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About TheRockingDane

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  1. TheRockingDane

    Arma 3 Units - Closed Beta Feedback

    I got a question not relevated to any feedback, but one that have confused me a bit. Which "units" are allowed to sign up for Arma 3 units? I've seen that Battle Royale is on there for "all players" of the battle royale mod. In my opinion i would not call that a unit, but rather a fan group or something? I might be completely wrong, but it was just a thought that strafed my mind.
  2. TheRockingDane

    Arma 3 Units - Closed Beta Feedback

    A feature that would be nice is if we could get the option to upload a seperate file for our actual profile head banner on our unit page, and then another picture out on the front where you can see all other units aswell. Hope this picture can help the understanding: imgur.com/a/uHIsw
  3. TheRockingDane

    Arma 3 Units - Closed Beta Feedback

    Works! Now getting "Unit succesfuly updated!" Thank you :)
  4. TheRockingDane

    Arma 3 Units - Closed Beta Feedback

    I'm getting the same issue when trying to upload a new log or header. I get the non descriptive error shown in the fine image you linked.
  5. TheRockingDane

    Arma 3 Units - Closed Beta Feedback

    I would like to see an increase in the amount of characters allowed in the clan tag. I think 5 characters is too limiting as many units have a larger clan tag. My clan tag is 18thMR but we had to make it 18MR now because of the limitation. It's a small detail, but a detail that is important :)
  6. TheRockingDane

    Arma 3 Units - Closed Beta Feedback

    This seems like a very interesting initiative. Hopefully it will create some competition to Armaclans aswell, which is very expensive.