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Everything posted by Tethlah

  1. I don't want to break any rules, so I wont go into details or specifics, but basically I'm part of a community that's hosting a modded Arma 3 server. Problem is that we had a childish developer that we had to out mid development. So now I'm stuck without anyone who can develop our mission file and get the mods working. Anyway, if anyone is interested in helping us get on our feet and getting the server started, I'd appreciate it. We can work out compensation or whatever over a private conversation. Hopefully I'm not breaking any rules here, but this seemed like a good place to find some Arma 3 developers that can help us out. If you send me a message I'll get you in TS with us and you can let me know what you think. Thanks!
  2. I've tried a lot of stuff to fix this, nothing seems to work. When I run this script: call { private ["_diff", "_cfg", "_flags", "_res"]; _diff = []; _cfg = configFile >> "CfgDifficulties"; { _flags = _cfg >> configName _x >> "Flags"; for "_i" from 0 to count _flags - 1 do { _diff pushBack configName (_flags select _i); }; } forEach ("true" configClasses _cfg); _diff = _diff arrayIntersect _diff; _diff sort true; _res = text ""; { _res = composeText [_res, parseText format [ "<t align='left'>%1 - %2</t>", _x, [0, 1] select difficultyEnabled _x ], lineBreak]; } forEach _diff; hint _res; }; It does return the values that are currently being used on the server. So using that, i added this to our cfg thinking it would fix it. class Missions { class Lakeside { template = "UrbanRP.LakesideValley"; difficulty = "Veteran"; }; }; class CfgDifficulties { class Veteran { class Flags { hud = 0; hudGroupInfo = 0; weaponCursor = 0; }; }; }; However, cursor is still there, the octagon around players are still there... nothing is defining properly. I tried using Difficulties, CfgDifficulties, CfgDifficultyPresets. For the flags I've tried both flags and options. I've also used all the combinations of them, but it seems like nothing works. I tried putting the difficulty flags in both description.ext and server.cfg I'm lost at this point, not a thing is working. According to that check script, the settings above should work, but it's not.
  3. I have a bunch of addons that are saying they can't find these A3_ addons. But aren't they just part of the Arma 3 installation? 19:13:03 Warning Message: Addon 'A3L_ObjectsOnSteroids' requires addon 'A3_Soft_F_Truck' 19:13:05 Warning Message: Addon 'asdg_jointrails_dmr01' requires addon 'A3_Weapons_F_EPA_LongRangeRifles_DMR_01' 19:13:05 Warning Message: Addon 'asdg_jointrails_ebr' requires addon 'A3_Weapons_F_EBR' 19:13:05 Warning Message: Addon 'asdg_jointrails_pdw2k' requires addon 'A3_Weapons_F_Pistols_PDW2000' 19:13:05 Warning Message: Addon 'asdg_jointrails_kriss' requires addon 'A3_Weapons_F_Rifles_Vector' 19:13:05 Warning Message: Addon 'asdg_jointrails_evo' requires addon 'a3_weapons_f_rifles_SMG_02' 19:13:05 Warning Message: Addon 'asdg_jointrails_xebr' requires addon 'A3_Weapons_F_EBR' 19:13:05 Warning Message: Addon 'cg_chairaccs' requires addon 'A3_Soft_F_Gamma_Offroad' 19:13:05 Warning Message: Addon 'JaKdo_AUT_SF_Headgear' requires addon 'A3_Weapons_F_Headgear' 19:13:05 Warning Message: Addon 'JaKdo_AUT_SF_Units' requires addon 'A3_Characters_F_INDEP' 19:13:05 Warning Message: Addon 'Saku_Keys_UI' requires addon 'A3_Weapons_F_EBR' 19:13:05 Warning Message: Addon 'task_force_radio_items' requires addon 'A3_Weapons_F_ItemHolders' 19:13:05 Warning Message: Addon 'cba_diagnostic' requires addon '3DEN' Why wouldn't they be able to find those, I thought they were classes built into Arma 3? Yes, I have run the update as admin, verified files, etc. I can't figure out why these won't load.
  4. Tethlah

