logic” in code, but maybe should have been called proxies instead. These proxies allow for producing movement of the camera that is decoupled from the unit it is tracking. It makes for much more smooth camera movement and tracking.



    The mod version and script version are contained in a single package and can be downloaded here:



    Steam mod download:



    On my youtube channel there are already videos containing footage from indiCam.



    Test the script directly in an example scenario from the Steam workshop:



    There is a Discord on the subject where you can get in touch and download future beta versions.



    Future plans

    Between work and family life I just cannot reliably commit much time to projects like these. That is the main reason it was released in it’s initial not-really-perfect state. If you want something changed, please report it but don’t expect too much in way of fixes or releases quickly. I’ll try to stay on top of things, but it never seems to work out entirely as I hoped.

    With that said, I have a bucket full of ideas that I want to implement as soon(TM) as I can manage. Stuff like more types of camera movement with camera shake, panoramics, vehicle weapon cameras and so on. Then there is always the weapon cam that I wanted to make work.

    The other way to have things changed, by the way, is to do it yourself. Feel free to modify the script, it was written with that purpose in mind. If you create any new scenes that are especially cool, consider posting them on the BI forum thread so that others can get those killer camera shots.



    Many thanks to Reggaeman, Ripppe, Parker and Mad_Cheese that helped me test and come up with ideas as I built this from just being my own little helper to something that is polished enough for others to use.

    Special thanks goes out to Reggaeman and Parker for condensing hours and hours of gameplay into shorter videos with the little gold nuggets where indiCam did something interesting or just plain weird. It has been incredibly helpful and I wouldn't have been able to spend that kind of time myself.

    You’ll find Reggs' videos here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdDmtot-tNsTJMmdk-soeHA

    Parker is uploading here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCqm8CVJeqlmpx7ACU4HfXqg


    That is it!




    • Like 5
    • Thanks 9

  14. On 1/31/2018 at 8:07 AM, Aloragon said:

    Thank you for the amazing work. I have an error can you help me?

    when issuing the command 'squad' I get the error

    “ release by variable [_keycode192 ] not set. No keys released. “

    “Key down by variable [_keycode192 ] not set. No keys pressed. “


    Edit: I managed to make it work. I went into the squad command in Voice attack and changed the value to '`'


    It would seem that your profile isn't executing the initialization command "F_init" and/or the keyboard language layout handler "F_keyboardLayout" properly.

    The "Execute a command each time this profile is loaded" in the profile options window needs to be ticked and have F_init selected in the drop-down menu. This is already done if the profile is imported with the basic "Import profile" on the main screen as opposed to "import commands" from the "edit a profile" window. It might be that you imported the profile into an empty already existing profile using the latter.


    Your fix will work fine, but some other stuff might get wonky on you. Though that is based on the guess I made on what the cause might be.

  15. On 1/10/2018 at 6:12 AM, CANADAVE said:

    Does voiceattack with this profile allow direct selection of commands in the ai action menu (command tree menu 6)?


    I'm afraid not. In our testing the entries on command menu 6 don't seem to reliably end up on the same position because of context sensitivity. That's why we decided to leave it out.


    So basically that is a perfect example of the weakness in using something that sends keystrokes to the game rather than actual Arma commands.

  16. On 12/8/2017 at 10:22 PM, SGCommand said:

    What I've read about both VA plugin and Arma 3 Extension development is that both use .NET (aka C#) which is a language I'm proficient with.


    What I'm trying to say :f: is that, if I can find out more about VoiceAttack and how to develop plugins for it, as well as how to communicate with Arma 3, I want to try and develop a similar plugin as VAICOM to avoid using the command menu and instead directly execute scripts in Arma to command the AI.


    This is exactly what I was hoping for. I hit the wall at the exact same place. I don't know how to technically build mods, but I do think a mod coupled with a VA plugin is the way to go. But since you're proficient with .NET @SGCommand , then you're way further on than I could hope to be.



  17. Yep, VAICOM 2.5 seems to be all that I would want for Arma as well. I haven't been able to get to working on something similar for Speakeasy yet, though. The short and curly of it is that it's simply over my current skill level as a programmer. So I've been focusing on trying to get Speakeasy as far as I can take it with the basic VA techniques before tackling that problem.


    As you pointed out @xon2, there were some progress on fluid commands. I made a short video on that for anyone interested.



    I thought the method would be extremely taxing on the system as it generates around over 300 000 dynamic commands instead of 1000 in the original release. But I've been testing it for a while now and it actually seems to work just fine. Hopefully it can be included in Speakeasy, but proper testing will have to tell.


    Anyway, I'll take a closer look, so thanks for the tip on Hollywoods' stuff. The holy grail would be that two way communication between Arma and VA where VA could send script commands to Arma and read variables from the game.

  18. speakeasy_logo.png

    Speakeasy is a profile for the voice control software Voice Attack made by woofer and Alpha-Kilo. Both authors have several years of experience with voice control software for Arma 3. Woofer has published a profile for Voice Attack and made several videos which show how immersive voice control can be. Alpha-Kilo has experimented with all sorts of voice control software since 2009 and published profiles and key sheets for Voice Attack, Voice Activated Commands and Livrot Mic Command. They teamed up to create Speakeasy which is one of the most ambitious projects for voice control in Arma 3.


