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Everything posted by RoF

  1. RoF

    need some help

    Try when you export active map layer from L3DT, choose "xyz" then click options. Double click "UserProjGeoref (bool)) so it says "false".
  2. I did the "1,1,1" thing and it's working! 3 freaking days I've been off and on trying to get it working! Thanks for the help colddna thanks for the advice, I might start doing it that way in future.
  3. Here is what I'm getting in game on the map, http://i.imgur.com/TKhGKgL.jpg http://i.imgur.com/kit6P2z.jpg when you zoom in really close it's fine, an if you walk around the trees show up. Grid Size: 2048x2048 Cell Size: 10 Terrain Size: 20480 Sat/Surface (mask) source Size: 20480x20480 Resolution: 1 Sat/Surface (mask) tiles Size: 1024x1024 <-- was 2048x2048 and it kinda fixed it, as it use to be larger gap on map Desired Overlap: 16 Texture Layer Size: 40x40 I didnt know if I should lower the tiles more? All the guides seem to put it high, so why do I have to lower mine?
  4. RoF

    no grass showing

    Maybe you need to add somethign for the other colour? instead of just "bush_grassgreen_01_detail" on it's own... I'm kinda having same trouble I can't get a concrete texture to show up, it keeps showing my forest texture instead
  5. Glad someone asked this lol
  6. Shouldn't the steam pages say it requires CBA_A3 - http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=450814997instead of ASDG_JR?