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About tnbranko

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  1. tnbranko

    ARMA3 and Opentrack

    Hi all, I'm necroing this thread because of the ridiculous restrictions on new accounts (not allowed to make a new thread). I've had OpenTrack working in Arma 3 for a long time. I stopped playing for a few months and now that I've come back, I'm having one issue - I am unable to interact with the OpenTrack client when in Arma 3. By this I mean that I cannot center the view or zero or anything like that. I've always been able to do this before and I can still do this in every other game that I have (which supports head tracking, of course). Does anyone know how I can fix this? Anyone else having similar problems? I'm hesitant to uninstall it or mess with the Arma settings, given how much of a pain it can be to get anything working with Arma 3. I have tried making a new Arma 3 profile, which did not help. I'd really like to make a new topic about this (hopefully get more views), but for now this is the best I can do. Edit: Someone on OpenTrack's site helped me. If anyone else has this problem, you need to make sure both Arma 3 and OpenTrack are NOT running as admin. For me, that meant changing the properties of the Arma 3 .exe (right click on the .exe, go "Compatibility" and then uncheck "Run as admin"). Works fine now.