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Everything posted by MarkCode82

  1. Nope. the wiki is bugged there is only Login. Checked blocked user page as well
  2. MarkCode82

    Creating an elite AI unit?

    I am unfamiliar with MCC, I know of it have used it, I actually didn't like it. Don't ask why.
  3. I did point out that the wiki, has holes. There are commands missing in several catagories.. And I can't create an account...
  4. MarkCode82

    Creating an elite AI unit?

    ArmA 3 is a very much testing, so my best advice for him is to create 1 AI, Put in his init params ["_grp"]; { _x allowFleeing 0; //Set AI's likely hood to flee, possibly regroup _x setskill ["aimingAccuracy",0.5]; // Find yourself getting aimboted impossibly. lower it _x setskill ["aimingShake", 0.5]; // Find the AI too accurate running / jumping etc lower it _x setskill ["aimingSpeed", 0.5]; // Find the AI whip around to shoot you in the head lower it. _x setskill ["spotDistance",0.5]; //Same as spot time _x setskill ["spotTime", 0.5]; //AI found you 900M or some other ridiculous distance lower it _x setskill ["commanding", 0.5]; // Find the AI too skillful with commanding it's units lower it _x setskill ["courage", 0.5]; /* Find the AI running away raise it generally SAS are "elite" so assumption is they've been conditioned over and over, the whole honour etc leave-no man behind. (Ballsy) */ _x setskill ["general", 0.5]; //Find the AI do stupid stuff raise it _x setskill ["reloadSpeed", 0.5]; //Find they can reload way too fast and start hosing you in cover lower it. } foreach units _grp; // Play with the values experiment but 0.5 is normally a good place to start. Generally higher values == more elite
  5. I'm not a complete noob when it comes to scripting. There is some more advanced things I haven't explored such as dynamic code generation, etc. But I was more focused on the design aspects rather than the actual scripting constructions. E.g Top-down vs Bottom-up approaches. http://dept-info.labri.fr/~strandh/Teaching/PFS/Common/Strandh-Tutorial/bottom-up-programming.html Input and output analysis. https://www.udacity.com/course/viewer#!/c-cs101/l-108111980/m-108325372 Defensive Programming. http://c.learncodethehardway.org/book/ex27.html DSA (Data structures And Algorithmic Analysis) http://www.tutorialspoint.com/data_structures_algorithms/algorithms_basics.htm I remember the optimisation page "touched" on this but didn't explore it or what it meant. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Code_Optimisation etc
  6. MarkCode82

    Creating an elite AI unit?

    https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/AI_Sub-skills Try to obtain data on "human accuracy with rifles" As the distance increases with a rifle to target effective range is limited to a certain point. So an AI with an MX > 600M is likely to have some loss in accuracy, an accuracy of 1.0 is 100% No human can do this, robots can such as the one tested by South Korea but humans can not. http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20150715-killer-robots-the-soldiers-that-never-sleep Now think about this, how courageous? Are the worlds most Elite soldiers? command how good is their commanding? Or do they operate alone? (Ungrouped won't share info with surrounding group) What is a realistic spotting distance an AI could do with an MX and no scope? But Binoculars? or Range finders? How fast can they reload? Do they have a change of for example if no courageous enough dropping a magazine under fear? How fast can they find a target and begin engagement? How much training to they have with the weapons recoil properties? All these questions must be asked if you want an "elite team" but no a super-soldier team.
  7. I've noticed the wiki is a mess, links linking to unrelated pages, it is so bad it's almost Swiss cheese. Things severely need organizing. Not cross linking ArmA 2 with ArmA 3 etc, Operation flashpoint. etc
  8. MarkCode82

    ArmA 3 Wiki needs tidying

    Ah I know what might be going on. I'm a public user, I'm not logged in. Even so I did clear my browsers cache etc. So the chance for cookie references is gone. But remoteExec & remoteExecCall are definitely missing from the multiplayer sub-catagory. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Scripting_Commands_by_Functionality Category:Command Group: Multiplayer > remoteExec Category:Command Group: Multiplayer > remoteExecCall All recent changes probably should also report to I think we can definitely agree the wiki has some holes?
  9. MarkCode82

    ArmA 3 Wiki needs tidying

    Same here I can not see the "create account either" Otherwise I'd be happy to fix it.
  10. MarkCode82

