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Everything posted by vafana

  1. Thanks for the great release, I appreciate your work. At first glance at the map, I found a place with buildings that overlap at these coordinates [3788.9,11100.5,0].
  2. Is there any fix for the game crash on startup whit: ''Exception: Access violation. Illegal write by 0x0 at 0x0''? I reinstalled the game yesterday, same error, uninstalled and reinstalled today with the same result, updated gpu driver, checked file integrity as well. I sent the report, but from what I understand from some comments on Steam or Reddit, it's an error that persisted from last year. Does anyone know a solution?
  3. Yeah, it was a surprise for me too, I entered two sessions in the same way, I tried another way but it doesn't work.
  4. I found that the only way the game doesn't crash is to first open Steam with these parameters: -silent -nochatui -nofriendsui -console -no-browser then open the game from the desktop shortcut. If I click to open the game first from the same shortcut (and automatically Steam as a result), the game crashes every time.
  5. Yes, I tried the normal version twice, then the experimental version. I specified this in the ticket opened in feedback tracker. The BIOS is updated before installing the game, that is, on the day it was released, the game worked normally for a few months until I uninstalled it. It has nothing to do with the BIOS. I will have to wait to be resolved through the open ticket on the tracker, personally I have tried everything I found on the internet regarding the error for a game I paid for.
  6. Hi, I did everything you mentioned.
  7. Hi, thanks for the reply. The problem is that for more than a year the game worked without problems, then I uninstalled it and reinstalled it again after about two months and since then I haven't been able to start the game, every time the same crash. I made a ticket on the feedback site with the crash files attached. I will do a memory check though. Edit: I did a memory check, there are no problems with them.
  8. Hi, That would mean that I would have problems with other games as well, which does not happen.
  9. vafana

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Well, from what I have tested so far, it spoils things in Pilgrimage, for example the helicopter no longer takes off, it stays on the airfield with the engine running, the revive system spoils almost all the beauty of the game in SP, I tried to disable it by adding to the mission the module provided by CDLC, no success, CDLC has auto-implemented AI system that breaks some things, eg. body markers no longer appear, etc. I haven't tested much, but there are already many problems, the craziest being that the eastern faction does not exist, only the western and independent one. Out of curiosity, I've changed the units on the Altis map for now, including the plane instead of the helicopter, I'm curious if the plane will take off. On the Normandy map it's a real mess, around strongholds and airports, all the bushes have loot crates. edit: Surprisingly, the plane took off.
  10. vafana

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    I have already made a port, for now as a test, without assets from CDLC, this is because I don't like certain things about this CDLC, and Pilgrimage behaves strangely on Normandy map, then the map optimization is very weak for now. So, at this stage, it's not worth it for me. However, I would like to do some tests on the Altis version (or another map), in the sense of changing assets with those from CDLC, from what I understand, some modules are needed to disable the things that make Pilgrimage not work as it should. I will see.
  11. Is there any way to disable revive system in SP?
  12. vafana

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    I have already tried it for the Normandy map, it works perfectly; of course, at first I changed the name of the map from .Altis to .SPE Normandy, I placed the folder in Documents/Arma3/Missions and opened in the editor on the specific map, I selected from the menu which coordinates I wanted and they appeared in the RPT after a few minutes. Simple and effective.
  13. vafana

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    I think so, but the mission you provided is much more efficient, especially since it also includes crossroads. Thank you very much.
  14. vafana

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Thank you very much, I really appreciate it!
  15. vafana

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    There is a code for this, @Rydygier posted a link that goes to a previous post, but I can't find the code there...
  16. vafana

