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Posts posted by RoF

  1. 8 hours ago, Snake Man said:

    On sep 10th 2024 my linux VPS went down with kernel panic issue, I was working on that but it took days of web hosting company customer support emails, right now I already purchased brand new VPS with better specs and are configuring that. I'm hoping its now not days but hours before all PMC web sites will be back.



    That's really good to hear! Thanks for update

  2. ah ok, so a few issues.


    10 is a really low res cell size, smaller would give your terrain more detail. See here for map frame info https://github.com/pennyworth12345/A3_MMSI/wiki/Mapframe-Information

    I'd go for 1024 grid and 5 cell, then you can change terrain height every 5m instead of 10m! You could do 2048 grid and 2.5 cell, but L3DT isn't a fan of decimal points lol.

    Also the lower the cell the more hit to fps, it's recommended to not go under 2 cell! See here for settings the dev's used on official maps https://pmc.editing.wiki/doku.php?id=arma3:terrain:grid-cell-size


    Sat and Mask should be same size as your "terrain size" not "grid size". So 5120 x 5120 in your case.

    It should also be that size outside of Terrain Builder as well, otherwise TB will resize it and add extra colours to mask! The mask must always have hard edges (pencil tool and not soft edge brush). This image shows an example but it's for L3DT to TB, but shows you basic setup



    Next up is "Texture Layer" this MUST be as close to 40 x 40 as you can get it, otherwise a lot of stuff breaks including objects and A.I. Don't get this setting wrong!

    • Thanks 1

  3. Pretty sure all A3 ground texture use this since visual update years ago


    ambient[] = {1,1,1,1};
    diffuse[] = {1,1,1,1};
    forcedDiffuse[] = {0,0,0,0};
    specular[] = {0.0,0.0,0.0,0};
    specularPower = 1;
    emmisive[] = {0,0,0,0};
    PixelShaderID = "NormalMapDiffuse";
    VertexShaderID = "NormalMapDiffuseAlpha";
    class Stage1
    	texture = "a3\map_data\gdt_concrete_nopx.paa";
    	uvSource = "tex";
    	class uvTransform
    		aside[] = {5,0,0};
    		up[] = {0,5,0};
    		dir[] = {0,0,0};
    		pos[] = {0,0,0};
    class Stage2
    	texture = "a3\map_data\gdt_concrete_co.paa";
    	uvSource = "tex";
    	class uvTransform
    		aside[] = {5,0,0};
    		up[] = {0,5,0};
    		dir[] = {0,0,0};
    		pos[] = {0,0,0};


    What's your full map frame settings? cell size etc


  4. 5 hours ago, kibaBG said:

    Hi, any chance to make real location map images with L3DT? The "ultimate" PMC tutorial is so good and got it fully completed. But now I want to start making a map that represent some real region. 

    I have tried other option (QGIS) and I cannot complete the tutorials for them, I need really noob friendly app like L3DT ... :down:


    Download QGIS (its free) then install the plugin from here https://gitlab.com/Adanteh/qgis-game-terrains/-/wikis/home

    There is video on that site that shows basics of how to use it


    Also you should use the Arma Discord, it's a bit more active lol

  5. 1 hour ago, kibaBG said:

    Thank you guys, I mange to show the roads. Now to problem is to connect two roads together. I press Join in road properties it shows error : ""Please select two areas with overlapped vertices"  


    You use the magnet on the toolbar, then drag an end point of a road to the road you want to join. Also you don't need to do right click > join unless you just want it to be a single line you can select in TB. Just using the magnet is a enough for the road to appear joined in game

    • Like 1

  6. 5 hours ago, kibaBG said:

    I am a big noob in map making, I followed the PMC's excellent guide to the end (https://pmc.editing.wiki/doku.php?id=arma3:terrain:ultimate-terrain-tutorial). The only problem is the roads are not showing in Buldozer ! I did install Buldozer Tools v 0.2 found on PMC site by just pasting it to "P:\scripts" and rewriting the files. Pressing 1 in Buldozer doesn't show any roads. :down: 


    Can you post path you used to roads in userscripts?


    Also is roads.shp in your roads folder? If you have polygons on same layer, TB will rename it to roads_polylines.


