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Everything posted by Blackheart_Six

  1. Blackheart_Six

    [Release] Addon-Free ArmA Radio

    Looks like you've been killin' bugs..... can't wait for .eight!
  2. THIS IS FRICKING GREAT! Well done.... You need to update your signature....
  3. Hi sarogahtyp, Any chance of a solution for integration with Engima Civilian Script? It runs a little smoother than COS, due to age of COS. I'm poking around, but get a undefined variable error no matter where I place insert the 2 lines of code for COS. Additionally, so I am clear, is C. HALL code the correct code for the sound? Thanks in advance, BH6 SOLUTION: Edit Line 20: ["ON_UNIT_SPAWNED_CALLBACK", {params["_unit"];[_unit, 300,25] call Saro_fnc_bomber;}], Located in the ConfigAndStart.sqf file. Still try to get sound to work.
  4. Blackheart_Six

    [Release] Addon-Free ArmA Radio

    Yea, (queue the old adage), it's a double edge sword, or your damned if you do, damned if you don't. :-))))). Let me say up front, I am a firm believer, FORM follows FUNCTION, so I think, and IMHO, start with basic function. What was the mission statement of the script to begin with? Post #1: DESCRIPTION: This is a script which enhances the in-game VOIP by adding radio effects when communicating with other players, while factoring distance between the sender/receiver of the transmissions. No mods or third-party programs required. Setup is easy! Have you achieved the stated goal? If you haven't done that yet, then I would concentrate on that statement, and make it bullet proof as you can. Get to Version 1.0 first. Forget about adding unit mod compatibility, support channel, zeus compatibility, etc etc etc, until you achieve the mission statement. Tune out the detractions, feature requests, and nay sayers, concentrate on that. Then add in the FORM. Different radio model (my request), additional channels, Zeus, blah blah blah..... As a mentor of mine use to say......"Just my advice, use it, or don't. Pick up it and stick in your pocket, or leave it on the floor, either way its free, don't cost a dime.
  5. Blackheart_Six

    [Release] Addon-Free ArmA Radio

    IMHO..... 1. No it is not redundant, and should not be removed. 2. I don't like the 2nd radio idea. What about by unit assignment like, "Pilot", "JTAC", and "Squad Leader". Something along the command channel requirement. It might be good to start smaller, and limit to PILOTS and JTAC. Scenario.... Squad Leader contacts JTAC on command or group, JTAC performs Call for Fire to CAS/FA units on support. 3. Support channel is needed to keep Air communications separate from group, and command. I group pilots by pairs, pilot and co-pilot. Multiple pairs using different aircraft need to communicate across groups, but not on command channel.
  6. Blackheart_Six

    [Release] Addon-Free ArmA Radio

    Thanks for that insightful comment. Makes me thankful Phronk has been able to achieve what he has without any mods, hence the name "ADDON-FREE".
  7. Just to update .... the above post. First I want to restate, this is NOT Patrol Ops 4.0. This is a one mission preview so you can check out the basic features. Patrol Ops 4.0 Open Beta is still coming. This mission will form the basis for my server, and Asymmetric Warfare missions. It is using the same framework(A3 MPSF), conversation system, and encounters. I am creating my own missions based on ATP 3-21.8 and FM 3-90.1. Features of the preview ...... 1. Virtual Armory module 2. Virtual Depot module (with MHQ available). Loadable hard points for missiles/weapons systems for Jets and Helicopters. 3. RespawnMP module (No helo drop). 4. Conversations and Intel. With the exception of the attack mission(using A3 MPSF) all this is the work of Roy86.
  8. Blackheart_Six

    [Release] Addon-Free ArmA Radio

    Hey phronk, Send me a friends request on steam, blackheart_six. Give me a shout when you need to test on a dedicated server. I'm more then happy to throw your demo mission up for testing. I am on almost always on Friday nights. And some Saturdays and Sundays, depending on the better half. :-). Let me know. I just put .7 in a A3 MPSF mission by Roy86. But haven't launched it yet. I have conflicts between his and yours defines settings, I am working through.
  9. My server is up and running with a modified version of PO4. It is open to public at this time. IP: Port: 2302
  10. Good News..... I've heard back from Roy on Discord. I have permission to open my server with a modified version of PO4/MPSF. This will be a single encounter with intelligence collection, and an attack mission I created. I want to check a couple things out, and ensure functionality before posting. Please understand this is a modified BETA version. There will be issues. I expect to post to my server tonight, and I let everyone know. Currently there is a demo of Add On Free Radio up and running, if you want to test it.
  11. I have asked Roy to allow me to create a "Preview" mission. One mission only, to allow folks to check out the modules. I have an attack mission ready to go. I have not heard back on that request. My best guess is, he is trying to squash as many bugs as possible, tighten up the missions, and prep for open beta by the end of October.
  12. Blackheart_Six

    [Release] Addon-Free ArmA Radio

    I've uploaded the demo to my server and am running tests. It's located at As soon as possible(later today, +5 UDT) Ill be on to test.
  13. Blackheart_Six

    [Release] Addon-Free ArmA Radio

    I don't think this works with A.I. They don't use the VON system. It's for players only, on a server. I may be wrong.
  14. Blackheart_Six

    [Release] Addon-Free ArmA Radio

    That still won't fix the problem..... You have put the folder in the correct directory. LOL! It happens all the time. Done it myself. Wait until you spend days looking for a stupid ] or }.
  15. Blackheart_Six

    [Release] Addon-Free ArmA Radio

    Your missing the AFAR folder in your mission. You forgot STEP ZERO. Correct Directory
  16. Blackheart_Six

