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Everything posted by Blackheart_Six

  1. Blackheart_Six

    Reforger Task System

    The new Dynamic Despawn/Spawn is great to saving resources. Takes a little bit to figure out the hierarchy of it.
  2. Blackheart_Six

    Reforger Task System

    The NightOps Framework was fantastic. Unfortunately, like many mods, they are out of date and not working. Hoping these guys get the band back together and cut another album. For task chaining already done in the scenario framework examples in world editor. In world editor.... Load World then drill down to Arma Reforger>worlds>ScenarioFramework>Samples>SF-Sample-FinishTaskToCreateTask.ent
  3. Blackheart_Six


    ASYMMETRIC WARFARE - EVERON III version 1.3 The next iteration of Asymmetric Warfare for Arma Reforger Version 1.0 (Air Assault) release. Scenario Overview FIA wants to join the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO). They have overthrown the democratically elected government of Everon. CSTO Forces have deployed to the country to provide defenses for FIA. Under UN Resolution UNR-837363, use of force has been authorized to remove CSTO units, and restore the government prior to it's overthrow. Scenario Features - Randomized start points - Randomized tasks - Air assault insertions - NO SPAWN POINTS at the AO - 4-man Fire Teams - Dedicated Air Support Team (SOAR) - Dedicated Command Element - Custom call signs and frequencies Scenario Operations You will start operations from a remote FOB on one of the outer islands. Capture a randomly selected base to setup Vehicle Depots. A set of tasks will be issued to complete. Some tasks will require wheeled vehicle transportation. Complete all 3 tasks and then move to Exfiltration Point on the Island of Argent.
  4. Good lord dude, post your log as spoiler. And try to post the section that applies to your issue. I am not even going to start to read that whole thing.
  5. Blackheart_Six


    I've been working in experimental mode for the past 3 weeks, and it looks like we will be moving back to production very soon.On or about November 16th. If you haven't read the announcement for modders update, they will delist every mod on the workshop. This is great news as we have pages and pages of broken mods. If may get some guys off their ass to update the mods now. I will review and update as fast as possible all my mods to get everyone up and running. Surprisingly there are 5 servers currently running Asymmetric Warfare missions. I am kind of taken back by that. Everon 1 will be first to evaluated, then Everon 2, then Everon 3. 3 will not be ready for prime time by the time 1.0 hits. Also AR 670-1 needs updating but that will be dependent on other mods.
  6. Blackheart_Six

    World Editor Play Button Greyed Out

    Do you own the game?
  7. Blackheart_Six

    Creating bundle finished with warnings

    Just for the record... https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_Reforger:Mod_Publishing_Process From the wiki on the this issue. Sound map/Topology map/Navmesh is missing DEFAULT (W): Sound map is missing DEFAULT (W): Topology map is missing DEFAULT (W): Navmesh is missing This issue can be ignored if the published mod is not a terrain. Otherwise, make sure the terrain has all the listed things - see 2D Map Creation and Navmesh Tutorial.
  8. Blackheart_Six

    RHS: Status Quo

    FEEDBACK: Sorry but I am not going to sign up for another account on github. Way too many as is. Version: RHS - Status Quo v0.6.1499 Experimental Branch Situation: I created a mod "Asymmetric Warfare AR 670-1", and was adding one ECH helmet, and one NVG to the US Arsenal via "US_InventoryItems.conf". During testing in local host it worked great. Moving to dedicated server it gave the following error. 05:57:08.663 rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 05:57:08.663 RPL (E): IReplication::JIPError: Inconsistent item table on Slave connection. Item is missing or different item was loaded in its place. (con=0x0) 05:57:08.704 rpl::Pip::ProcessNetToGame 05:57:08.704 RPL (E): IReplication::JIPError: Terminating connection. (identity=0x00000000) 05:57:08.705 DEFAULT : BattlEye Server: Disconnect player identity=0x00000000 05:57:08.705 DEFAULT : BattlEye Server: 'Player #0 Blackheart_Six disconnected' 05:57:08.712 NETWORK : Player disconnected: connectionID=0 I disabled the NVGs, and left the helmet enabled. No issue. I reversed the enable/disable, and got the same error on the NVGs. I duplicated the prefab, and found the RplComponent of the NVG was set to none. I change to Runtime based on other items of the arsenal, IE Weapons, Attachments, etc. Republished the mod, and tested on the dedicated server. The error cleared. FIXED
  9. Blackheart_Six

