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Everything posted by scottb613

  1. scottb613

    SOG AI

    Hi Folks, Reminiscent of “A Fistful of Dollars”… I’ll give this a shot when I get some computer time. Regards, Scott
  2. Hi Folks, Another basic question - I've tried Chat GPT and numerous searches. How do I capture an array of selected units - that have been selected via Function Keys and are highlighted in the user interface? Thanks. Regards, Scott
  3. Hi Pierre, Thanks so much for the ideas and examples. Yep - seems like the best way to go… I’ll give this a shot. Regards, Scott
  4. scottb613

    SOG AI

    Hi JB, Thank you kindly for the consideration. 😉 Looking forward to testing it out. Regards, Scott
  5. Hi Folks, One follow up - I'm using an "addAction" on an ammo box to call a rearm script - which shows up fine - however - when I select any unit using a Function Key (the subject of my rearm script - groupSelectedUnits) - my addAction is no longer available in the scrolling menu. Catch 22? Is there a way around this? _ammoBox addAction ["<t color='#FFB43F'>-Ammo Rearm</t>","Scripts\SCOammo.sqf",_ammoBox,1.8,true,true,"","true",5]; Thanks. Regards, Scott
  6. Hi Folks, I think I have it. groupSelectedUnits Regards, Scott
  7. Hi Folks, Probably a basic question - why can't I use "_this" or "this" in a script - I get undefined variable. I have an init field on a vehicle: execVM "initBucks.sqf"; and then if I try to use "this" or "_this" in the intiBucks.sqf - - - as simply as: _veh = _this; I get "_this is undefined". I'm trying to get away from having to name every single vehicle in a mission (and testing for said name) - so I can have a generic script - yet still do work on the individual vehicle calling the script. Thanks. Regards, Scott
  8. Hi... Thanks so much - I tried passing an argument - the syntax was wrong. I also thought that "_this" was always known - although the two separate bits of code is probably why it gets lost. 😀 I spent hours trying to work this out before posting. Regards, Scott
  9. scottb613

    SOG AI

    Hi JB, No worries on the chatty OPFOR - just thinking about the experience as a whole. I spend most of my time in sandbox mode with the OPFOR populated by ALiVE or Drongo's Map Population Tools. So - I am the guilty party - LOL. 🙂 The "Take Point" is simply a [Select Scout & SOG_AI Move]. Pie In The Sky - it would be nice to have the function a bit more autonomous - ranging out in front and freezing when an enemy is detected - to report back. We definitely don't want to lose the existing [SOG_AI File] formation for getting out of Dodge. I know your options are limited by the buttons on the wheel interface. As for additional keystrokes for any new functions - the actual keystrokes matter little to me - as I just set them up in VA. If you ever need any help setting up VA - just holler - I'm pretty familiar with it and have used it on numerous applications for years. The built in Macro Language is pretty powerful and can do many things well - including actual Mouse Macros. I noticed on one of your videos you had a little trouble with the voice recognition - while it works surprisingly well - some words are easier to recognize - especially when you start speaking faster in the heat of battle - a little trial and error helps. I did so some of the training sessions to aid with the voice recognition. I'll leave the videos to the more talented among us - a man needs to know his limitations. 😉 When coding - you might want to try opening a Chat GPT window - as an aid when needed. In addition - to understanding ArmA scripting - to a degree - you can do many things - like when working on a problematic piece of code - feed it your program and tell it to edit the script and print and log every variable value to the clipboard. If you have a large number of variables - it's pretty handy. The uses seem endless. YMMV. Too funny - when I saw your "Burn this Hooch" video - I immediately thought of an old Oingo Boingo tune - "Only a Lad" (probably before your time - 80's)... Your new theme song: Here's my updated VA functions - everything tested: Link to Profile: https://mega.nz/file/g950nBzQ#FCC2UEoNNsocPY5i_Nm_Ba5Vu0Lp_WvZqTybMhvj9z4 Again - many thanks for all you do. Regards, Scott
  10. scottb613

    SOG AI

    Hi JB, Had a big long response typed up - hit some key in error - and it's gone. ARRRRGH! I'll type it again when I have some more time. 🙂 Regards, Scott
  11. scottb613

