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Everything posted by target_practice

  1. target_practice

    Creating runways and roads on satellite textures.

    I was thinking that would be how I'd have to do it, thanks for the answers. I have one other question though. How do I make sure that the actual runway texture matches the sattelite runway texture; such as making sure the markings on the two textures line up. Is there even a way I can use the runway textures from the game to create a decal manually?
  2. target_practice


    So the gamemode does actually work with ACE 3? Can anyone tell me how to get it set up?
  3. target_practice


    Sorry to bother you yet again, but the group that has been playing my Warlords missions say they would like me to implement ACE 3 if possible. Is warlords capable of working with it, and are there any changes I need to make to the normal setup for it to work?
  4. target_practice


    Ah, sorry for missing that; I should have looked more closely. Thanks for fixing that bug. I don't mean to keep bothering you, but you mentioned you would try to fix the problems with deployment of unmanned vehicles and static objects. Is that comming soon?
  5. target_practice


    I have another bug report. I remember that you mentioned you were working on a fix for how fixed-wing aircraft choose landing points on custom maps. Because of this I assume you already know about this kind of thing, but I will put this here anyway. When I purchased a Wipeout on the SMD Sahrani map, instead of landing at Paraiso airport (which was controlled by my team and I was right next to) it landed at Pita airstrip, which was on the other side of the map and under control of the enemy team. Also, to expand upon JohnnyShootos' question, I did assume that the garrison size was based on sector size, but what is the logic to determine if vehicles spawn within a sector? I ask this as mechanised units spawned within some larger sectors. Finally, is there any logic to determine the maximum size of a squad? It seems to change through the course of a game. Perhaps you could also add a way to manually control it? Thanks in advance.
  6. target_practice


    While I'm here, can I just say thanks for making this fantastic gamemode. Me and a group I play with have been playing rounds of it and we've had huge amounts of fun.
  7. target_practice


    I have another question. Is there a variable to control maximum squad size? If there isn't, could it be added?
  8. target_practice


    I tried adding Fixed-wing UAVs to an asset list, but they would spawn without a pilot or UAV AI and would simply crash instead of landing on a runway. Another example, less of a problem in this case, is that I tried to add Sandbags and other static objects under defences, but instead of being placeable like manned defences they would be airdropped like vehicles. I also have a bug report. I just finished a whole-map Warlords mission for the terrain SMD Sahrani today, and pretty much everything works fine; however the info text and icons for a sector that appear when mousing over are placed on top of each other. (http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/439450599175344311/6294EFFFC8157A095BD6B85D6F601F0664381139/) I assume it has something to do with the terrain, as I have made a couple of other warlords missions on other terrains which have not had this issue.
  9. target_practice


    Could you add a variable that can be defined in asset lists to override the default method to deploy a requested unit? Such as having a aircraft be airdropped instead of landing on a runway. This would be useful if the default method causes problems.