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Everything posted by Incontinentia

  1. No you're good, this handles that. For weapons holstering, I used ACE. Hope you like it!
  2. It is constantly rechecking. The cycle takes a second or two max, so feedback should be fairly instantaneous.
  3. There's isn't any PvP support unfortunately, so no flagging. There's quite a few reasons why you might not be incognito so the debug should explain what it is that has kept you from being incognito. Whenever it's happened to me it's usually just something innocuous like leaving night vision goggles on or wearing the wrong backpack, or even accidentally setting up the sides wrong. It's a fairly complex script so it's definitely a good idea to pay close attention to the setup of your scenario.
  4. Incontinentia

    [Release] Incon Scripts A3

    Hi buddy. It's a bit complicated to do that unfortunately as respawns and JIP would likely cause all kinds of chaos. The system essentially deletes your group and then creates copies of your persisted group, but if you delete a playable unit (even if it is AI) it will respawn eventually and remain in your group, leading to duplicates. My solution would be to create playable units and give them the option of joining a group once they have spawned in. There may be a way round if you turn off respawns but I don't have the time to look into it unfortunately these days. Anybody is welcome to have a crack though.
  5. Yes of course. The license pretty much prevents people selling it and nothing more; tweak, re-hash, do whatever you want. Anything I release, I'm happy for people to play with and tweak to their heart's content. My goal in modding is just to make Arma more fun.
  6. Yep, spawned enemies aren't an issue! Same with JIP. Enemies are just as combative when not undercover. Also, they can be pretty combative if your disguise is poor. Depends on the mods, but most should work fine (see readme but ACE and RHS have been tested to be compatible, but most will work perfectly anyway - those that don't will have minor issues that will probably not change gameplay noticeably). Your scenario is pretty much exactly what I built the script for. Let me know how you get on!
  7. The hints are mainly an indicator of whether you are doing anything that gives you away, rather than whether your cover is intact (it needs some work and is earmarked for the next update whenever I get the time). If in doubt, use debug and see what it says. This will give you a real indication if your cover is blown or not. As far as I know, there haven't been many instances of the script not working as intended in this regard. The only exception being a couple of reported cases where the game engine changed a unit's side to civilian and therefore stopped all enemies acting hostile towards it even when the unit wasn't in disguise. The guys who reported it weren't able to repro it however, so no idea if it was my script or not.
  8. Hi shoxerr, it really depends how much you look like the enemy as to how sensitive it is. If you are dressed in the same stuff, carry the same weapons and equipment and are walking with your weapon down and not pointing at the enemy and either have the same ethnicity or have covered your face then it's nearly impossible for them to tell you aren't who you're pretending to be. Have a read through the readme if you haven't already as there are ways to make it more or less sensitive depending on your preferences. I'm not really able to do any development for the foreseeable future unfortunately but all the stuff you need to tone it down should be there already. Any specific questions feel free to ask away!
  9. Hi tourist, it does sound like there's something weird going on with your setup. Also bear in mind that you can be compromised and remembered by enemy forces without the hints changing, so they will see you as a threat even though the hints tell you your disguise is intact. I'm hoping to change this with a UI disguise setting later on but I'm not really Arma'ing much at all right now. Is this the only faction you've tried? I'd suggest making sure vanilla works first if so. If not, all I can suggest is to keep playing and maybe have a go with debug mode on and tell me what you see.
  10. Incontinentia

    [Release] Incon Scripts A3

    Somewhere on the iniDBi thread there's a 64bit dll - I've been using it for a while and it works pretty well! Also, make sure you have the latest version from the GitHub (I did a quiet update a while back). Should be some useful stuff on there.
  11. Sorry dudes, I've been out of the loop for a few weeks. @Nichols I'll take a look at the github, cheers for reporting it! @zagor64bz, I'm already hoping to do something like that in the next version as it got requested a while back. Just haven't had the time as I'm not really around Arma much these days. But if that changes it'll be the next feature on the list (although any bugs will take priority obviously).
  12. Really? One of my test missions is on Zargabad so it should work... that being said, I don't remember if I checked for that specifically on Zargabad so you may well be right. I can't verify this for a few weeks but if that is the case, thanks for the heads up.
  13. Thanks! I have no idea unfortunately, never really looked into insignias. I can try to look into it but it may take a few months as I'll be away from Arma for a while. The script is open source though so feel free to fork it on GitHub if you can find a way (this goes for anyone else who wants to do something with the script too - no permission necessary!).
  14. Incontinentia

