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  1. aimgame

    The score in factions.

    so-so SOLVED: - score player returns only the score of player in faction he joined first. (still stupid) - (getPlayerScores player) select (count (getPlayerScores player) - 1) returns the player's actual score in the current faction.
  2. Can anyone please explain this: Within one MP session the score player command is calculated according to the faction the player joined first. Even if he then relogged for another faction and changed the score using the addScore command, score player command will give the score value that was in the first faction. I.e.: - i joined WEST faction and get 100 points. (score player == 100; // its ok) - then i relogged to EAST faction - pressing P shows table with my score in WEST and in EAST - both got 100. (score player == 100; // its ok, but really not) - while playing as EAST i get another 15 points+ by killing some units, so in scores table (P) i have 115 as EAST player and 100 as WEST. (score player == 100; // still! WTF?!) - while playing as EAST i use addScore command to add more 50 points for myself, so in scores table (P) i have 165 as EAST player and 100 as WEST. (score player == 100; // still! WTF?!!!) If i changed faction, how can i get my actual score of my actual faction???
  3. aimgame

    Simulation for balls

    I guess there's got to be some other solution with one single ball... Any ideas? Please!
  4. aimgame

    Simulation for balls

    Tried to solve radicaly - respawn the ball on every kick:) So it is on each player - when kicking: 1. deleteVehicle ball 2. createVehicle ball in the same place 3. this new ball is local for the player so he can kick it... BUT! This couse another problem - players spawn multiple balls on every kick, even though i delete extra ones(( Probably it is due to out of sync.
  5. aimgame

    Simulation for balls

    You mean i need to remoteExec the kicking of the ball? But wouldn't it be as much sametime ballkicks as number of players online?))) Maybe i should try spawning the ball by server and remoteExec the kicking to the server... so the server will move the ball...
  6. aimgame

    Simulation for balls

    Another problem appeared... The ball can be kicked only by the player that activated the script... And if i spawn the ball by server - no one can kick it((( Is there any command to make object to be availible for every player? Maybe some "reveal" or "setOwner" will help?
  7. aimgame

    Simulation for balls

    SOLVED! Objects with thingX simulation type work perfectly!
  8. aimgame

    Simulation for balls

    getText( configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> "yourObjectType" >> "simulation" ) - for different objects: Unit - soldier static objs - house movable objs - thingX LandVehs - carx Planes - airplane Helis - helicopterrtd Ships/boats - shipX For some reason "plp_bo_BeachBallRed_Mvl" got shipX simulation type. I.e. "Land_Volleyball_01_F" and "plp_bo_VolleyBall_Mvl" got thingX simulation... Im gonna try theese ones and get back with result:)
  9. aimgame

    Message when get shoot

    while {true} do { uisleep 2; if !(alive player) exitWith { _msg = name player; _msg = _msg + selectRandom[" killed"," get hit"," come on not again!"]; _msg remoteexeccall ["systemchat",-2]; }; }; - but that will work not only for shots, but for all player deaths. To check specifically shots (even if its not deadly), and not everything in a row, you need to use the Hit eventhandler: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3:_Event_Handlers#Hit , where the _source will be a killer, so we can check his weapon. Or maybe eventhandler HitPart will be even better, cause there's a _projectile parameter that we can use to check if it was a bullet.
  10. aimgame

    Simulation for balls

    Anyone? Please🙂
  11. aimgame

    Simulation for balls

    Here's a short video of this problem - - first few seconds everything is perfect, but then... - turning the simulation off and on - doesn't help. By the way, if i make setPos for this stucked ball it rolls a bit by itself for 1-2 sec, but then stops again and not moving like on video. I'm already thinking whether I won't have to prescribe the physics of movements for this manually... so that the ball can roll and fly through the setPos... but that would be so dumb football((
  12. aimgame

