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About Dovev

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  1. Thank you for your answer. If I get you right, this means that I need to create a kind of remote command? Sorry but I am new to Arma scripting.
  2. Hey there, I have problem right here. I am trying to save a entry for every UID joining my server. At least it is no problem with static informations but as soon as I am trying to save the playerdata it is not writing to the ini file or all I get is [Error: No vehicle] Name="Error: No vehicle" At least I would like to have it like [23423423531534] // PlayerUID Name="Dovev" //Player name This is how my sqf file looks. Called from the init.sqf in the mp mission if(isServer) then { call compile preProcessFile "\inidbi\init.sqf"; }; sleep 20; _databasename = "visits"; _player = name player; _uid = getPlayerUID player; _addVisit = [_databasename, _uid, "Name", _player] call iniDB_write; I think my error might be some kind of wrong or missing formatting the variables but even after a few hours searching google and the docs I can´t a solution. _player and _uid are available and can be used from other script parts in that section. #Edit: _player = format["%1", name player]; _uid = format["%1", getPlayerUID player]; I have tried this. Still delivers an "No vehicle" for the _player and an empty variable for _uid.