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Everything posted by interectic

  1. I've noticed when you are on the the city level in Clafghan, you can notice the water line bug. Is there anyway to fix this. I am running the most recent version of this mod and I can link a picture if needed. Thank you.
  2. I was wondering if someone could help me in finding a way to make the convoy travel faster. They are super slow and it takes too long for them to get anywhere. Also they seem to stop every 100m and then keep going. This is also something I want to fix. Link to script: http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=20265 Thank you.
  3. interectic

    Helicopter fastrope script

    The ai aren't getting out in the example mission!!
  4. Does anyone know a radiation script for Arma 3. I'm making a mission on Chernobyl Zone and I would really like to add radiation.
  5. interectic

    Radiation Script

    Thank you for that wonderful, helpful comment. I already used Google and did not find what I was looking for. Thank you.
  6. interectic

    Camera Script

    You need to call for the script to end. A good video tutorial is: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MGfY5gn-kc Hopefully that helps. I'm pretty new to this stuff as well.
  7. interectic

    Radiation Script

    Ok sure I'll take a look. Can I i do it without ACE 3?
  8. Does anyone know a radiation script for Arma 3. I'm making a mission on Chernobyl Zone and I would really like to add radiation.
  9. So should we start making missions with this? Are people willing enough to download this for missions or would they prefer to have the missions using AiA TP since they already have that.
  10. Same, I tried to contact him.
  11. I am also having this problem.
  12. interectic

    [SP-Campaign] Ice

    So if I just wanted the snow could I delete the fog and breath functions?
  13. interectic

    [SP-Campaign] Ice

    Thank you, does this put stress on the frame rate?
  14. interectic

    [SP-Campaign] Ice

    What is the script you used for the snow?
  15. Hi everyone I am making a campaign based on Arma 2's Harvest Red. I have a base idea but I have one important question. Would it seem insane to have the ChDZK invade Chernarus along side the Novorossiya rebels. The rebels are currently fighting in Ukraine. The first mission would you playing CDF soldier during the initial invasion which will be set in 2014. From then on you will play as US Army SF, fighting to retake the country. If anyone would like to help just message me. Thank you.
  16. It's an alternate story to Arma 2's Harvesr Red so the ChDZK are the one taking the country over from the CDF. The US comes in to support the CDF. It's an alternate story to Arma 2's Harvesr Red so the ChDZK are the one taking the country over from the CDF. The US comes in to support the CDF.
  17. I just started the 'Weeks Later" mission before the update.
  18. interectic

    Ukraine Armed Forces

    can you have the infantry use RHS weapons so there is no need for HLC?
  19. well it was a good campaign, ill have to replay it soon.
  20. Well that sucks, i put so much time into it
  21. I tried to continue my play through but it says i need to start over.
  22. How do you keep your current save with this new version. It deleted my old play through.
  23. On the first mission for the German Campaign the Russian plane crashes before it even gets to its way point so you cant move on.