    ArmA 3 Wiki needs tidying

    To ensure clean data etc. Rechecking 1. Dynamic IP re-assigned (All routers restarted) 2. ipconfig /flushdns 3. Purge Browser cache 4. Re purge cache. Goto following address https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/setRain Directory structure remains the same: History wouldn't be recorded, all cookies and other cross-site data was erased to ensure clean check. Remain exactly the same. Category:Command Group: Mission Information > setAmmoCargo > Category:Command Group: Environment > rain > setRain Trust me I do understand it. And all Primary catagories e.g Comamnd Group environment should go back to this page: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Scripting_Commands_Arma_3> https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Scripting_Commands_by_Functionality > Category:Scripting Commands Arma 3 > Scripting Commands by Functionality > Category:Command Group: Environment Additionally: remoteExec > BIS fnc MP > Category:Arma 3: Functions Should route back to. At the top header where Scripting Commands by Functionality optimises access to the data much easier.Has alreaady been done nvm. (I also noticed a while ago some commands were not present in each functionality catagory. Can't remember which ones. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Category:Command_Group:_Multiplayer Is missing links to remoteExec and remoteExecCall and their respective sub-catagories. (Definitely missing) Makes more sense does it not?
  11. They don't remind me of being dynamic when they turn then turn back then laydown, still the same process. AI needs an overhaul at the FSM layer to make it smarter.
  12. MarkCode82

    (Permanently Erased)

    I already realised a while ago. The terminate is dependent on the scripting engine load and where it is in the queue. Terminate is delayed, a key distinction I missed. But with that aside, the BIKI being a community project, VBS 3.0 the Australian Fork off Bohemia, get a regularly updating manual. (ArmA 3 sucks :( ) The community really should put together a "scripting manual" that can be updated regularly.. https://bisimulations.com/support/manuals
  13. MarkCode82

    ArmA 3 Wiki needs tidying

    "Perfect" no. Related architecture yes. ArmA 2 really only referred to in footnotes. ArmA 3 related content, should be improved, Introduction to Scripting page should have ArmA 3 Scripting Commands reference added to it's main body. Directory references like this are just down right screwy Category:Command Group: Mission Information > setAmmoCargo > Category:Command Group: Environment > rain > setRain I mean setRain yes is command group environment, but one adjusts the environment "rain" gets the value. It's not mission information it's environment information generated by the game itself. Not the mission. But okay rain and set rain could happily be catagorised together. but setAmmoCargo, no thats completely different to setRain Command Group Environment: rain fog overcast waves etc. All environmental values, but shouldn't refer back to setAmmoCargo?
  14. MarkCode82

    (Permanently Erased)

    Some what a silly, argument to even be had? but the heavy use of exitWith {} embedded in bohemias own functions, points out it's a valid construct, code matters? We talking Algorithmic Analysis or just general code? I go what the BIKI says, the fact you bothered, to change the "wiki" just now, why didn't you change it long before? If it was invalid? The BIKI is what new scriptwriters goto, to find out how to do things, if it is wrong, it is not my responsibility now is it?
  15. MarkCode82

    (Permanently Erased)

    The wiki is a categorical mess. My assumption was was people used if (!isServer) then exitWith {}; if the exitWith was present, and it was the the "main scope" the script would terminate and do exactly what if (!isServer) then {terminate _thisScript; }; as a valid replacement? And why quickly change the wiki to suit what you wanted? thats just a little bit suspect? Nvm looking through bohemias own functions_f folder they make extensive use of exitWith. That information will be removed.
  16. MarkCode82

    Why so many dynamic AI systems?

    Are FSM's not executed in the non-scheduled though?
  17. MarkCode82

    (Permanently Erased)

    Easy way to test, make a functions-as-files file and then a functions inline test which one is faster through codePerformance. And the discussion you were referring to was this. http://www.ofpec.com/forum/index.php?topic=32468.0
  18. MarkCode82

    Dedicated Setfuel 0 Help

    remoteExec is effectively execVM? What benefits could there be to remoteExecCall'ing then execVM'ing ?
  19. MarkCode82

    Dedicated Setfuel 0 Help

    O_o using remoteExecCall with execVM. Why on earth would you?
  20. Could also do this: _uav = ["B_UGV_01_rcws_F","B_UGV_01_F","B_UAV_01_F","B_UAV_02_F","B_UAV_02_CAS_F"]; { if (_vehicle isKindOf _x) then { } forEach _uav; createVehicleCrew _vehicle; { /* Doing below will make debugging easier, always name your debug data it will make it easier to find bugs. omission of key information from your debug output can come back to but you in the bum big time */ diag_log format ["Vehicle Name: %1 \n Vehicle Faction name: %2 \n Vehicle: Side %3 \n Vehicle Group Side: %4",_x,(faction _x),(side _x),(side group _x)]; } forEach crew _vehicle; };
  21. Why is why scripting command faster than another, how is this determined? How many threads is the actual execution engine for ArmA 3? And how many "jobs" can be active in the schueduler before the system starts to take a performance hit?
  22. MarkCode82

    How does scheduling work?

    I have a tendancy to make ALL my scripts into functions. and Treat them like procedures using cfgFunctions.hpp ensures they're pre-compiled always at mission start.
  23. MarkCode82

    How does scheduling work?

    Okay can someone better elaborate the differences between params and private?