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Insane Ruffles

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About Insane Ruffles

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  1. Insane Ruffles

    Hosting multiplayer won't work any more.

    I have tried it without any addons. Same thing happens.
  2. Insane Ruffles

    Hosting multiplayer won't work any more.

    I am having the same problem, though my problem seems to have occurred after the last couple of updates. Server was perfectly fine before then.
  3. Insane Ruffles

    Arma 3 fps bug?

    I upgraded my GFX card recently and had no improvement in FPS. Sometime I have drops in FPS as well. It seems to be mostly CPU bound.
  4. Insane Ruffles

    Zeus Player Slot Issues

    Is there anyway I can make a new thread as a new user? I am also having problems with editing a zeus mission, but for me it is player slots. Setting a unit to playable in my mission doesnt fix it. When I start my server up, there is only a zeus slot and that's it.