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Everything posted by arg_foxtrop1

  1. the Skyhawks from Unsung were made by us and then we shared with them, we could port it but the cabin needs alot of work on it also the textures seems to look diferent in arma2 they need work when we enter on the helicopter development stage, yes as Road Runner says AAVs during the take on april 2, and Panhards during the war, + LARC5, unimogs trucks, mercedez benz trucks, some ford cars
  2. The mirage has not been release we need to rework the cockpit, also we are trying to make the development in order maps-infantry-land vehicles- helicopters-planes-ships
  3. new mirage model for Mirage 3EA and mirage 5 Nesher/Dagger and some little testing on arma3
  4. I dont know about the rest of the team the thread wasnt updated on a while, I've made some very basic units
  5. Im working on an update(last?) also we are cooperating with the guys from P85, they give us a nice cockpit for the seaharrier(Model - DamianM, Textures - Warhog ) and we will giving them some of the addons files, also DamianM advice me about the form of the sea harrier fsr1 that was very diferent from what we have made, now it looks more similar to the real thing