    [Release] Incon Airpower

    Don't scare me like that!
  15. Incontinentia

    [Release] Incon Airpower

    Also.... Version 1.1 is out! Release highlights: Rewrote script for full MP compatibility Reduced radio trigger usage in favour of "CAS Interact" menu Added status report option All units can interact with CAS provided they have necessary item Fixed: JIP issues Fixed: player leaving during CAS request would make script hang Fixed: script hanging if player leaves after a strike request Made script more robust overall (should prevent issues where CAS apparently remains active despite players not being able to use it) CAS status now remote to server, strikes still local to client Removed superfluous game objects Reduced time between choosing to mark with laser and confirming mark All variables now synchronise properly across clients and server Increased airpower engaging timeout Added the ability to use the action menu to interact with CAS rather than Radio Charlie. This should help mitigate conflicts with certain addons/scripts (thanks to law-giver for the feedback)
  16. Incontinentia

    [Release] Incon Airpower

    No worries mate, hope you enjoy it! Cheers for the feedback.
  17. If the ambient CIV_F cars are duplicates made by the Orbatrator, they will have different classnames so that would have been a possibility but I'm guessing when you say you've deconflicted, you've done a vanilla run right? As in, just CBA, ACE and ALiVE - no custom factions? I've got a test mission with CIV_F as the civilian faction and ALiVE ambient civilian vehicles and it all works as it should so it does normally work, as far as I know, and ALiVE is compatible (the script was built for ALiVE in fact) but there could be an issue with static data in your particular mission perhaps... Can you share your settings for undercover? And also PM me your mission and I'll take a quick look at it to see if there's anything obviously wrong? Also, can you run the mission with debug mode on and shoot me your RPT? This will give me a list of all the vehicles it thinks are civilian.
  18. Can you be a bit more specific? What doesn't work? Faction? How the vehicles are generated won't make any difference, it could just be that you need to manually enter the vehicle classnames in the setup.sqf if autodetection doesn't pick them up. For vehicles, it should pick them up fine though.
  19. Incontinentia

    [Release] Incon Airpower

    Thanks for the suggestion. I've been thinking of ways of doing this using a hidden aircraft object to achieve this but I've got to find the time to get it working well enough that it doesn't sound silly or do Arma AI. I don't particularly want to mess about with static sound files too much either. The primary goal was to simulate drone use which doesn't really make much noise at ground level as far as I know. I'll keep it in mind but wouldn't expect anything for the upcoming release. Also, for anyone interested in testing this further, here's Release Candidate 2. This adds the ability to interact with CAS using just the action menu (which should help mitigate any issues in missions with conflicting radio triggers). Set _useRadioTriggers in the setup file to false to use this method. This is pretty much good to go now, it's spend a fair bit of time in testing and with the exception of a couple of missions with the radio trigger incompatibility, we're (as far as is possible to tell) bug free and MP / dedicated ready. Expect a fully release of V1.1 in the next few days. Update: @road runner, I've added your suggestion to GitHub here so it's on the cards, just got to figure the best way to do it first.
  20. Yup, the more enclosed the vehicle, the less this will be an issue. In a tank or APC, it won't matter at all (unless you're turned out). The recruitment functions are now completely independent of ALiVE too. There's not really a hard limit if I remember but probably after about 10-12 units it gets much harder to recruit any more. If you more them into High Command groups (with C2 for instance) then you'd be able to recruit more. I'm not familiar with doing UI stuff just yet but that's a good idea. I was trying to keep it as un-gamey as possible but a bit of feedback is probably warranted. I might just have an addaction that appears after opening your inventory or something for a few seconds that will give you a hint if your disguise is working or not. I'll probably not be around Arma much soon so me learning new stuff is unlikely!
  21. Incontinentia