    SOG AI

    Hi JB, Man - this just keeps on getting better - I've been hitting my infantry squad tactics pretty hot and heavy with SOG_AI combined with Voice Attack. If it's all about immersion - this combo can't be beat. Your AI squad is actually an asset to the mission now. A couple things not everyone might notice: You can give [SOG_AI Move] commands down to the Unit level - which is handy. When out on maneuvers - say "Sniper Go" [Select Sniper & SOG_AI Move] and my sniper is immediately off and running for a good perch to snipe from. Same - if I want to setup my heavy machine gunner in an equally advantageous position. Say "Take Point" [Select Scout & SOG_AI Move] - and my assigned Scout is running out front to make sure the path is clear. You have to assign which unit is which at the start of a mission and VA remembers: [Select Unit & say "Assign Sniper"]. The other great thing about SOG_AI is you can setup a defensive line and hold it - [SOG_AI Line and SOG_AI Halt]. Sometimes it's a little difficult to get the squad line orientated in the desired direction to repel an attack. It seems the player needs to move in the proper direction to get the squad lined up. Really comes in handy. I also added some compound commands such as "Squad Patrol" which does [SOG_AI Silence & SOG_AI File & SOG_AI Follow Me] and "Squad Attack" which does [SOG_AI Line & SOG_AI Follow Me]. Really helpful especially in the heat of battle. All the individual SOG_AI commands are still available. Just curious - would it be possible to add some of the remaining action menu commands to the "T" key assignments? Less menus = more immersion. Stuff like "Place a Charge". In general - for the SOG CDLC - it seems the REDFOR is always blabbing and seldom surprises you - while the talking should get less the more disciplined the troops - VC - to PAVN - to SPECOPS. I don't want it eliminated (definitely adds to immersion) - realizing you can completely disable voices with an included module - just reduced so you get some nasty surprises. I've updated my VA profile accordingly - I'll post a new link when I get it cleaned up. I had mistakenly added commands by team (red & green) for [SOG_AI Halt] and [SOG_AI Follow Me] - that only work on the squad level. Just my two cents - please take it for what it's worth. THANK YOU for all your hard work. Back to drilling on the grinder - practicing for the next real mission... 😉 Regards, Scott
  12. scottb613

    LAMBS Improved Danger.fsm

    Hi Folks, I usually disable Lambs in vehicles and aircraft with the following in each of the crews "init field": this setVariable ["lambs_danger_disableAI", true]; Regards, Scott
  13. Hi Folks, RE: Missions - http://alivemod.com/missions (SP) with SOG AI. Anyone play the ALiVE official mission Paper Hands? What am I supposed to destroy at the first task - Ammo Cache? I made it there - eliminated the enemy and left a breaching charge on the crate at the location - Task never completed. I can't believe I've never played these (4) official missions before. Thanks. Regards, Scott
  14. Hi Folks, I'm trying to get the hang of editing (SP) scrolling Action Menu. I tried placing this in the players init - to simply call a script (just removes defective AI from player group). _actionText = "<t color='#FF0000'>Remove AI</t>"; _actionExpression = "execVM 'Scripts\SCOremove.sqf'"; player addAction [_actionText, _actionExpression, [], -1, true, true, ""]; The addAction shows up fine and will execute the script - however - I need to have AI units selected as input for the script. As soon as I select some units the addAction menu item vanishes. Thanks. Regards, Scott
  15. Hi Folks, Resolved - I needed to move the add action to each squad member. The add action line needed is commented in the code: //SCOunitDel.sqf //Insert the following into [Init Field] of AI squad members to delete unit when it runs AMOK. //this assignteam "RED"; this addAction ["<t color='#00FFFF'>Unit Del</t>","Scripts\SCOunitDel.sqf","ALL",1.5,true,true,"","true",3]; // Test to see if global group "deadPool" exists - if not - create it. if (isNil "deadPool") then { deadPool = createGroup west; // Create the group if it doesn't exist } else { // Group already exists, you can use it }; // Get the selected unit into array _unitArr = [_this]; // Get the selected unit _unit = _this select 0; // Add the units to the new group [_unitArr] join deadPool; // Max out the unit's damage to disable it _unit setDamage 1; // Display contents of _unit hint format ["Kill %1", _unit]; Regards, Scott
  16. scottb613

