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Everything posted by stburr91

  1. Looks really good, nice work. I know it's still a WIP, but I'll chime in, the lighting still needs refinement, but the rest is coming along very nicely. One question because I didn't see it in the video, is there a stairwell inside the building that goes up to the roof? A couple of suggestions, I know you did some really nice work on the US Embassy insignia, but the building would be much more versatile for mission makers without any markings so it could be used as any nation's embassy. I would also suggest that minimal furniture be included in the model, being a blank canvas gives mission makers more options for how to set it up.
  2. How did I know Johnny couldn't be trusted with the setObjectScale command. 😂
  3. This is pretty interesting, but my testing is not yielding good results. Is anyone testing this getting it to work well for them?
  4. Really creative, great work, I can't wait to try it out myself.
  5. Is that all you want? I'm sure BI will get right on it. 😁 I can help you with the 2021 Roadmap. Here's the 2021 Roadmap. No Arma 4 in 2021. There, you're welcome.
  6. If you only want to record a vehicle, you should only record the the vehicle path. Put only this in your record trigger, [car1, wp1] spawn BIS_fnc_Unitplay;
  7. stburr91

    Attachto player weapon

    I don't believe you can attach something to the weapon. A work around that some people have used is to attach it to the player's wrist. This option isn't perfect, but you can play around with it, and see how it works for what you want to do.
  8. stburr91

    Radio Arma

    That was an interesting interview with Jay Crowe, and Cpt. Miller/Michael Pitthan, thanks to all involved for making this happen. I don't know much about Tencent, so I don't have any strong opinions about this, but people on social media are p*ssed. I don't know that I blame them, it's hard to get the warm, and fuzzies from a chinese company getting involved with the developer that makes the franchise that you really like.
  9. You could just place two carriers in the editor, hide the damaged one at the start of the mission, and if the enemy aircraft gets too close, then delete the undamaged carrier, and unhide the damaged one.
  10. stburr91

    Unsure how to make spinning light

    The one pierremgi posted works for me in the init field of the light. It's likely the copy/paste bug that this forum suffers from that is causing the error. You could try to type in the script manually.
  11. stburr91

    The Fictional MX Rifle series, why?

    God I hope not. I'd hate to see the game regress like that, but with A4 almost certainly going to be a cross platform release, who knows what A4 will even be. It could be a pretty watered down version of the game to appeal to console gamers.
  12. stburr91

    Arma 4 - Hopes, Ideas and Speculation

    To the OP, don't expect much discussion about A4 on here. A4 is so passed due (from the Arma community's point of view) that everyone has long been tired of even talking about it. I will comment on one thing you mentioned about, bigger isn't better. I completely disagree. Bigger may not be better if you only play the game as an infantryman getting into small skirmishes, but if you are into vehicle gameplay, and especially if you enjoy aircraft gameplay, bigger is most certainly better. It's also much better for mission makers as they have more choices for the settings of their missions. So simply put, yes, bigger is better. Frankly, Altis set the standard for how all future terrains should be, at least 20k across, and with almost all structures being fully enterable.
  13. stburr91

    The Fictional MX Rifle series, why?

    I agree that BI found a pretty good balance of current/futuristic with A3. As for the OP complaining about the MX rifles. Well, at least it wasn't yet another bullpup rifle. The decision maker for A3 had/has a very unhealthy obsession with bullpup rifles. I for one hope that person got the help they desperately needed. I also hope they got the damn alien thing out of their system,.
  14. stburr91

    Missile camera troubles

    The above picture ^^^ couldn't be more fitting for a discussion about killing innocent civilians. These same people will be back in power in less then a week, God help us all. Anyway, back on topic, nice little script, I like the immersion something like this adds to a mission, nice work.
  15. stburr91

    Turn on/off an object

    The IR lasers only work on while on the rifles.
  16. stburr91

    Turn on/off an object

    I assume you mean to have units turn on/off their weapon mounted IR lasers. To get a unit to turn on the IR laser, the unit must be in combat mode. To turn on the IR laser NameOfUnit enableIRlasers true; To turn off the IR laser NameOfUnit enableIRlasers false;
  17. This looks really cool, thanks for putting in the time, and effort to make the naval assets come to life, and be more immersive.
  18. Is there anything you can share to help people that may have the same problem?
  19. stburr91

    Livonia FPS

    Yes there is targets, and apparently BI feels that they meet those goals. Don't forget that this terrain was also developed for Dayz, and maybe it runs better on that engine, and the Livonia is a compromise between the two game engines.
  20. Nice video, however I'm not sure if I was the one that originally wrote this little piece of scripting or not, I know that I used it in a script I wrote that allows the player to designate targets for the VLS using a laser designator.
  21. Re-read pierremgi's post, he is saying the last parameter will hide the action on screen, and you will only have it in the menu.
  22. stburr91

    Livonia FPS

    There is only a very small team maintaining Arma 3, so no they will not be optimizing Livonia. Heck, I told them over a year ago that there was a lamp post in the middle of a bench, and the last time I checked, it was still there. BTW, why is 40-50 fps so unplayable to you that you "have no desire to make mission of ANY type there"?
  23. stburr91

    Aircraft Issues

    There are no wheel brakes to slow you down. You have to use the "air brake/speedbrake" key, and you can use the "W" key (after touching down) to push the aircraft down into the runway to further slow it down.
  24. I recommend people use the "sphere" object, and remove the texture to make it invisible. The invisible helipad uses more cpu resources, so the sphere is better for this type of application.