    [Release] Addon-Free ArmA Radio

    Just to make sure...... You did the following steps? Does the "myMission.VR" work. I always start with the provided demo mission to test. [ I N S T A L L A T I O N ] ------------------------- 0. Move the "AFAR" folder from downloaded file, to your mission folder. EXAMPLE: "My Documents\ArmA 3 - Other Profiles\<profile>\missions\myMission.VR" 1. Copy & Paste below code into your mission's "init.sqf": execVM"AFAR\init.sqf"; 2. Copy & Paste below code into your mission's "Description.ext" file: #include "AFAR\ui\defines.hpp" #include "AFAR\ui\dialogs.hpp" class CfgSounds { #include "AFAR\f\SFX.hpp" sounds[]={}; }; 3. [OPTIONAL]: Paste this into your mission's "Description.ext file: class CfgRemoteExec { class Functions { mode=1;jip=0; class sortD {allowedTargets=0;}; class Fuzz {allowedTargets=0;}; class Fuzz2 {allowedTargets=0;}; class Hush {allowedTargets=0;}; class r_anim {allowedTargets=0;}; class S_In {allowedTargets=0;}; class C_In {allowedTargets=0;}; class G_In {allowedTargets=0;}; class V_In {allowedTargets=0;}; class D_In {allowedTargets=0;}; class sOut {allowedTargets=0;}; class cOut {allowedTargets=0;}; class gOut {allowedTargets=0;}; class vOut {allowedTargets=0;}; class dOut {allowedTargets=0;}; }; class Commands { mode=1;jip=0; class playSound {allowedTargets=0;}; class say2D {allowedTargets=0;}; }; };
  17. Something Wicked, this way comes.....
  18. Blackheart_Six

    [Release] Addon-Free ArmA Radio

    Really looking forward to this......I need an add-on free solution to current Comms. I am one of those anti-mod people.... the kind your mother warned you about. Let me know when you are doing testing, if I can, I will join. If you need a dedicated server to test on, I can throw it up easily enough.
  19. We shot another video..... basic ops of task. We'll try to do a feature one next update. Thanks to BigBrad72 for doing it.
  20. Torcia, To add a team leader to skip missions, you need to edit the file "fn_sqmodFunctions.sqf". PO3_fnc_sqdmod_updateGUI = { { PO3_BUTTON_DEACTIVATE(uinamespace getvariable _x); }forEach ['PO3_hud_squadmod_b01','PO3_hud_squadmod_b02','PO3_hud_squadmod_b03','PO3_hud_squadmod_b04','PO3_hud_squadmod_b05','PO3_hud_squadmod_b06','PO3_hud_squadmod_b07','PO3_hud_squadmod_b08','PO3_hud_squadmod_b09','PO3_hud_squadmod_C01']; switch (true) do { case ( [player] call PO3_fnc_isAdministrator ) : { { PO3_BUTTON_ACTIVATE(uinamespace getvariable _x); }forEach ['PO3_hud_squadmod_b01','PO3_hud_squadmod_b02','PO3_hud_squadmod_b03','PO3_hud_squadmod_b04','PO3_hud_squadmod_b05','PO3_hud_squadmod_b06','PO3_hud_squadmod_b07','PO3_hud_squadmod_b08','PO3_hud_squadmod_b09','PO3_hud_squadmod_C01']; }; case ( [group player,player] call PO3_fnc_isTeamLeader ) : { { PO3_BUTTON_ACTIVATE(uinamespace getvariable _x); }forEach ['PO3_hud_squadmod_b01','PO3_hud_squadmod_b02','PO3_hud_squadmod_b04','PO3_hud_squadmod_b07','PO3_hud_squadmod_b08','PO3_hud_squadmod_C01']; }; }; As you can see, the 2 lines beginning with "case" set the who can use the button. The button for "Skip Mission" is b09. Add 'PO3_hud_squadmod_b09' to 2nd case line, which is for team leader. To change the key bind for "Settings" from "U" to something else, you need to edit the file "fn_keypress.sqf". Find all instances of "0x16". To change to another key, refer to this page. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/DIK_KeyCodes As you can see the "U" key = 0x16. Change it to the key you want. BUT beware , I am sure Roy86 used the "U" for a very good reason. Make sure you make copies of the files or keep track of your edits.
  21. Blackheart_Six

    [Release] Addon-Free ArmA Radio

    FEEDBACK: 1. [Man700] displayed on screen when keying mic. I know this comes from variable name, but better if call sign displayed. 2. Command Channel did not have mic key sounds. 3. Lost vehicle channel. Able to gain back by jumping out of vehicle, then back in. I went to test between 2 vehicles. 4. I like the support channel. 5. I went 2 km out, and in a valley while other player was at airport. No fuzz, or LOS due to distance or terrain. .6 is running much better than previous versions. Far less issues. No constant static in the headset. That is great. Additional: Second round of testing went better. Initially we had static and weaker signal as we got further away. But when I left and rejoined that went away. As far as mouse inputs. I map the Caps Lock and period key to my mouse buttons through logitech gaming software, and it works find with any script or mod. So my 2 side buttons change channel, and key mic. No issues here.
  22. Blackheart_Six

    [Release] Addon-Free ArmA Radio

    Cool. Like the DTOM....
  23. Blackheart_Six

    [Release] Addon-Free ArmA Radio

    I have the demo mission uploaded on my dedicated server for testing.
  24. Blackheart_Six

    [Release] Addon-Free ArmA Radio

    That's friggin awesome.....