    Dynamic Despawn/Respawn

    THANK YOU BI! You listened. In the current experimental version they have implemented a "Dynamic Despawn" for each level, Area, Layer, and slot. Works really well so far. Very fast on the despawn action. Still testing and learning setups. I'll post more as I work with it. Also the wiki for scenario framework has been updated and expanded. Lots of good information in there.
  10. You can create a vehicle depot to launch wheeled or rotary wing assets in the scenario framework game mode without game master. This tutorial will cover creating a US Depot to create UH1H helicopters. A. Create an override of the US_Vehicles.conf 1. Search for "US_Vehicles.conf" and create an override file. 2. Open the .conf. It lists all the vehicles for US side. Expand the UH1H.et. 3. Expand the "Entity Data List". You can change the supply cost to 0, and change the minimum rank required here. B. Setup the gamemode entity. 1. Place the "gamemode_plain.et" in the world. 2. In the top component, "SCR_BaseGameMode", expand the sub-section called "Unsorted". 3. Change the "Player Controller Prefab" to "DefaultPlayerControllerMP_Factions.et". Now you have several different options to create the depot. This involves placing in the world a vehicle maintenance point or a helipad (Helipad_L_US_01.et). All the components mentioned below are in these compositions. Just make sure you have the slot type size selected in the .conf settings. Or you can do it another way which I will cover here. C. Setup the Depot in the world. 1. In resource browser search for "EntitySpawnerSlot_Vehicle_Large.et", and place it in the world. 2. In resource browser search for "VehicleService_US_Large.et", and place it in the world near the step 1 entity. You may need to adjust positions after spawning in first vehicle. 3. Spawn in the game, and move to the "Vehicle Service Sign", and deploy the UH1H helicopter. That's it. The key thing is setting the "Player Controller Prefab as in step B3 above. You can use other GameMode entities as well.
  11. Blackheart_Six

    Scenario creation

    Hi @Black_Ice931 Let me help you. First.... Which game mode are you placing in the world? IE GameMode_Plain.et Second.... What type of scenario are you trying to create? I suggest you work with scenario framework. It's easy to use. FYI... Most of the YouTube videos are over 18 months old, and ALOT has changed.
  12. Blackheart_Six

    General Discussion (Experimental)

    FEEDBACK: Logistics System It seems to be coming overly complicated. Sometimes the simpler the better. 1. Arsenals don't work as current version. 2. Required to have arsenal inside a cache entity. I don't know if this is intentional or not. Here is reality... 1. Small arms weapons are issued with magazines that are empty, not full. 2. Ammunition comes in crates that are full, not empty. Normally with some kind of Bandoleer of ammunition with speed loader. And individual bullets are on strip clips that can be loaded 10 at a time. 3. Medical supplies are not in a metal box, the squad combat life saver was issued what was called a "Combat Life Saver bag" from the medical company. 4. I shouldn't have to load crates with supplies, the are issued full. BI should make... 1. Supply points issue full crates. 2. Players can pick up crates and move them. 3. Players can place crates on ground or load them into vehicles. Just look at R3F Logistics for ARMA III. They had the go to system.
  13. Blackheart_Six


    Asymmetric Warfare - Everon I v1.0.18 Rating 100% Version 1.0.18 Game Version Version size 1.29 MB Created 01.08.2023 Last Modified 15.10.2023 ID 5E02D126732C5D41 This will be one of the last updates of this mod prior to release of ARMA Reforger 1.0. Task spawn points are fixed. Tested on DS. Reworked mounted patrol tasks, and task selection for urban areas. NOTE: There maybe no notification of task complete. Bugged in this version. Wait for new move task. Created 14 patrol areas across island, with random patrol groups spawned based on player count. Recommended Mods: AsyWarGrp AR 670-1, AttachmentsCompatibility, CRX Enfusion A.I., CEN - Carrier System, GM Persistent Loadouts, MAAWSArsenalFix, M3 MAAWS - Carl Gustaf, Modern RU, "RHS - Status Quo, RIS Laser Attachments, Task Force Mattock Weapons, Server Admin Tools, Suppressors, Vergys Military Gear
  14. Blackheart_Six


