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Everything posted by dakotatah

  1. dakotatah

    Bingo Fuel is impossible?

    It was ridiculous to me. Hardest mission, by far. It I replayed now that I'm a bit more experienced, it might be a different story. I wound up running over about 15 guys with their Ifrit. And the stupid AI. Youd basically have to leave them behind or youd get spotted immediately. And also, way too long.
  2. dakotatah

    Please help me guys. Im very stuck

    I had the same problem. I simply reverted to an earlier save (I save quite often, cause the campaign is terrible to me), and got myself in a better position.
  3. 1. Set up the helicopter that you want to use where you want it. 2. Sync it to the support module "Support Provider" 3. Sync the Support Provider to "Support Requester" 4. Sync the Support Requester to the playable/player units. 5. FLATTEN THOSE UGLY BASTARDS = A video to explain it more thoroughly Also, make sure it has AH in front of it, like the Pawnee or Blackfoot. That stands for Attack helicopter