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    I think it's a little different, the script that identifies the coordinates of crossroads has certain conditions applied, for example the distance between crossroads and objects, or the intersection of two roads, etc. I don't think it works only by a simple substitution of classnames. RYD_AllCross = { startloadingscreen ["Pilgrimage","RscDisplayLoadCustom"]; _mapSize = getNumber (configFile >> "CfgWorlds" >> worldName >> "mapSize"); _rds = _mapSize/2; _mapC = [_rds,_rds]; diag_log format ["mapS: %1",_mapC]; _nR = _mapC nearRoads (_rds * 1.42); _nC = nearestLocations [_mapC, ["NameCityCapital","NameCity","NameVillage"],_rds * 1.42]; _crossr = []; _cnt = count _nR; diag_log format ["cntNR: %1",_cnt]; { _con = count (roadsConnectedTo _x); if (_con > 2) then { _pos = getPosATL _x; _pos resize 2; _tooClose = false; { if (_pos in _x) exitWith {_tooClose = true}; if ((_pos distance _x) < 500) exitWith {_tooClose = true}; _nBuilding = nearestBuilding _pos; if ((_pos distance _nBuilding) < 50) exitWith {_tooClose = true}; } foreach _nC; if not (_tooClose) then { _pos set [2,0]; _crossr set [(count _crossr),_pos] } }; progressLoadingScreen ((_foreachIndex + 1)/_cnt) } foreach _nR; { _i = "cMark_" + (str _x); _i = createMarker [_i,_x]; _i setMarkerColor "colorOrange"; _i setMarkerShape "ICON"; _i setMarkerType "mil_box"; _i setMarkerSize [0.6,0.6]; diag_log format ["%1",_x] } foreach _crossr; diag_log format ["amount: %1",count _crossr]; endLoadingScreen; hint format ["done: %1",_cnt]; };
  17. vafana

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Hi @Rydygier, I have a question. As far as I remember, you posted (although now I can't find it) a script with which the coordinates of the "Holy Places" can be found on a specific map in order to port the mission. I would be grateful if you could repost the script, if it exists. I have the impression that at some point I had it, together with the script with the coordinates of the crossroads that I still have, but maybe I'm wrong.. Thank you in advance.
  18. vafana

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    I have the script for finding the coordinates of the crossroads; as far as I know @Rydygier posted a script with which you can find the coordinates of specific buildings on the map, in this case, chapels, churches. Maybe I'm wrong, but at one point it seems to me that I had both, because I ported this mission on a dozen maps. I will ask in the original topic of the mission.
  19. vafana

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    I am interested in replacing the helicopter with a fighter plane, well, in this CDLC there is only one fighter plane, there is no plane for paratroopers, and I thought of using it instead of a helicopter.
  20. vafana

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Thanks for the response, but it's about something else, maybe I didn't make myself understood, but it's about the script that identifies the coordinates of the "Holy Places" on the map.
  21. vafana

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    I was thinking of making a Pilgrimage port for the Normandy map and even replacing the units; I was wondering if it is possible to replace the helicopters with planes... not sure if it will work. But a regular port is not difficult to do.
  22. vafana

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Anyone have the code for marking coordinates for "Holy Places"? I unfortunately lost it...
  23. vafana

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    I will try the stable version, thanks a lot for the reply.
  24. vafana

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    Realistic. It is version "Pilgrimage 1.95" Arma 3 dev branch. It's my mistake in the post above when I copied the text, it's actually [_stuff,_am] in both instances, sorry for the confusion. Oh, so it's from the vehicle decaching code, interesting, because it appears in areas where I approach buildings with loot, I don't know if it has anything to do with it, but that's what I've noticed, and also the fact that it also happens with other versions of Pilgrimage on several maps other than Altis, ex: Livonia, Malden, Roche, Sumava, all of which are ports. I tend to think that if no one else has the error and is using the A3 dev branch, maybe it's because of some mod.
  25. vafana

    [SP] Pilgrimage

    After some time I tried to play '' Pilgrimage '' again, but I get this error in any map I would try, during the game, when I approach buildings that have a loot. '...ineCargo [_stuff,_am]]: Case (2) : [_vh /#/addItemCargo [_stuff,_am]] } } foreach (...' Error Type Array, expected String Anyone had the error?