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Everything posted by stburr91

  1. Go onto Youtube, and watch some of the videos of how to use the unit capture/unit play function.
  2. What is it exactly that you want to achieve? Must it be the drone that targets the unit, or do you just want the unit targeted with a laser? If it's the latter, then you could just create a laser, and attach it to the AA unit.
  3. stburr91

    Standardization of universal damage system

    That's an understatement. ACE medical is so excessive that it's painful just watching video of people using it, I couldn't imagine how painfully excessive using it as a player would be. LoL, no it's not. Just ask 10 people what they think of the current US President, and you will get answers ranging from, he's the next Hitler, to he's one the best US President in the last 100 years. Perception is reality.
  4. stburr91

    Unit play and capture

    Let me know when you get the mission file, so I can then remove the link.
  5. stburr91

    Unit play and capture

    Here's a example mission.
  6. stburr91

    Unit play and capture

    I won't be able to open it then. Give me a little time, and I'll create an example mission for you.
  7. stburr91

    Unit play and capture

    Does this require mods?
  8. stburr91

    Unit play and capture

    Upload the mission folder (with everything in it).
  9. stburr91

    Unit play and capture

    I don't know if it would make a difference or not, it's just how I've done it, so I know it works. OP Can you upload your mission file?
  10. stburr91

    Unit play and capture

    You just need two separate path files, one file for unit1, and one file for unit2. Example path1.sqf path2.sqf Your init.sqf should look like this. Path1 = compile preprocessFile "path1.sqf"; Path2 = compile preprocessFile "path2.sqf"; Call the paths like this. rec = [] spawn Path1; rec = [] spawn Path2;
  11. stburr91

    Unit play and capture

    I always put the paths in their own separate sqf file, and call each one separately.
  12. Since you are one of the people who uploaded this mod onto Steam, maybe you can answer a simple question. You and your partner on Steam claim you developed the Sea Fighter mod yourself. Maybe you can explain why your Sea Fighter mod is exactly the same as Gnat's mod that was released in 2014? You even used Gnat's pictures, and description on your Steam page.
  13. stburr91

    Which discs contain playable missions?

    You know when the OP said that BI was being lazy when they didn't include missions with the DLCs, at first I didn't agree, but then he said he wanted WWII aircraft missions. I don't know about everyone else, but when I buy a Tanks DLC for a game set in 2035, I expect WWII aircraft missions to be included, so I now agree with the OP, BI was just be lazy not including these kinds of mission with their DLCs.
  14. stburr91

    Which discs contain playable missions?

    Only the DLCs that include aircraft have playable missions for aircraft. The Helicopter, and Jets DLCs include a showcase scenario using the aircraft from the DLC. If you want more missions using aircraft, look on the Steam Arma 3 workshop for user made missions.
  15. stburr91

    Which discs contain playable missions?

    Yes, the Jets DLC does contain a playable mission, it even says so in the DLC description. From the Jets DLC description Showcase Jets - Take to the skies above Altis and engage in air-to-air and air-to-ground combat in a brand new Showcase scenario. All the DLCs contain playable missions, or a mini campaign.
  16. stburr91

    Which discs contain playable missions?

    The "Old Man" campaign is free if you own the Apex expansion. The Old Man campaign does not require the Karts DLC. If you want to use the go karts, then you need to own the Karts DLC.
  17. stburr91

    Which discs contain playable missions?

    All the DLCs contain some type of playable showcase mission, or a mini campaign. Can you be more specific about what type of mission you are looking for?
  18. Follow the instructions in the third post of this thread.
  19. You cannot change the color of the text if you are using "spawn BIS_fnc_showSubtitle". You can change the color of text using "titleText" as gc8 mentioned.
  20. stburr91

    Stoping a Say3d Loop

    Place a sphere on your generator, and remove the texture on the sphere so it isn't visible. Play your sound on the sphere instead of the generator. To end the sound loop, simply delete the sphere.
  21. Low power optics don't get "misaligned" unless you are moving quickly, or moving over rough terrain. Moving the entire upper body left, or right is the proper technique, and almost entirely eliminates any "misalignment" of the optic. While we're on the subject, why the heck do the sights/optics completely misalign while in a moving vehicle? That almost completes ruins shooting from vehicles.
  22. There are ways to script this, but why not just use the CAS module?
  23. I'm not a scripter, but something like this may work. You would need to decide what weapon you want to be the taser, and find the classname for it. I would suggest that you use the starter pistol for the taser, it looks like a gun, but cannot do damage. if (currentWeapon _shooter == "classname of taser here") then
  24. Just a heads up for anyone playing around with this concept. You cannot see the refraction effect through many of the optics, such as the RCO. Test it for yourself, look at the exhaust on a vehicle, you will see the refraction effect. Then look at it through the RCO 2x scope, the refraction effect is no longer visible.
  25. stburr91

    Tactical supply drop

    There's something weird with backpacks, you can't attach them to something.