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Everything posted by stburr91

  1. stburr91

    Prarie Fire discussion

    Every map is a compromise. I, and I bet every dev that worked on the terrain would have loved to see Cam Lao Nam 4-5 times bigger, but that's not really possible, so, it's a compromise. Any highly detailed terrain in Arma is not going to be well suited for what you want to do, and especially not a detailed terrain of Vietnam. What you want is a small niche of how people will use this terrain, the devs instead focused on creating a terrain that would be suitable for how most people play Arma, multiplayer/coop. I get it that you're frustrated that there's a really cool CDLC, and you would like to use it, but it just doesn't do what you want it to do. Truthfully, as soon as I saw your post, and read what you wanted the terrain to be capable of, I knew you were going to be disappointed, because frankly, you never really had realistic expectations. I know nothing I just wrote will lessen your frustration, but if I were you, I would adjust your expectation, and do your best to adapt what you want to do with the terrain, and just make the most out of it.
  2. Really cool pierremgi, that worked reasonable well, but there was a few problems. First, there were some objects floating in the air, such a dead fallen tress, and tree stumps. Second, there are a number of objects that would been to be removed from the list, such as the Christmas Tree, and rice plants that form perfect squares for the rice paddies.
  3. From my upcoming mission. This is what happens when your team gets compromised on a recon mission, and all hell breaks loose. No mods
  4. stburr91

    Prarie Fire discussion

    I'm having the same error, the module must be broken, or work completely differently from other modules.
  5. stburr91

    Prarie Fire discussion

    Are you saying that you can't get the Restrict Ambient Voice module to work for you either?
  6. stburr91

    Prarie Fire discussion

    Does anyone know how to setup the, Restrict Ambient Voice module? I put this in the module, and it's causing a error. ["vn_b_men_sog_14", "vn_b_men_sog_06", "vn_b_men_sog_10", "vn_b_men_sog_22"]
  7. From an upcoming mission of mine using the new CDLC S.O.G PRAIRIE FIRE No mods
  8. stburr91

    Prarie Fire discussion

    First, IRL, "Ash and Trash" missions were simply doing logistic runs, so that's why there are no covert missions into Laos and Cambodia. I agree with you that it would be nice to have more diverse helicopter missions instead of just ash, and trash. As far as I know, the hand signals are solely for coop missions, they have no function other than to communicate with other human players in your group. You can access the hand signals using the "Tab" key by default.
  9. stburr91

    Prarie Fire discussion

    In the editor they have invisible paths that can be placed down, that will allow the AI to go over the rice paddy mounds, and over the foot bridges.
  10. stburr91

    [UMB] Colombia

    This looks really good, congrats on the release.
  11. stburr91

    Prarie Fire discussion

    Yes, you don't get any AI team mates in the coop campaign, and yes, it is quite difficult to complete a mission by yourself. I played the first mission solo, and got killed at lease 6-7 times, and spent much of the mission running from the enemy. However, to be fair, the developers did say before the CDLC launch that the campaign was not really intended for singleplayer.
  12. stburr91

    Prarie Fire discussion

    The CDLC alone is a little over 24 gigs.
  13. stburr91

    Prarie Fire discussion

    Yes, I wish the campaign was SP, it sounds amazing. For those interested, I'll be making a SP mission with this CDLC once it releases, but it takes time to create a decent mission, so it won't be released for at least 2-3 weeks.
  14. stburr91

    Prarie Fire discussion

    Yes, some of the Unsung mod team members are the developers for the new SOG Prairie Fire CDLC. There are also a number of other well known mod makers involved in the project as well (Lord Jarhead, IceBreaker).
  15. stburr91

    Prarie Fire discussion

    Well I for one intend to create a naval blockade of Cam Lao Nam as soon as the CDLC releases to block all Yugoslavian ammo creates, and M40A1 rifles with Unertl 10x scopes. Of course I will have to use the USS Freedom, and USS Liberty to do it, and they equally don't fit into the Vietnam War era. Damn, this is harder than I thought, but something has to be done. Just think of a M40A1 rifle with Unertl 10x scope inside of a Yugoslavian ammo create, inside of a Mi-2...the horror.
  16. stburr91

    Questions: SOG Prairie Fire

    It is long over due, that's for sure. The fact that BI has no new games announced using the Enfusion Engine really shows that they should have devoted a lot more resources to it's development much sooner than they did. Heck, if they had, maybe they wouldn't have had to take on Chinese partners. As far as Arma 4 is concerned, I'm of the opinion that they need a whole new development team, especially new storyline writers, because Contact was not only a bad concept, but was quite a poorly written storyline. It's time for a new team, and a fresh new approach, hopefully with a much more realistic storyline set in the present time, or slightly in the future. My biggest concern about the future of the Arma series is that the next Arma game will almost certainly be a multi-platform game, so who knows what this will mean for PC gamers, we may end up with a game more "watered down" to accommodate consoles, and console players. Anyway, back on topic, I for one am excited by the Prairie Fire CDLC. I hope there is enough new features to give an exciting gameplay experience that it will bring back some of the people in the community that have drifted away.
  17. stburr91

    Move in slow motion

    I put this into the debug console. I was testing in SP.
  18. stburr91

    Move in slow motion

    I just tested it, it works on the player for me. That command of course only slows down animations, player movement controlled with the mouse still runs at normal speed. You could also use setAccTime 0.1; that will slow down everything except the mouse movement. I don't know of anyway to slow the mouse movements.
  19. stburr91

    Prarie Fire discussion

    That's the downside of trying to keep an 8 year old game alive. The truth is that Arma 3 has become a zombie, it isn't dead, but it isn't alive either. I know that I'm not going to get as much use out of this CDLC as say the Apex expansion, but $23 isn't a lot of money, and this CDLC looks really good, so I will buy it without reservations.
  20. stburr91

    playMusic occasionally working

    You could have "muted" the music. Use the fadeMusic command to make sure the music is playing at full volume.
  21. Will the building, and the compound be two separate objects? It would be much more versatile if that were the case.
  22. @TeTe T Is there a way to script an AI unit to get into the rescue basket of the CH-53 after is has been lowered to the ground?
  23. stburr91

    Flickering screen

    I would try another mouse, and see if the problem persists.
  24. stburr91

    Prarie Fire discussion

    I don't know if any of the developers are reading this thread, but I was wonder about something. It says on the Recommended Specs section on the Steam page of the CDLC that it requires 75 GB of free hard drive space. Is that just the CDLC, or does that 75 GB include the base game as well?
  25. stburr91

    Questions: SOG Prairie Fire

    My suggestion to you is that you try to contact the developers, and see if you could take part in the beta testing, and provide feedback for them on the AI pathfinding.