    Simulation for balls

    Sure:) i have an NPC that allows to register on the match, with this code: private["_trig","_gotBall"]; _trig = [_this,0,objNull,[objNull]] call BIS_fnc_param; if (isNull _trig) exitWith {}; _gotBall = false; { if ("plp_bo_beachballred.p3d" in str _x) exitWith {_gotBall = true}; } forEach (vehicles inAreaArray _trig); if (_gotBall) exitWith {hint "The match is already started! Registration not allowed!"}; player setVariable ["isFootballist",true]; hint "You are registered as a participant!"; Then i have a football zone trigger: private["_trig","_pos"]; FTBLtrig = [_this,0,objNull,[objNull]] call BIS_fnc_param; if (isNull FTBLtrig) exitWith {}; if (vehicle player != player) exitWith {hint "Cant play in vehicle!"}; if !(currentWeapon player isEqualTo "") exitWith {hint "Cant play with weapon!"}; if !(primaryWeapon player isEqualTo "") exitWith {hint "Cant play with weapon!"}; if !(secondaryWeapon player isEqualTo "") exitWith {hint "Cant play with weapon!"}; if !(handgunWeapon player isEqualTo "") exitWith {hint "Cant play with weapon!"}; if !(player getVariable["isFootballist",false]) exitWith {hint "You're not registered!"}; _pos = position FTBLtrig; [FTBLtrig] execvm "aims_footballSpwnBall.sqf"; while {player inArea FTBLtrig} do { player allowDamage false; FTB_EH = (findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler ["MouseButtonDown",{ if (player inArea FTBLtrig) then { if ((_this select 1) == 0) then { if ((typeOf cursorObject in ["plp_bo_VolleyBall_Mvl","plp_bo_BeachBallRed_Mvl"]) and ((cursorObject distance player) < 3)) then { [parseText format["<t font='PuristaBold' size='1.6'>Pass!</t><br />speed: %1 km/h",round(speed player)], true, nil, 7, 0.7, 0] spawn BIS_fnc_textTiles; _initial_speed = 8; _velocity = eyeDirection player vectorMultiply _initial_speed; _vel = _velocity; cursorObject setDir (direction player); cursorObject setVelocity [ (_vel select 0), (_vel select 1), (_vel select 2) ]; }; } else { if ((typeOf cursorObject in ["plp_bo_VolleyBall_Mvl","plp_bo_BeachBallRed_Mvl"]) and ((cursorObject distance player) < 3)) then { [parseText format["<t font='PuristaBold' size='1.6'>Kick!</t><br />speed: %1 km/h",round(speed player)], true, nil, 7, 0.7, 0] spawn BIS_fnc_textTiles; _initial_speed = 7; _velocity = eyeDirection player vectorMultiply _initial_speed; _vel = _velocity; cursorObject setDir (direction player); cursorObject setVectorUp [0,0.15,0]; cursorObject setVelocity [ (_vel select 0), (_vel select 1), ((_vel select 2) + _initial_speed + 2) ]; }; }; }; }]; uisleep 0.5; findDisplay 46 displayRemoveEventHandler ["MouseButtonDown",FTB_EH]; if !(player inArea FTBLtrig) exitWith {[FTBLtrig] execVM "aim_footballClientOut.sqf"}; if (vehicle player != player) exitWith {hint "Cant play in veh!"}; if !(currentWeapon player isEqualTo "") exitWith {hint "Cant play with weap!"; player allowDamage true;}; if !(primaryWeapon player isEqualTo "") exitWith {hint "Cant play with weap!"; player allowDamage true;}; if !(secondaryWeapon player isEqualTo "") exitWith {hint "Cant play with weap!"; player allowDamage true;}; if !(handgunWeapon player isEqualTo "") exitWith {hint "Cant play with weap!"; player allowDamage true;}; }; The ball spawned if player is in trigger and is registered on match: private["_trig","_pos","_ball","_gotBall"]; _trig = [_this,0,objNull,[objNull]] call BIS_fnc_param; if (isNull _trig) exitWith {}; _gotBall = false; { if ("plp_bo_beachballred.p3d" in str _x) exitWith {_gotBall = true}; } forEach (vehicles inAreaArray _trig); if (_gotBall) exitWith {hint "The match is already started! The ball is on the field!"