    With Voice Attack and Speakeasy you can use your voice as an extra controller beside your keyboard, mouse, joystick etc. Speakeasy covers all commands of vanilla Arma 3 and a selection of popular modifications including ACE, TFAR, ACRE, Command & Control and more. All currently supported mods are listed in the key sheet which is in the Speakeasy package. You can also use Speakeasy to control your game-related hardware and software. Just say the word to take a screenshot, centre your TrackIR, or toggle your RealLight visual effects.


    Speakeasy comes with several unique features:

    • Call your AI subordinates by their role instead of memorizing their numbers: "Grenadier, flank left!", "MG, open fire!"
    • Use auto-movement for long marches and hold a drink in your hand instead of keeping [W] pressed down forever.
    • Speak your chat messages into the mic instead of typing them.
    • Use Speakeasy as a voice recorder for a quick memo instead of typing or writing it down.
    • Use compound commands for standard situations such as attacking, retreating, preparing an ambush, etc. A single command is enough to order your squad into the right formation, stance, combat mode, let them select targets and engage the enemy or break contact and return to the player.
    • A set of templates makes it easy to add your own commands to the Speakeasy profile.


    Speakeasy supports different international keyboard layouts and system languages. Out of the box the following keyboard layouts are supported:

    • Canadian (Fr) QWERTY
    • Canadian (ML) QWERTY
    • French AZERTY
    • German QWERTZ
    • Portuguese QWERTY
    • Spanish QWERTY
    • Swedish QWERTY
    • UK English QWERTY
    • US English QWERTY


    You can speak your commands in English or German. Speakeasy can be translated to other languages, as well.


    There is a training scenario that you can use to test and hone your skills for use with the Speakeasy profile. It is singleplayer and multiplayer ready. All players have access to Zeus. ACE3, TFAR and ACRE are supported but not required. You can recruit AI to build your own squad. A training compound is provided where enemies can be created dynamically on demand. 


    Speakeasy is highly customizable. You can add or delete commands and change the key configuration and spoken phrases of existing commands. 


    Speakeasy comes with an extensive key sheet that helps to keep track of all commands. Use it as the basis for a translation to any language that Microsoft supports or to list your individual changes to the commands. If you use a programmable controller the key sheet can be used to keep track of what each button does. You may also find the key sheet useful if you use other voice control software than Voice Attack. 


    For your convenience Speakeasy comes with its own Arma user profile. All settings and key configurations you need to test Speakeasy are already in place. So you don't have to mess around with your existing player profile.


    Some figures: The key sheet lists roughly 900 commands. Approximately 600 of them can be spoken. For many of the spoken commands there are several phrases, thus the Speakeasy profile has more than 1000 entries. 


    The Speakeasy package contains:

    • Speakeasy manual (English)
    • Speakeasy key sheet (English and German)
    • Speakeasy Arma user profile (English and German)
    • Speakeasy Voice Attack profile (English and German)
    • Speakeasy training scenario (English)
    • Speakeasy audio files


    Version 2.0: 

    More than a year after the original release Speakeasy 2.0 is now ready for download. These are the new features: 

    • Fluid Commands finally allows you to speak naturally with your AI. There is no need for the typical robotic breaks in your commands any more. We achieve this with voice commands that include calling your unit or units and the instruction in the same command. This is a new level of controlling the AI. Try it!
    • Australian keyboard layout (with help from Benji and Rockapes)
    • Danish keyboard layout (with help from Prestien)
    • Norwegian keyboard layout
    • The new training scenario is eight times bigger than the old one. It offers more options to try commands from the vanilla game and the supported add-ons. The compound where you can practice combat against enemy AI is not only bigger but also more diverse and hopefully more interesting.
    • We added a Speakeasy training scenario readme which you should actually read.
    • We created several new custom voice commands which make your life as a player a bit easier. 
    • Several commands of the vanilla game or supported mods have been changed since the last release of Speakeasy. Version 2.0 of our profile and key sheet has been updated accordingly.
    • Version 2.0 lists almost three hundred new commands that can be spoken. The new Fluid Commands feature adds a few hundred thousand more but don't worry – Voice Attack can handle a profile of this size.


    Download the latest version of the package:



    Subscribe to the training scenario on Steam Workshop: 



    Discord link:


    • Like 11
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  19. Right.


    I'm still battling that keyboard layout problem in another project. It proved to be pretty complicated and arduous, but I am committed put that in this profile as well. It'll be here as soon™ as I'm done with it.

    For now your best option if your keyboard language prevents the profile from working correctly, is to contact me and ask for another keyboard layout that you might need.


    *ADDED* US English keyboard layout version of the profile within the download. Better fix on the way.
    *FIXED* The regular version of the profile renamed to include Swedish. Better fix on the way.


    Download the profile and bundled sounds here



    There is a manual with all available commands


    Link to VoiceAttack forum post

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