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  1. 1. yeah this would be possible, but i just can use 2d editor in my case and this was my emergency plan to write down all house sizes(or set sized triggers) 2. THANKS! i read so many of these wiki articles but couldn't find any help in these but there is really one where is in building is described! https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/lineIntersectsSurfaces thx to killzone kid , he wrote a example for inhouse check!! KK_fnc_inHouse = { lineIntersectsSurfaces [ getPosWorld _this, getPosWorld _this vectorAdd [0, 0, 50], _this, objNull, true, 1, "GEOM", "NONE" ] select 0 params ["","","","_house"]; if (_house isKindOf "House") exitWith {true}; false }; onEachFrame {hintSilent str (player call KK_fnc_inHouse)};
  2. ah! so its more a visual reveal instead of getting info what is on the cursorTarget!?
  3. hello there, I am currently trying with cursorTargets/objects and found this: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/reveal Example 2: player reveal cursorTarget; //player receives information about the object below its cursor seems not to work anymore, i get no error, but also no value here?
  4. you ever thought about adding something like this nativ to the Arma editor? would love to have some editor ingame where i can read alot of code easily, write alot code easily and more over copy code which is not just one long line...
  5. Hello there, I am currently trying to get a function which can say if someone is in a building(in a object) i have tried using bis_fnc_insideArea and filling it with values calculated by Boundingbox/boundingboxreal. the problem here is that these both are working, but on some objects even real boxes are like 5 meters from its wall... using(http://killzonekid.com/arma-3-bounding-box-utility/ ) (green one is real , blue normal) Is there any way to get better values or is there already a inside function which im just not seeing?! the problematic with these inaccurate values is when I do something like climbing if a players near to a wall, he will be able to climb too far away)
  6. no for real - I use cursorTarget, or better say Exile uses it. and it works pretty seamless on different kind of objects, like houses, hbarriers, etc. I just came across the difficulty to do the same with fences, walls and stuff that like dscha said has no config entry. but your changes made it more clearly! i can use now like _model = getModelInfo cursorObject select 0; hint str _model and got the thing i want :) tested snippet: _model = getModelInfo cursorObject select 0; _Target = "cinderblocks_f.p3d"; if(_Target == _model) then { hint str "yeah"} But... for some reason i can't do on TerrainObjects cursorObject addAction ["cTerrain", hint str "1"] while on createdVehicles cursorTarget addAction ["cTVeh", hint str "2"] cursorObject addAction ["cTObj", hint str "3"] works
  7. ah nice thx! gotta try this later when im at home but why does bi wiki say then i can go and make typeof cursorObject i thought cursorObject got introduced to make a handle for terrainobjects?! i mean for everything except terrainobjects i could use cursorTarget lets say i want a house i could go and make _target = cursorObject (Or use here cursorTarget, doesnt matter);_cin = "Land_u_Addon_02_V1_F";if(_target isKindOf _cin) then { hint str "got it"} and this will work.. what you are doing is something like splitting strings if i got it correct? is there also any way to add a config entry manually? cause I got the target = cursorObject fixed in a piece of code(using here exile framework)
  8. ok.. but howto check if a object is like the cursorobject then? i got something like target = "Land_Cinderblocks_F" and now i want something like if (target == cursorObject) ...addaction .."take it"...and then spawn some cinderblocks on playerspos this is working for objects like houses etc that are already accessible via cursorTarget, there i get the class back even with cursorObject but i just dont get any class back when using cursorobject on this
  9. gotta pick this up here... bi wiki says: hint typeof cursorObject; but it does not return a class for objects like for example cinderblocks_f (terrain objects) its working for things that can be already accessed via cursorTarget, but for those who have null object at cursorTarget, its not return anything here.
  10. hieve

    DSS: The Mod

    Any way to get this to work? Singleplayer: Having the same issue as described before, DSS Logo is not disappearing but you can hear footsteps etc. Multiplayer: Seems not to load any of the modules - no loading loot , etc. , Tried Steam Version and Armaholic Version. Same problem. OT: I had once a script that should black out and black in the screen - it worked with a rate of 75% - script was correct but sometimes it didnt black in...