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Everything posted by RoF

  1. Anyone got a link to these files? All I see is a link to a pirate torrent site....
  2. Don't think lat / long effects weather, it does the lighting a bit. Try looking at sullen sky mod to see how to override stuff
  3. RoF

    Help! I can't make P drive

    no for you p drive, you need to make a folder on your D or G drive, that will act as your P drive like this @echo off if exist p: (subst p: /d) subst p: D:\ArmaMap rem ^^change this ^^ and this The .bat file won't make the folder, you will need to make a folder called for example "ArmaMap" on your D drive. THEN run the bat file, an it will mount that folder as your P drive
  4. RoF

    Help! I can't make P drive

    Follow this https://armadocs.gitlab.io/terrain/01starting/pdrive/mounting/ Use your D or G drive, 12.2gb isn't enough size
  5. RoF

    walking sound

    Copy the road textures that's not working like "main_road_CA.paa / main_road_end_CA / main_road.rvmat" to your map, tag and rename them. open the newly renamed main_road.rvmat and change the paths to your new textures. Then in cfgsurfaces link to the newly renamed files, like you said "files = my_fixed_main_road*" then in your roadslibs, change the path from the broken roads to your new renamed files done! no need to change layers as you are not changing a ground surface texture. Note it is a good idea to put concrete under your roads, as arma will sometimes use the ground texture and not the "road" itself
  6. RoF

    walking sound

    That's the issue, you need to apply the surface to the road itself not just under it. we both answered on how to fix it
  7. RoF

    walking sound

    You on the right track, but there is a easier way! First copy the road texture and the end bit, tag and rename them like you would a ground texture. Then in cfgsurfaces just do class CfgSurfaces { class Default{}; class Water{}; class GdtConcrete; class GdtSoil; class GdtRock; class GdtDirt; class GdtDesert; class GdtGrassDry; class GdtStony; class tag_terrain_motorway_Surface: GdtConcrete { character = "empty"; files = "tag_terrain_motorway*"; }; }; This way you inherit the settings from GdtConcrete and don't have to worry about all the rest. then all he needs to do is point his roadlibs to the new textures
  8. RoF

    Help! I can't make P drive

    Turn OFF auto mount in arma tools Your P drive says 12gb free as you are using a folder on your C drive. The P drive is a fake drive You need to make the P drive folder on your D or G drive, as it has more free space
  9. RoF

    Help! I can't make P drive

    Please follow a proper guide https://armadocs.gitlab.io/terrain/01starting/ or this https://pmc.editing.wiki/doku.php?id=arma3:terrain:ultimate-terrain-tutorial And no you can't edit other peoples maps without their permission
  10. RoF

    Creating New Runways?

  11. RoF


  12. RoF

    Fixing the UV´s in Object Builder

    You should ask here https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/forum/165-arma-3-modelling-o2/ Or on the Arma Discord which is A LOT more active. Also make sure you use the blender plugin
  13. RoF

    Terrain Builder y mods

    download cup core, them open command prompt then type extractpbo "path\to\cup\core" P:\ So something like this extractpbo "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Arma 3\!Workshop\@CUP Terrains - Core" P:\ Make sure you have mikero's tools installed, which you should if you are making terrains! Otherwise it wont extract !!!DON'T use pbomanager!!!! Then in TB add them to your template library like this https://pmc.editing.wiki/doku.php?id=arma3:terrain:ultimate-terrain-tutorial#object_library Cup objects are in the ca folder and CUP in the root of your P drive
  14. make sure you setup the P drive correct https://armadocs.gitlab.io/terrain/01starting/arma_tools/
  15. Have you run arma tools launcher at least once? maybe verfy arma tools files as well? https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=2037-QEUH-3335 For roads try roadpath = "/CRYPT/CRYPT_beginner_Terrain/Data/Roads/"; Also Arma Discord > Terrain Makers, is a lot more active than here
  16. Your grid file is corrupt. Delete everything in the layers folder and the Map_Name.grid.000.v4w file, then export layers again
  17. RoF

    Making A Scenario Into A Mod.

    You are not allowed to edit peoples maps and reupload it as your own
  18. Don't use arma tools to mount the drive, it tends to break stuff. Do it this way and use whatever drive you want https://pmc.editing.wiki/doku.php?id=arma3:tools:setup-p-drive
  19. You have to setup surfaces https://pmc.editing.wiki/doku.php?id=arma3:terrain:cfgsurfaces
  20. Have a look here https://pmc.editing.wiki/doku.php?id=arma3:terrain#clutter make sure your rvmat and textures are tagged
  21. What do you have your in game graphics set to? An 8 cell is quite high, but not sure if it would cause your issues
  22. Could be you map uses a high cell size. Or you have terrain detail set to low in game options
  23. Pack it with mikero's pboproject (free version is fine), addon builder has very poor error checking and is not worth the hassle
  24. Also make sure you are using latest mikero tools https://mikero.bytex.digital/Downloads
  25. Use the barebones pmc config and test with that https://pmc.editing.wiki/doku.php?id=arma3:terrain:ultimate-terrain-tutorial#configcpp