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Everything posted by vafana

  1. Yes, with LAMBS RPG mod.
  2. Hi @nkenny After the last update I have this error, every time I shoot with an RPG32: '...["","","","","","","_sh"]; private _p - /#/getpos _sh; _p params ["_px","_py","pz"...' Error getpos: Type String, expected Object,Location I'm not sure if it's related to you mode, but before this update I didn't have this error.
  3. Hi @nkenny I have this error popping up during gameplay "...dangerMode select 1) select 1; [_this,/#/_target] call lambs_danger_fnc_shareInfo..." Error Undefined Variable in expression : _target
  4. @nkenny This is very impressive, especially suppressing fire carried by the vehicle, this is something new in the Arma they usually only shot if you were in their sight. Thank you, great work!
  5. It is not a mod, it's a function in a mission. Pilgrimage
  6. It happened to me again, the same conditions, an AAF group calls reinforcement, a Spetsnaz group responds, I manage to eliminate everyone, only one unit Spetsnaz AT surrenders, regardless of whether I release or eliminate it, the error immediately appears and no longer disappears from the screen. I noticed that the AT unit takes command and calls for reinforcement again, while surrendering.
  7. @0Y0 Hi, I like your mod, it adds a lot of immersion to the game, but in one of the missions (Pilgrimage) which uses a system of selling inventory of a dead body, after an enemy is killed, this function no longer works, ie disappears from the menu, and it only happens when I use this mod.
  8. No, only once, I use GLX from the beginning, but since then it has not appeared again. Maybe is not really a problem, maybe I'm just "lucky".
  9. Yes, I made some changes in GLX_AI.sqf I was engaging a group of enemies that were in a vehicle, at the same time another group spotted me from another direction (4 enemies), I managed to eliminate the group from the vehicle, then 3 from the second group, and one of them surrendered, when fight ended, the error appeared on the screen and did not disappear. Mission Pilgrimage Livonia https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/208892-pilgrimage-ported/?do=findComment&comment=3363345
  10. First of all, impressive work, thank you. I wonder if it is possible for you to include in "LAMBS RPG7" the RPG-42, MAAWS, PCML, because I think that they can be used in the same way as RPG7.
  11. @snkman Hi, I love your work, I have been using GLX for some time already, but now during a mission, this error occurred to me and no longer disappears from the screen: '...ic getvariable "GLX_Time"); it (time > /#/ then [ _return - True; } else [ i...` Error Undefined variable in expresion: _time
  12. vafana

    Pilgrimage Ported Variations

    Of course, this is not difficult, but I wanted to know for sure, maybe he omitted this dependency, because in the description he says that "Contact uniforms at mission start".
  13. vafana

    Pilgrimage Ported Variations

    I have this mod, but because it creates some problems, I haven't used it for a while.
  14. vafana

    Pilgrimage Ported Variations

    @rsoftokz "Unlocked uniform" is required? When launching the mission I get the error that the file "Unlocked uniform" is missing.
  15. vafana

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    A new update for Livonia port, with some minor fixes after DLC release, and some "holy places" added, link above.
  16. Yes indeed, at first I thought it is pigs squeal.
  17. It's not about soundscape of the map, the sounds I'm talking about can only be reproduced in the villages along with the rain and a very cloudy sky; try in the editor, a unit into a village (Radacz for example), rain, cloudy sky 100%, and you will understand what I'm talking about.
  18. They are coming..... Strange sounds in all villages of the Livonia. Place a unit in the editor together with cloudy weather and rain in any village, maybe it has been deliberately implemented (or is a bug) since the map was released, but I have just noticed.
  19. Descending the ladder of this structure "Land_Radar_01_cooler_F", will make you end up at the back of the ladder.
  20. configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_R_F" >> "SpecOps" >> "O_T_InfTeam" I found this in class names, is it intentional? O_T_InfTeam
  21. vafana

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    Pilgrimage Livonia 1.95C Some minor fixes after DLC release Contact DLC it's needed. A new version with a few adjustments: Added some Holy places; After the last dev branch update, added LDF static weapons in LDF checkpoints; Added LDF Mk6 mortar; Starting points in all 4 cardinal points of the map, with car. new version link: Pilgrimage Livonia
  22. vafana

    Pilgrimage - Ported

    @alky_lee I made a port for Kujari map: Terrains CUP is needed. Starting points are in the west, south and east, on a river crossing the map. Download link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1b0YAxBFaT7apIdIV6DaIxgIdOwky11JS/view
  23. vafana

    Arma 3 still a popular title

    Apparently ArmA 2 is just as popular, because images from ArmA 2 Operation Arrowhead's map Takistan, is used in a promo video of a new tank produced by the Israeli:
  24. vafana

    What was your Gateway Arma?

    From Delta Force to ArmA1 in 2007; I was amazed by the game, however at first was very frustrating, dying every 2 or 3 minutes not knowing from where the enemy is shooting... I uninstalled it, then after a while I installed it again and.... since then the ArmA series has not been uninstalled from my PC. Another game did not have this honor .