    Enhanced Movement

    So yeah, still no menu... What do I need to do to get a menu to configure this thing? Now I'm getting an error saying script \babe_core\func\core\fn_init.sqf not found
  5. duh, the problem is with something they did with their updates that's causing issues with the addons.... I don't want to run a vanilla server. turns out it's because of changes in cfgpjatches. As usual, BIS changing the names of stuff that doens't need to be changed.
  6. You were able to get it to load? I get this: Warning Message: Addon 'task_force_radio_items' requires addon 'A3_Weapons_F_ItemHolders'
  7. I keep getting this error: But I have it defined in my .Arma3Profile Even if I wipe the profile and let the game write it, I still get the error. Here's my profile: version=1; blood=1; volumeCD=5; volumeFX=5; volumeSpeech=5; singleVoice=0; gamma=1; brightness=1; class CfgDifficultyPresets { defaultPreset = "Custom"; myArmorCoef = 1.5; groupArmorCoef = 1.5; fadeDistanceStart = 40.0; fadeDistanceSpan = 10.0; recoilCoef = 1; visionAidCoef = 0.8; divingLimitMultiplier = 1.0; animSpeedCoef = 0; cancelThreshold = 0; showCadetHints = 1; showCadetWP = 1; class Custom { displayName = "$STR_Difficulty_Custom"; optionDescription = "$STR_Difficulty_Custom_desc"; optionPicture = "\A3\Ui_f\data\Logos\arma3_white_ca.paa"; class Options { reducedDamage=0; groupIndicators=0; friendlyTags=0; enemyTags=0; detectedMines=0; commands=1; waypoints=1; weaponInfo=1; stanceIndicator=1; staminaBar=1; weaponCrosshair=0; visionAid=0; thirdPersonView=1; cameraShake=1; scoreTable=1; deathMessages=1; vonID=1; mapContent=0; autoReport=0; multipleSaves=0; }; }; }; Any ideas? Here is the rpt: 17:55:14 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgDifficultyPresets.fadeDistanceStart'. 17:55:18 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 17:55:18 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgDifficultyPresets.fadeDistanceSpan'. 17:55:18 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 17:55:18 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVideoOptions.PPColorPresets'. 17:55:18 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVideoOptions.PPBrightness'. 17:55:18 Warning Message: No entry '.minValue'. 17:55:18 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 17:55:18 Warning Message: No entry '.maxValue'. 17:55:18 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 17:55:18 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVideoOptions.PPContrast'. 17:55:18 Warning Message: No entry '.minValue'. 17:55:18 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 17:55:18 Warning Message: No entry '.maxValue'. 17:55:18 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 17:55:18 Warning Message: No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgVideoOptions.PPSaturation'. 17:55:18 Warning Message: No entry '.minValue'. 17:55:18 Warning Message: '/' is not a value 17:55:18 Warning Message: No entry '.maxValue'. 17:55:18 Warning Message: '/' is not a value
  8. Tethlah

    Enhanced Movement

    I'll be allowing it on our server if I can get the menu to come up so we can use it, it's on the server and on the client, but no menu to map the keys.
  9. Tethlah

    Enhanced Movement

    Is there something special I need to do to get the menu to set keybindings? For some reason when I hit esc there is no menu for bindings so I can't use the mod.
  10. I'm running a server for a community, and for the most part all administrative functions on the server can be done through a panel I wrote on the website. However, there are certain things that an approved admin can do in game. Due to the politics of the community, everyone who is a SR Admin and up has the ability to log in as admin while in game if needed. However, I want to make sure people are not abusing this. Is there any way to log any actions taken by someone who logs in as admin while on the server? So if someone decides they are going to give a buddy some extra cash using either debug console or some third party admin tool it'll log it, or if they spawn in a vehicle or some other item, etc?
  11. Assuming this is correct: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Difficulty_Overhaul https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Difficulty_Menu I've done everything as designed.
  12. here is the printout btw from that script
  13. I have a function on our server where players can get a loan, and once a day it'll pull 2% of the original loan value out of their bank account until the loan is paid off. We restart the server every 4 hours, so none of this can be stored in variables, it has to be stored on the server. My issue is that right now they get charged 2% every time they come into the game (the loan repay script is in the init for the player). So I want to add a check to see if they have made a payment that day when they log in. My thought was a simple conditional where when the script runs, it generates a unix timestamp. It then compares that timestamp against the player's last payment on the database, if it's been 24 hours then the script deducts the payment and then replaces the old timestamp with the new, if not, then it doesn't do anything. Problem is, SQF seems to be the only programming/scripting language I've come across where I can't figure out how to generate a unix timestamp. Is it even possible? Like I said, none of this can be dependent on variables stored on the server, so time outs, sleep timers, that sort of stuff wont help.
  14. Well like I said, the goal is to test the last 24 hours, so 86400 give or take 2 is ok with me. And like I said, the goal is to simply say if the script has ran in the last 24 real hours, don't run this time, but if it has not go ahead and run.
  15. I'm using mysql. I know everything is working where I can do the comparisons and read sfrom the database. at this point the only thing I need to do is figure out how to get a unix timestamp into the sqf script. I guess I could write a stored procedure in mysql that gets the current unix timestamp and returns it, then call it from the script as a variable, use it for comparisons and input it into the database if appropriate
  16. Tethlah