    It's a good idea to export roads using "selection of layers" then tick your road layers, that way you won't export forest shapes etc

    • Like 1

  7. On 2/26/2024 at 9:51 PM, pvt. partz said:

    ...I can get the SatMAp quite easily but that friggin HeightMap, jeeze!




    Heightmap and sat is easy to get with qgis plugin https://gitlab.com/Adanteh/qgis-game-terrains/-/wikis/home


    Also I think BI recommend you use 2m cell in reforger, as some of the buildings have basements. So it would be hard to hide holes in the terrain with higher size, as the buildings were made with 2m in mind.


    Reforger has a size limit compared to A3, which is about 31km... I "think". I gave up on Reforger awhile ago, so maybe some of the info has changed since then (doubt it knowing BI)

  8. Make sure you setup the P drive with mikero's arma3p and not arma tools! Also load TB via it's exe file and not by using arma tools launcher


    Basically you run arma tools once, so it sets up the registry and knows you agreed to license. Then don't use it again (unless there is an update then do same steps), then just load the programs via their .exe files

  9. 52 minutes ago, Emilio J Rodriguez said:

    ARma 3 tools , mikero not 


    The tools are broken, so its a must to use mikero tools. You will need them for packing your map as well, since addon builder is rubbish.


    Go here https://mikero.bytex.digital/Downloads and download "Mikero_AiO_Installer_Beta_v1.2.1.35.exe". That's the All in One installer for his tools. 


    After installing run arma3p.

    It will ask what drive to extract to, press P for the P drive.

    Then it will ask if you want dubbing, press N.

    Then wait for it to finish extracting, it can take awhile if your pc is old.


    Now try your map again and see if its working.


    Lets rule out bad P drive first, then work out what else might be wrong. You have done some small mistakes, but they shouldn't be breaking sat and mask

  10. Do you have them in the correct folder? Are they named correct? By defualt windows hides file extensions, so newbies tend to end up with config.cpp.txt. But windows hides the .txt so they think they have it correct.


    Make sure the files are in the folder you have selected and not "source" etc

    • Thanks 1

  11. Just now, _-xXShArK_OGXx-_ said:

    So I uninstalled the P: drive, -> then  downloaded the bat file -> then edited the file, and ran it, but no p:Drive
    How can I do something so simple wrong??


    Is the folder you used in edited file there? It won't make the folder for you. Also you need  quotes around the path if there is spaces in it

  12. 28 minutes ago, _-xXShArK_OGXx-_ said:

    Hi @RoF , I don't recall using automount before, I don't think it's on. I see the P drive, but not the projects before I mount it in ARMA Tools.

    Also the bat file I'm talking about is the one that converts PNG files to PAA (Just to make sure we talk about the same Bat).

    I will try to convert the files manually as it's not that many in the tutorial, to see if its the issue 🙂


    eek! don't use arma tools to mount P drive! Setup P drive with a custom .bat file (pmc covers this as well, but some get confused by it)  also make sure you use mikero's arma3p to extract files to the P drive, arma tools doesn't do it correct

  13. 9 hours ago, _-xXShArK_OGXx-_ said:

    @Snake Man
    So I started with https://pmc.editing.wiki/doku.php?id=arma3:terrain,

    Now i tried a cupel of times but,

    After i run the BAT file and try to run bulldozer I get an error:

    Cannot load texture tut\tut_tutorial_terrain\data\Layers\s_000_000_Ico.paa
    Do you know why?

    Also my M_000_000_lca.png - M_000_001_lca.png - M_001_000_lca.png are just black png's

    Is that normal?


    You said before p drive should be setup correct, did you disable automount in arma tools if you used it before? Could be arma tools is messing things up, if you used it before switching to .bat file.


    Make sure auto mount is off in arma tools (it's up on toolbar somewhere)

    Restart PC, then run your new .bat file to mount P drive


    Also Arma discord has arma 3 terrain makers section, it's a bit more active on there

  14. Don't use proper objects as clutter! Thats a big no no


    Not just for performance, but if players hide behind them, then other players and A.I can see them! Use only clutter objects, not proper objects

    Also pack you map with pboproject, you mustn't be using it as pboproject moans if you have "access" in config


    Use the Arma Discord for faster help