    @Hud Dorph I am currently out of the country I’ll check it out ASAP. work around is drop spawns with GM.
  15. Blackheart_Six

    Custom Conflict mode

    @reaper lok Start here … https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Arma_Reforger/Modding
  16. Blackheart_Six


    @x-calibre You can add any mods by adding the mod to the server. I don't add mods to the mission unless absolutely necessary for the mission. I.E. CRX AI mod needs to loaded with the mission. You can also make your own mission using mine as base, then add vehicle mods there. That is a bit more complicated, but it can be done. You need to know how to use the workbench. As for weapons not showing up in the arsenal... Research the mod on the web workshop first. If the weapon hasn't been updated to version, then it MAY not work at all. All of riverX weapons are not updated, and only work with "Fix" mods added to them. A couple of modders have created fixes for other mods to show up. I test all my production server mods first in local GM mode, then local host mode, then move then to a dedicated test server, then to my production server. Sounds like a long process but it's not, and saves time in end.
  17. Blackheart_Six


    @Hud Dorph Glad to hear. I am doing a complete rework of the mission. I am going to use move tasks to randomly move along the road system, triggering tasks along the way.
  18. Blackheart_Six


    @Hud Dorph Are you using other mods? Since you are playing on a dedi, can you try it with just the mission loaded. CRX AI is the only mod required. I'll put it up on my test server and try to recreate as well. Thanks for the feedback. Helps with QAQC.
  19. Blackheart_Six


    Fixed. Please let me know if you still have an issue.
  20. Blackheart_Six


    I've brought back the Asymmetric Warfare series from the dead. 2 missions Asymmetric Warfare - Everon I - Linear randomized mission that uses mounted patrol routes, with random tasks assigned. Asymmetric Warfare - Everon II - Traditional Combat Ops Pick 3 lottery system. Start at a random spawn position on map, and the system issues 3 tasks to complete.
  21. Blackheart_Six


    @Hud Dorph Are you using the AsyWarGrp AR 670-1 mod ? I'll check it out. I think that is a BI thing with the one blouse that is rolled sleeves. Easy fix.
  22. Blackheart_Six

