Had to make a new account since you have to sign up with email instead of username now.
Thanks for improving Enhanced Movement Bad Benson! I had a quick (solo) spin with it and it's really freshing to play with.
I noticed that there were some windows were you could hop through eventhough the glass was still intact. Happens with some small houses and shacs.
Examples: (Altis)
player setPosASL [9012,12025.5,26.2203]; player setDir 14.5845;
player setPosASL [9298.44,11883.5,15.9394]; player setDir 111.726;
If only windows could be stealthyly opened, always hate to give away my position by shooting the window before firing my UGL.
I haven't tried coop climbing yet so I don't know if there is any gesture the players can give to indicate they want to get a hand?
That would be welcome for when radio silence is necessary.
The mission variables were a good idea, hope the mods gets allowed into more servers now, can't wait to do some pvp with this.