}; { deleteVehicle _x; } forEach nearestObjects[_trig,["plp_bo_BeachBallRed_Mvl"],2000]; _pos = position _trig; [parseText format["<t font='PuristaBold' size='1.6'>Ball drop</t><br />in 5 sec.",round(speed player)], true, nil, 7, 0.7, 0] spawn BIS_fnc_textTiles; uisleep 1; [parseText format["<t font='PuristaBold' size='1.6'>Ball drop</t><br />in 4 sec.",round(speed player)], true, nil, 7, 0.7, 0] spawn BIS_fnc_textTiles; uisleep 1; [parseText format["<t font='PuristaBold' size='1.6'>Ball drop</t><br />in 3 sec.",round(speed player)], true, nil, 7, 0.7, 0] spawn BIS_fnc_textTiles; uisleep 1; [parseText format["<t font='PuristaBold' size='1.6'>Ball drop</t><br />in 2 sec.",round(speed player)], true, nil, 7, 0.7, 0] spawn BIS_fnc_textTiles; uisleep 1; [parseText format["<t font='PuristaBold' size='1.6'>Ball drop</t><br />in 1 sec.",round(speed player)], true, nil, 7, 0.7, 0] spawn BIS_fnc_textTiles; uisleep 1; [parseText format["<t font='PuristaBold' size='1.6'>Start!</t><br />",round(speed player)], true, nil, 7, 0.7, 0] spawn BIS_fnc_textTiles; systemchat format["Ball drop: %1",_pos]; _ball = createVehicle ["plp_bo_BeachBallRed_Mvl", [(_pos select 0),(_pos select 1),15], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; //plp_bo_beachballred.p3d _ball allowDamage false; _ball enableSimulation true; { "The match is started!" remoteexeccall ["systemchat",_x]; } forEach AllPlayers; If player is out of the trigger: private["_trig","_pos"]; _trig = [_this,0,objNull,[objNull]] call BIS_fnc_param; if (isNull _trig) exitWith {}; _pos = position _trig; systemchat "You've abandoned football zone! If the ball is out of the field - get back and there will be a new ball drop in center."; hint "You've abandoned football zone! If the ball is out of the field - get back and there will be a new ball drop in center."; player allowDamage true; For now this is all i've got:)
  13. Hi people! Im trying to invent football script for a3. And in Editor it already works pretty fine. But in MP there's something strange in the neighborhood way it works - first few seconds i can easely kick and punch the ball and it jumps and flyes like it should. But then suddenly it stucks in a spot and just spins around itself if i kick it, but it's not moving anywhere... Anyone have any ideas how come? P.S. If there was something that turns off the simulation, i guess the ball wouldn't spin then. Also it doesn't really matter what way i create the ball: whether its from server or a client - situation is the same.
  14. aimgame

    DLC's Lightning

    Got the very same stuff on my server... Lightnings with DLC icons and also some DLC papers/journals falling from the sky... Every 5-15 min. Theese effects are local to every player - no one else see yours, they see their own... How to turn it off???
  15. Have you ever tryed to attach yourself to the remote controlled unit ? It seems when you control a unit you are immovable... I.e. place some ai unit, then: player attachto [myUnit, [-0.05, -0.12, -0.86], "attachme", true]; player remoteControl myUnit; myUnit switchCamera cameraView; RC works, i can rotate unit, but not walk/run. It just stucks at one place. If i execute only: player remoteControl myUnit; myUnit switchCamera cameraView; then ofcourse i can make unit walk and run. So the question is - how to make unit move WITH controlling player attached to it? Any thoughts, please?