    ChatGPT is Awesome

    Hi Folks, Yep - it usually takes a little time - but if you keep feeding it your error messages - it seems to get there eventually. Script to Teleport AI Squad Members - to "unstick" them. // Define your AI squad's group _mySquad = units group player; // Change 'player' to the leader of your squad if needed // Loop through all units in the squad { _unit = _x; // Check if the unit is AI and a member of the squad if (!isPlayer _unit && _unit in _mySquad) then { // Calculate the distance between the player and the AI unit _distance = player distance _unit; // Check if the distance is greater than 75 meters if (_distance > 75) then { // Teleport the AI unit to a random location within 10 meters of the player _teleportPosition = player modelToWorld [10 * (random 2 - 1), 10 * (random 2 - 1), 0]; _unit setPos _teleportPosition; } } } forEach _mySquad; Works like a champ - all ChatGPT - on about the 3rd try - after feeding it thrown errors from previous iterations. At least it seems to get you in the ballpark - great for learning how to script - - - AND it comments the code. I use ChatGPT for Blender Python scripts as well. Regards, Scott
  17. Hi Folks, One more question - I'm pretty familiar with Drongo's Map Population Modules. I'm using the [Define Faction] module - - - which works fine as long as I'm placing down existing units. When I take the time to try and to customize the loadouts and uniforms with the Arsenal - then start the game - the units revert to their native loadouts and uniforms (I get CSAT uniforms when I should have CUP/CWRIII uniforms as defined in the editor). I know some factions have scripts to randomize them - while I started with CWRIII units - I went back to vanilla units and the same problem persists. I didn't think vanilla used randomization scripts. How do I get my custom loadout and uniform changes to stick - when I actually run the mission? Just thought of this - could it be the ACE Arsenal creating the issue? Perhaps I should try the BI Arsenal. Thanks. Regards, Scott
  18. Hi Folks, Resolved - by the man - the myth - the legend - Drongo graciously responded to my request for help. Regards, Scott
  19. Hi Folks, I see Drongo has another application to build factions "Drongo's Config Generator" - tried that as well - but it doesn't seem to write out the config file (.cpp) even though the system gives the message that it properly did so. I see multiple comments in Steam reporting the same issue - without answer. I guess it may have been broken in an update of ArmA. Regards, Scott
  20. Hi Folks, RE: 1980's Spanish Carribean/South or Central American Faction Operation Urgent Fury Anyone know of a good faction to represent what I have in my title? Preferably CUP based - ideal would be Grenada or Cuba. I've checked the Community Factions Project - they have some appropriate factions listed but it appears they were never completed. I tried 9CAG - which has appropriate factions defined however the units load with vanilla uniforms - while other factions in this mod seem to have appropriate uniforms - seems hit or miss. Thanks. Regards, Scott
  21. scottb613

    SOG AI

    Hi Folks, Can't play ArmA without SOG_AI anymore - thanks Johnny... Just posting my Voice Attack profile that has been updated for SOG_AI. I no longer use the wheel menu. If new to VA - you can just copy the commands listed here into any of your own profiles - saving yourself a little time. I included my full profile just for reference and/or inspiration. To use VA you don't even need to use voice - if preferred - you can assign commands to any joystick button and/or keyboard shortcut. I'm not affiliated with VA other than being a very happy customer. Voice Attack Profile: https://mega.nz/file/dlpBHBIb#JzU0lE7OkwHW7RX0SJQQCNGQrPgWD9-vrb178_ahk0M Regards, Scott
  22. scottb613

    Formatting a Multiline Hint

    Hi Folks, Works like a champ - I had to make one small edit though and remove my tag line from the header - as that would be pure plagiarism on my part - LOL. 😉 I did split the weapon string (different source) and that worked without the annoying extra quote - odd. Nicely done - sir. I'll try to put it to good use and use your fine example in my other projects. Thank you and everyone that helped me here. Regards, Scott
  23. Hi Folks, Working on a routine to display a unit's health and ammo status for the player group - so potentially a 20-line report of text for the largest player groups. I've tested [hint] and it works with 20 lines of text and does support carriage returns - [format] doesn't seem to. So - I've got a loop running to gather all the required information for each unit and I was thinking of putting each line into an array - then outputting in some yet undefined manner. Question: I need to make a 20-line formatted text report with carriage returns for a [hint] - based on the gathered information. Any thoughts on how I can do this? I tried the [sideChat] but that only displays half a dozen lines or so max. Where I'm at: private _unitArr = units player; _unitArr deleteAt 0; private _hintArr = []; if (isnil "kiaCnt") then { kiaCnt = 0; }; { private _unit = _x; private _health = round ((1 - damage _unit) * 100); // health in % from 0 to 100 private _kiaCnt = kiaCnt; //If Dead - Remove From Group - Increment Kill Counter if (_health == 0) then { kiaCnt = _kiaCnt + 1; private _grpDOA = createGroup [west, true]; [_unit] join _grpDOA; }; //Unit Info private _priWeap = primaryWeapon _unit; private _unitMagArr = magazines _unit; private _compMagArr = compatibleMagazines _priWeap; private _cntMag = 0; // Count Primary Weapon Magazines { private _compMag = _x; { private _unitMag = _x; if (_compMag == _unitMag) then {_cntMag = _cntMag + 1}; } foreach _unitMagArr; } foreach _compMagArr; private _logger = format ["%1 || %2 || %3 || Mags: %4", _unit, _health, _priWeap, _cntMag]; _hintArr pushback _logger; _unit groupChat _logger; } foreach _unitArr; _logger = format ["KIA: %1", kiaCnt]; player groupChat _logger; Thanks. Regards, Scott
  24. scottb613

    Formatting a Multiline Hint

    Hi Folks, Thank you again as well. Hah - I know I'm not much of a coder and my solutions aren't very elegant. Seeing better ways of coding is very helpful and appreciated. Let me play with this as well and see if I can grasp all of what you're doing. 🙂 Regards, Scott
  25. scottb613

    Formatting a Multiline Hint

    Hi Folks, Thanks - I'll give that a shot. I've found that when using "heal and revive" scripts the unit numbers and team assignments are lost on occasion - needing me to reevaluate the number assignments periodically. Regards, Scott