    C2 -Command And Control

    Mad cheese, just thought I'd drop a comment to say how awesome the latest version is. Had a bit of a lull from actually playing Arma for a while and came back to a whole host of really cool stuff. It's an essential mod. Thanks buddy!
  22. Looking forward to it Zagor! Just figured I'd add this bit of info from the readme as it'll hopefully help people understand what the script is all about. I wanted to make it as seamless as possible so people could pretty much act as they would in real life, but this being a game, there's obviously a few guidelines that it helps to follow. So here goes... In Detail: How it works For the sake of this explanation, we'll separate behaviours into three categories: suspicious, attention-drawing and weird. Any suspicious behvaviour will make enemies see the unit as hostile right away. Two minor suspicious behaviours (being both armed and trespassing when not dressed as an enemy) or one major one (firing a weapon) will compromise the unit if they are witnessed by an enemy. Units will remain suspicious as long as there are enemies who have reasonably fresh target knowledge of the unit, even if not doing anything suspicious anymore. Weird behaviour will not make enemies see the unit as hostile instantly, but each additional weird behaviour will increase the likelihood of nearby enemies blowing the unit's cover. Weird behaviour in proximity to enemies may cause some to take interest and follow the unit or become outright hostile straight away if you are acting strangely enough. If the unit isn't able to stop acting strangely or the suspicious enemies are not dealt with quickly (or you don't manage to escape), they may compromise the unit and any teammates who are also acting strangely nearby. Attention-drawing behaviour isn't necessarily weird, but it does make enemies notice you from further away. While dressed as the enemy, wearing the wrong helmet for your disguise is harder to detect from a distance than wearing the wrong vest, but both are weird. Wearing a vest will therefore add to your attention-drawing behaviour. Running, for instance, isn't so weird but will draw attention from enemies who are further away. Most weird behaviours will be attention-drawing too. The more attention-drawing behaviours you do, the further away units will start taking an interest in you, and therefore, the more likely they are to compromise you if you are also doing anything weird (like wearing NVGs while dressed as a civilian). The default detection radius can be configured in the UCR_setup file but this radius will expand and contract according to the undercover unit's attention-drawing behaviours, incognito status and vehicle, as well as environmental factors like moon intensity, overcast, rain and fog. It is recommended to not change the detection radius much from the default. If the unit is compromised, the unit should try to kill all enemies who know about them before they spread the unit's identity across the AO. After that, the unit becomes fully compromised and must change his disguise (clothes and either goggles / headgear), leave the area completely, or wait for everyone to forget about them to go undercover again. Each time unit gets fully compromised and escapes by changing disguise, the effects of any weird behaviour will be amplified as enemies will be looking for them. Suspicious / weird behaviours will vary according to factors including: Whether the unit is disguised as the enemy or a civilian Whether the unit is in a vehicle or on foot Whether the position in the vehicle is completely open, partially open, or completely closed What time of day and weather it is (dark / moonlit / overcast / fog at night, fog / rain during the day) Whether the unit has been compromised before Appropriate behaviour: a guide for new spies This is a short primer for the kinds of things to bear in mind while going undercover. It is by no means conclusive. The best advice is to act as normal as you can for the situation. WHEN IN DISGUISE AS THE ENEMY: When on foot, the following may count as weird behaviour: Wearing a backpack or vest that isn't normally used by the enemy faction Holding a weapon that isn't normally used by the enemy faction Wearing a hat or helmet that isn't normally used by the faction Running / sprinting (when not under fire) Crouching / crawling (when not under fire) Wearing a uniform that the unit was recently compromised in Raising your weapon (when not under fire) Pointing your weapon at an enemy When in a vehicle, the following may count as weird behaviour: Driving with headlights off at night Wearing an inappropriate uniform or vest (if not in an enclosed vehicle - won't matter if in a tank or APC) Wearing inappropriate headgear or goggles Wearing a HMD (like a night vision device) Driving offroad (only land vehicles - air units and boats don't need to follow roads!) WHEN IN DISGUISE AS A CIVILIAN: When on foot, the following may count as weird behaviour: Wearing a helmet, HMD, shemagh or balaclava Running / sprinting (when not under fire) Crouching / crawling (when not under fire) Wearing a uniform that the unit has been recently compromised in Smelling of cordite (having fired a weapon recently) Holding binoculars / laser designators / rangefinders And suspicious: Wearing a non-civilian uniform or vest Wearing a uniform that the unit has just been compromised in Visibly carrying a weapon (including on your back - but not including holstered pistols) Trespassing onto a restricted area When in a vehicle, the following may count as weird behaviour: Wearing a suspicious vest or uniform Wearing a HMD (night vision goggles) Wearing a compromised uniform Driving fast (the faster you go, the more attention you will draw) And suspicious: Suspicious behaviour: Driving a non-civilian vehicle Driving a vehicle that has been compromised Trespassing onto a restricted area Driving more than 30m offroad (optional) Driving with headlights off at night This is a short overview; it is good practice to make sure all aspects of your disguise are in keeping with your cover, even if it isn't listed in the behaviours above. If you are dressed like a civilian, act like one. If dressed like the enemy, keep your head down and don't draw attention to yourself.
  23. Incontinentia

    [Release] Incon Airpower

    Well I might have to take a step back from Arma soon once real life kicks in again but then again, I've been saying that for a while now! If I have the time though, I'll probably do it. As much as it sucks to have an extra mod in the list, I think opening it up to Steam Workshop would probably mean a lot more people have access to it. For any of you guys having trouble with the latest version, please give this sample mission a go first if you can. I've checked it a couple of dozen times now and I'm having none of the issues reported by other users, so to help narrow down where those issues are coming from, it would be good to get a vanilla baseline first. Then I can work out if the issue is something related to different Arma setups or possible conflicts with other mission scripts / mods. I'll do my best to fix any incompatibilities with other scripts (already got ACE / RHS compatibility in the bag) but for this release, I'd rather focus on getting something out that works with vanilla setups. Edit: by vanilla, I mean vanilla + CBA!
  24. No, it only checks land vehicles. Helis and boats are fine. Even without _noOffRoad, driving offroad counts as a weird behaviour, just not an overt sign of hostility. Cheers for the feedback and glad you like it!