    RHS: Status Quo

    Hello all, I am trying to figure out how to use the AN/PRC-152. I've read the AN/PRC-152 on your website. The only functions I can get to work is with the G and R keys, and BI radio menu. Basically power on/off, and change to preset freqs I've setup. Are any of the other functions described accessible or functioning? How do you access the keypad? Is it interactive? Thanks for the amazing mod and service to the ARMA Community.
  23. SCENARIO FRAMEWORK (SF): MOVE TASK Difficulty: High This topic will cover the following subject(s): Creating a randomized move task system for non-AI (Players). As part of my Patrol Operations - ARLAND 1 scenario, I created a randomize move system to simulate performing a dismounted patrol using the SF taskMove.et. The SF will spawn one move task at the start of the mission. You proceed to the first check point and complete the move. At each intersection the framework will randomly select one of the directions to proceed and create a new check point task. This will continue until Mission Complete determined by you. The SF Entities used are Area.et, LayerTaskMove.et and SlotMoveTo.et. Unless otherwise noted, use default values of each scripted component of that entity. There is no enfusion scripting required. For our example, I will use a 3 way intersection, with 4 Check Points. A. INITIAL SETUP Drag and drop an Area.et at each of the road intersections you want the patrol to follow (1, 2, 3, and 4). Drag LayerTaskMove.et to the hierarchy panel, and drop it on each Area.et. This sets the coordinate of the entity to 0,0,0 and centers it in the Area.et. Drag a SlotMoveTo.et to the hierarchy panel, and drop into each LayerTaskMove.et. This sets the coordinate of the entity to 0,0,0 and centers it in the LayerTaskMove.et. Your hierarchy should look like below when finished. One for each intersection. Area1.et LayerTaskMove1.et SlotMoveto1.et Area2.et LayerTaskMove2.et SlotMoveto2.et Area3.et LayerTaskMove3.et SlotMoveto3.et Area4.et LayerTaskMove4.et SlotMoveto4.et Add 2 more slotMoveTo.et to LayerTaskMove2.et. I renamed the SlotMoveTo.et the name of the intersection you are going to. You are not allowed to have duplicate names so adjust your naming conventions accordingly. Area1.et LayerTaskMove1.et SlotMovetoA2.et Area2.et LayerTaskMove2.et SlotMoveto1.et SlotMoveto3.et SlotMoveto4.et Area3.et LayerTaskMove3.et SlotMovetoB2.et Area4.et LayerTaskMove4.et SlotMovetoC2.et In the below diagram, you enter at Area 4 (START POINT) and move to Area 2 at the 3 way intersection, the SF will randomly select one of the 3 options, SlotMoveTo1, SlotMoveTo3, or SlotMoveTo4. 1 <--------------> 2 <--------------> 3 | | 4 (START POINT) B. CREATE MOVE TASKS a. Area.et setup Highlight each Area.et one at a time. Highlight the SCR_ScenarioFrameworkArea in the Object Properties panel. In Debug, check both boxes to show debug shapes. Uncheck both boxes when you've completed your work. In Trigger and change the Area Radius to what ever size you like. I set mine to 15.00 meters to cover the entire intersection. Uncheck Once. b. LayerTaskMove.et setup Highlight each LayerTaskMove.et one at a time. Highlight the SCR_ScenarioFrameworkLayerTask in the Object Properties panel. In Children change Spawn Children to RANDOM_ONE. In Activation and change Activation Type to ON_TRIGGER_ACTIVATION. In Task enter the Task Title and Task Description. c. SlotMoveTo.et setup Highlight the SCR_ScenarioFrameworkSlotExtraction in the Object Properties panel. In Debug, check both boxes to show debug shapes. Uncheck both boxes when you've completed your work. In Plugins expand SCR_ScenarioFrameworkPluginTrigger. Set the Area Radius to 10 meters. Make sure it is smaller then the area radius set in a4. Uncheck Once. In OnTaskFinish expand Actions On Finished. Press the + button, enter in the search box Wait. Select SCR_ScenarioFrameworkActionWaitAndExecute (I use this SCR so there is a delay between task finished(old), and task created(new)). Expand Wait and Execute, set Delay In Seconds to 5 seconds. In Actions, press the + button, enter in the search box Spawn and select SCR_ScenarioFrameworkActionSpawnObject. Expand Spawn Objects. In Name Of Objects To Spawn Activation press the + button. In the 0 field enter the name of the LayerTaskMove.et of the intersection the SlotMoveTo.et will take you to. NOTE: For our scenario example above, the start point is at 4 (Area4.et) and we will move to 2 (Area2.et). We will enter LayerTaskMove2 in the 0 field for step 10. Each SlotMoveTo.et will be different depending on the scenario and the name of the components. Complete steps a, b, and c for each intersection you have placed the components. For our example we will enter the following in the 0 field of step 10. SlotMoveToA2 = LayerTaskMove2 SlotMoveTo1 = LayerTaskMove1 SlotMoveTo3 = LayerTaskMove3 SlotMoveTo4 = LayerTaskMove4 SlotMoveToB2 = LayerTaskMove2 SlotMoveToC2 = LayerTaskMove2 At this point if you have done everything correctly, when you spawn in and enter Area 4 it create a task to move to Area 2. Move to Area 2, and it will create a task to move to either Area 1, 3 or 4.
  24. Since the update, there has been a consistent "script mismatch" error when players join. It is random. Sometimes it occurs consecutively. Sometimes it does not. After 3 days of trying to characterize the issue, I have found a workaround, at least on my server, that if you run only mods that have been updated to game version matching the issue has not appeared or is greatly reduced. I joined the server successfully over 20 times now in a 12 hour period without getting a single error. The error rate before the change was 1 every 2 to 3 attempts.
  25. To the owner of Jaes Combat Ops Everon by Rochrihals, Your mods throws an error when I try to play it. "Can't compile "Game" script module!" scripts/Game/GameMode/CaptureAndHold/SCR_CaptureAndHoldSpawnArea.c(194): Undefined function 'SCR_PopUpNotification.IsShowing' Abort Retry Ignore