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Everything posted by Kryptongame

  1. Kryptongame

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    That sounds like it could be a cause for the awful FPS just about every game mode gets? Lol I hope not that's silly if so.
  2. Kryptongame

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    It's weird nonetheless. One flaw to lower settings is that Windows and towers simply don't render unless i zoom in to them. It's like a lose lose either way.
  3. Kryptongame

    Release Candidate Branch Discussion

    The 14th day of RC is tommorrow....might we see it pushed to stable soon??!?
  4. Kryptongame

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    I have NEVER seen this halpen..what are you object and texture settings? Tried tweaking those? I put just about every setting to low but I have never seen this even when sniping far.
  5. Kryptongame

    Duel Install

    What I did is copy my stable install folder to a new location on my C drive...then isn't all dev branch using steam. To play default arma you have to go to the copy you made and open the launcher.
  6. Kryptongame

    RC 1.54 (Nexus Update) testing - feedback

    It's better in my opinion then fatigues. That's why
  7. Kryptongame

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    To be honest, the Blood hits are a good blend between casual and simulator to me. You obviously see the blood, but it's kinda where you hit in a most pattern...not totally realistc, but better than a white cross on your screen.
  8. Kryptongame

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    I,think he meant will servers even enable stamina now, or will they keep it disabled/unlimited like current.
  9. Kryptongame

    RC 1.54 (Nexus Update) testing - feedback

    This is actually very false. The main stream players decided that based on their playstyle, they don't want to have to manage the fatigue or stamina, and enjoy the game more, not having to. It seems a few people around here have elitist opinions to their hardcore playstyles. Fortunately catering to the biggest playerbase, and THEN providing tools for hardcore players is a very successoul strategy by game developers, and I'm glad bohemia is choosing to use that method, instead of being pressured by the forum users who primarily, seem to be people more infested in hardcore simulation based gamemodes rather than what average players play.
  10. Kryptongame

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    33% faster is a +1 from me and my casual standpoint.
  11. Kryptongame

    RC 1.54 (Nexus Update) testing - feedback

    Unfortunately, the new weapon inertia and sway when turning, along with stamina are very ridiculous to me.
  12. Kryptongame

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    I noticed if I open the arma3.exe it'll crash with some geometry dx11 error. Launcher works fine though.
  13. Hey guys, I'm just wondering if anyone knows, or how I can test, if Blufor and OPfor get more overall health than Civillian in the stable build. Dev branch says it is redoing class based damage, and blufor and OPfor and civillian are all Considered classses. Does anyone know if I shoot an unarmored opfor, and unarmored blufor, and an unarmored civillian in stable build, will blufor or OPfor have more health total than civillian?
  14. Kryptongame

    Does Team/Class based damage differ?

    He just said while they have 100 hp, they suffer different amounts of damage, no? He didn't clarify if the armor or the class type was what he was referring to reducing damage. If you wear a vest, that shouldn't protect getting shot in head also.
  15. Kryptongame

    Does Team/Class based damage differ?

    So do blufor have more resistance to damage then Civillian? Meaning, might a 9mm to torso do 50 damage to civillian while only doing 42 damage to blufor? (Assuming both are naked)
  16. Kryptongame

    Does Team/Class based damage differ?

    I'm talking about the unit thrmselves, considering they wereally all naked without armor
  17. Kryptongame

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    To be honest I agree the old system with the new hitboxes, fall damage, etc is what is needed. Or at least give us back the low sway and faster regeneration that was present 2 weeks ago in dev branch. Current stable fatigue with better hitboxes and whatever would probably be an improvement over stamina. I literally see no correlation between stamina bar and actually being fully rested...so what's the point of the stamina bar besides jsut sprint?? More confusion issues than begote, I'm so confused really.
  18. Kryptongame

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Their goals for this update were to make the system more casual and enjoyable....but this is the complete opposite!!! I'm so confused honestly.
  19. Kryptongame

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    To be honest right now the DEV branch is unplayable. Using mk18, if I sprint at all, the sway is severe and IMPOSSIBLE to steady. If I let stamina fill fully, and crouch, the SWAY REMAINS. How do you expect players to like having 2x sway compared to fatigue? Come on....
  20. Kryptongame

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Yeah hopefully with new hitboxes we will get consistent kills with 6.5mm, instead of having to hit someone 4 or 5 times to kill them (it may take 4 shots IRL, but it's going to knock them down before that definitely)
  21. Kryptongame

    Audio Tweaking (dev branch)

    Exactly my thought...that is why I feel being able to detect it would be realistic compared to not seeing it one bit.
  22. Kryptongame

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Yeah if you can point me to any I'd give them a go. I'm still interested to test this in a multi-player environment, since that map I use is quite dated and I have no idea what configs and such are really being used.
  23. Kryptongame

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    The blood splatter comes out of his head, so I hit something without a doubt.
  24. Kryptongame

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Why would the bullet graze the face if I'm shooting into his face and it happens consistently.
  25. Kryptongame

    General Discussion (dev branch)

    Headshot fail like 4 times here