    ArmA 3 Custom Buildings

    Anyone know how to use the tonic script with these houses?
  17. I have mods that I signed using a new key to make sure only the stuff we want is on our server. When I test the signatures (v2) using DSUtils, it says the tests pass. I then upload the pbos and bisigns to the server, put the public key into the keys directory, and boot up. For some reason though, even though DSUtils say it passes, the server is kicking the pbo for having a wrong signature file. What gives?
  18. So just to check, even when I remove the a3 key and boot up the server, all the addons except a few show unknown next to them. Maybe that just has nothing to do with it and I don't know what I'm talking about (obviously lol)
  19. It's a windows server. But I can't remove the a3 key for arma3 because those arma addons will then kick the player. So I need both keys. Without signature checks, everything runs without a problem. But if I just put in the UrbanGaming Signatures, the players get kicked for the addons not being signed by our key. But if I have them both it looks like all the addons signed by UrbanGaming say uknown next to the addon when added.
  20. Well, the server rpt is too large, and the only instance is has of the server keys are these lines: 12:12:55 Signatures: 12:12:55 a3 12:12:55 UrbanGaming 12:12:55 encodedStream length: 188 12:12:55 encodedStream: ꯊaÊšµ¹œZGG/:Community Base Addons v2.2.0lp’*Jonzie VehiclesNlØUrban Gaming Community Packµµ2À@AllInArmaDataTerrainPacknVÇ @Lakesidea3UrbanGaming 12:12:55 parts size:2) 12:12:55 part(127): ꯊaÊšµ¹œZGG/:Community Base Addons v2.2.0lp’*Jonzie VehiclesNlØUrban Gaming Community Packµµ2À 12:12:55 part(61): @AllInArmaDataTerrainPacknVÇ @Lakesidea3UrbanGaming Here is the part where the RPT shows the loading of the addons on the server: http://pastebin.com/uw9vJf7G The name of the keys are a3 (the arma bikey) and UrbanGaming (the one we used for all our modfiles). Clientside RPT: http://pastebin.com/vTngLqdi The console output when I try to join: http://pastebin.com/sjvZwgyE On my computer. The steps I took was to create the private key using DSUtils. I then used the private key to sign all the mod pbos using dsutils. I checked signatures in DSUtils and it showed all signatures checked. On the server. I uploaded the public bikey to the key's folder where the a3 bikey already sat. I uploaded the bisigns to sit alongside the pbos in the addons directories. I enabled verifySignatures = 0; in the config. I boot up the server and client. Server kicks me off with the messages shown above in the console.
  21. So we have a dev that left and he created our mission file in XCam. Looking at the sqf in the mission directory, it looks just like the test project I created in XCam. Does anyone know if I can directly import the sqf into XCam and edit it as a project? We have an interesting issue where if I start the server with the mission, there is some stuff that randomly pops up throughout the map that was supposedly deleted. When I load the exact same mission file with all the same mods on my computer locally and go into 2d editor and start a preview, those objects are all gone. When on the server I can't seem to actually edit anything in XCam, my guess is because the mission is loaded and I don't have a project file. So can I somehow take this sqf and load it into xcam on my computer and edit it that way? Just to illustrate, here's the first 200 lines of the sqf, you can see there's tons of XCam stuff in there: http://pastebin.com/j3ygWQYy
  22. I found another post dealing with this, but it doesn't seem to pertain to me at all. So now I'm looking for answers. I have a map that was created/edited using XCam. For some reason, when I load the mission locally on my machine and preview it, everything looks exactly how it's supposed to be. However, if I load it up on the server, there are objects from the old map the original dev on this project used before removing them. As an example, the original map had a jail with a wall entry, he removed that wall and placed another further out and added a gate to create a sally port. The old door would have been right in the middle of this port, but in preview it's not there (like it supposed to be) but for some reason in multiplayer the old door is still there. I went through the SQF in the mission, there is only one mention of the object class even in it, and that's the mention for the new wall. I don't get what could be causing this, everything is the same files between the preview and the multiplayer mission, why would they be different?
  23. So another thing, like I said, everything works the way it's supposed to in preview, but not when in multiplayer. I found a post (https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/141142-sqf-script-working-in-preview-but-not-in-multiplayer/) that talks about hideObject, but that doesn't seem to apply here.
  24. Yeah, like this thread lol
  25. Tethlah


    Considering I'm just getting starting in Arma Development, I'm sure this will be useful.