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10 Good

About AlkarF22

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. AlkarF22

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Thanks! I'll try it out
  2. AlkarF22

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    The AI for some of the Attack Helicopters in this mod seems to prioritize rockets over ATGM's when attacking tanks. They'll use their ATGM's eventually, but not until like the 3rd or 4th strafing run or till they've run out of rockets. The Apache seems to not have this problem, but I noticed it with the Mi-28 and the Mi-24. Any ideas? Is it something you guys could fix, or is this more of an Arma issue?
  3. AlkarF22

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I hope I didn’t come off as needy. That wasn’t my intention, and I think this is a phenomenal mod.
  4. AlkarF22

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Do you guys plan on adding the M1A2C (SEP V3) when it’s officially revealed? There’s a picture of it that was leaked which supposedly is a finalized version, but not confirmed. However, it appears to have additional armor on the front of the turret (and I think it will on the lower front hull). It also looked like it had an active protection system. Anyway, it looks like it’s gonna be a significant upgrade, and it’d be a nice counter to the T-14. Here’s one of the articles with the picture: https://www.google.com/amp/s/taskandpurpose.com/m1-abrams-tank-m1a2c-2630070786.amp.html
  5. None of the buildings are showing up for me on any of the CUP maps. I get an error when I launch as well telling me that CUP Building files are missing. Any suggestions? I downloaded it from the steam workshop. I've tried uninstalling it and resubscribing, but still no luck. EDIT: It turns out it's due to a conflict with the Australia mod. I deactivated that mod and everything was fine.
  6. Hey Burnes, Did you take away the A2 abrams variant from your abrams mod awhile back? I can't seem to find it in the editor, whereas when I downloaded it on my desktop a long time ago it was there. I also hope everything has been going well for you. Thanks, Alkar
  7. Say I named my unit "unit1", in the init field would I type "unit1 allowfleeing 0"? Again I'm really sorry.
  8. Thanks for the script Devastator I'll see if it works, and Chairborne how do I apply that command? I hate to sound like a newb hehe.
  9. I have a problem with the AI helicopter gunships. They won't engage enemy AI properly, sometimes they'll just fly away after a firing a few shots and then just sit there hovering in the opposite direction while the enemy ground AI continually shoots at them with machine guns. I'd usually watch this happen while playing as a civilian. Any ideas? And btw it seems to happen with all choppers, even the vanilla Arma 3 ones, so I'm not sure that is has to do with this mod. However, it did seem to happen after I installed it
  10. You may have been asked this before, but I could not find it. Where is the M1A2 in the editor? I can only find the M1A1. I've downloaded your mod previously when it was still on armaholic I believe and was able to access both tank variants, but now when I download it I can only find the M1A1.
  11. AlkarF22

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Hey fuller, Do you still have plans to increase the maneuverability of the F-22? I hope it doesn't seem like I'm pestering you with this or anything.
  12. AlkarF22

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    That's great to hear, but in testing I felt that the frontal armor of the A2 SEP variants should be beefed up quite a bit (mainly the turret armor and upper front hull). I feel that the frontal armor should be nearly impenetrable (I say nearly because of course a few weapons like the javelin would likely still penetrate). In order to balance this, perhaps you guys could add the T90MS in the Russian armed forces pack. I guess I'm asking for this too because I miss the armor penetration system from the ACE 2 mod in Arma 2. xD This is of course just something for you guys to think about, for it is your decision in the end.
  13. AlkarF22

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Is the armor on all of the Abrams variants in this mod the same, or do the A2 SEP variants actually have better armor than the A1 variants?
  14. AlkarF22

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Hey fullerpj, I'd like to start by saying that this is just simply an awesome mod; I never thought I'd be flying a B2 in arma. My only request is that you increase the maneuverability of the F-22 if you could. I'm not saying it's bad, but it just seems to be the same as the F-35 and F-16 (at least to me). I feel that with it's thrust vectoring, it should be significantly more maneuverable. This is of course your decision in the end. Thanks, Alkar