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Everything posted by _.Dardo._

  1. _.Dardo._

    DirecxtX 12 for ArmA 3?

    Guys ,I'll say it again,you can NOT talk about benchmarks with DirectX12 if hardware hasn't been optimised for working with these libraries. I can't tell if they are better or worse than Vulkan API. We will know it only around the end of 2016, or later.. When optimised hardware will be out.
  2. _.Dardo._

    DirecxtX 12 for ArmA 3?

    Didn't know this.Inviato dal mio LG-D855 utilizzando Tapatalk
  3. _.Dardo._

    DirecxtX 12 for ArmA 3?

    ...if it's not going to end like mantle... Lol
  4. _.Dardo._

    DirecxtX 12 for ArmA 3?

    If drivers and hardware are not built for working with DX12,obviously we won't have any kind of performance increases. Unfortunately,we'll have to wait to see the muscles of dx12 .
  5. _.Dardo._

    Percent system

    I Need to broadcast only a number,from what i read on the wiki it should work
  6. _.Dardo._

    Percent system

    So you reccomend me to use if & else instead of switch cases?
  7. _.Dardo._

    Percent system

    For example:_p= floor random 100; switch (true) do { case (_p < 10) : { _weaponpercent = ["coolweapon1", "coolweapon2"]}; case ((_p > 10) && (_p > 15)) : { _weaponpercent = [" Verycoolweapon1", "Verycoolweapon2"]}; I mean,my way sucks so hard ,so if you have something better to do those percents D: This should give 10% to the first case and 5% to the second.
  8. _.Dardo._

    Percent system

    Not that helpful...but thanks :/
  9. I'd like to translate a few things from the stringtables in my own language,does anyone know where can i 'commit' some modifies? Inviato dal mio LG-D855 utilizzando Tapatalk
  10. _.Dardo._

    Add background video

    If you want to test it,just put it in the misions folder onto My Documents.Inviato dal mio LG-D855 utilizzando Tapatalk
  11. _.Dardo._

    Removing Bushes and Trees

    Uhm that's strange,what's the map are you working on? I'd like to personally test it
  12. _.Dardo._

    Removing Bushes and Trees

    Check my last answer in a similiar thread
  13. Would be nice to add a way to set initialization code for a specific unit (e.g: double click)
  14. I know this is an old post,by the way here's the only way i've found for hiding objects having their ID. {((getpos hider) nearestObject _x) hideObject true;} forEach [id1,id2,id3,id4,id5]; "hider" is the name of the object where we want to start the research. And id1,id2,id3,etc are the ids of the entities to be removed. Hope this helps.
  15. Never used it beforeInviato dal mio LG-D855 utilizzando Tapatalk
  16. The only one which is not working for me,even with a medikit, is the Acts_TreatingWounded,which is very different from AinvPknlMstpSnonWnonDnon_medic_1Inviato dal mio LG-D855 utilizzando Tapatalk
  17. Any chance of having a linux version for squadsync server (no gui)? Inviato dal mio LG-D855 utilizzando Tapatalk
  18. _.Dardo._

    Add background video

    It should work,testing it right nowInviato dal mio LG-D855 utilizzando Tapatalk
  19. _.Dardo._

    Add background video

    Copied from E**** ... // Play playMusic "Track"; addMusicEventHandler ["MusicStop", {[] spawn {sleep 10; playMusic "Track"}}]; // I suppose that the duration of the track,in this case,is 10 seconds // To hide the mini lag between the loops cutText ["", "BLACK FADED", 69]; //Don't know why,but it could be useful // No bullshit enableEnvironment false; showCinemaBorder false; //Self explanatory // Loop video while {true} do { _video = ["path/to/video"] spawn BIS_fnc_playVideo; waitUntil {scriptDone _video}; };
  20. Awesome ._.And,what about importing dayz models of the houses? Inviato dal mio LG-D855 utilizzando Tapatalk
  21. Any chance of having in the future openable buildings in chernarus? Inviato dal mio LG-D855 utilizzando Tapatalk
  22. Contact me if you are still working on this. Inviato dal mio LG-D855 utilizzando Tapatalk
  23. _.Dardo._

    Add a background video

    Thank you,I put the topic in the wrong section ,sorry for the mistake.Inviato dal mio LG-D855 utilizzando Tapatalk
  24. _.Dardo._

    Arma Debug Window (ADW)

    You are crearly installing the 32-bit version.Inviato dal mio LG-D855 utilizzando Tapatalk