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Everything posted by stburr91

  1. stburr91


    I'm not having any instability issues, or nosediving while in vectoring mode, they fly just fine for me. They do respond slowly, but heck, the thing is basically a C-130, it's not going to fly like a littlebird. The VTOLs are stable, you just need a little more practice, and you'll get it down. To keep these VTOLs realistic, they shouldn't fly like helicopters, they are giant aircraft, weighing many tons, keep the handling the way it is currently.
  2. stburr91


    I like everything about the vipers, except the helmet, way too futuristic.
  3. stburr91


    So, can you para drop vehicles from the VTOLs?
  4. Is the sub on the surface? I've had trouble getting into the sub when it's on the surface. It seems to work just fine when the sub is submerged.
  5. I did a cargo drop with the ammo crate, and the crate never landed, it stopped, and was floating in the air about 100 meters of the ground. Has anyone else had this happen?
  6. Firewill Not sure if this has been reported yet, but the nose cone with the radar, and FLIR pod is not connected to the front of the aircraft. It is sticking out about a half a meter in front of the nose of the aircraft. ​I was using the dialog to configure the aircraft.
  7. stburr91

    Zero Dark Zero

    Von, Enjoy the R&R mate, you earned it.
  8. stburr91

    Zero Dark Zero

    I know you were working on AI support in the previous version, will the FROG project work with AI teammates?
  9. I could get the AI to jump with me in stable, on Stratis. Make sure you enable AI to jump with you in the module. Von, AI did ok jumping onto land, but got injured when jumping into the water. Also, AI backpacks would become empty after jumping. I was also getting some error when using the cargo drop. Was getting a "author" not a value error after installing latest leap version.
  10. stburr91

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    V-44 X Blackfish (Armed) Cool. ^^^ There are over 400 people viewing this thread.
  11. stburr91


    I think the Polaris Defense DAGOR looks better.
  12. stburr91


    It's going to be a mother beautiful expansion.
  13. stburr91


    If people would have told me a year ago after watching the Apex trailer that we still would have almost no new information, I would have said no way. However, here we are almost a year later, and less than a month away from release, and there still has been almost no new information. I guess they are happy with the pre-sale numbers, so they feel there is no need to promote the expansion. Oh well, I guess we have to wait another couple of weeks until E3.
  14. I'm pretty sure that feature hasn't been added yet. Von, The plan is to add the cargo drop, and AI support just like the last one, correct?
  15. stburr91

    New 1.60 Update Quick Note

    There is no doubt that if you know anything about photography, you know how badly overexposed everything now looks with the new visual update. I don't want to be too hasty to complain, I'll have to play around with the settings to see what I can do.
  16. stburr91

    Zero Dark Zero

    OK, I downloaded USAF 5.3 and the jumpmaster, and loadmaster spawned for me. I did a parajump and when I pulled my chute, I got the same error as road runner. Mods LEAP CBA USAF 5.3 ETA: I did the HALO jump. and got the same error, and I also got this weird blurred vision thing. The error on the screen, and the blurred vision didn't go away, even after several minutes. I also notice a drop in frames. The pic below was several minutes after touchdown. I guessing that the blurred vision I got after the first HALO jump was from an oxygen failure? ETA 2: I got these two errors when I checked the sam intel report. ETA 3: I did another HALO jump, got error when I pulled chute, error stayed on the screen for about a minute or so after landing. I had a noticeable drop in frames after landing, while error was still on the screen. Frames went back to normal when error went away. I did not have blurred vision this time after doing HALO jump. I guessing that the blurred vision I got after the first HALO jump was from an oxygen failure? Hopefully this is helpful for you Von.
  17. stburr91

    Zero Dark Zero

    That's most likely why I'm not getting the jumpmaster, and loadmaster spawning.
  18. stburr91

    Zero Dark Zero

    I believe I did. Everything spawned except the jumpmaster, and loadmaster.
  19. stburr91

    Zero Dark Zero

    Still not working for me. Mods LEAP CBA USAF Tried numerous times, it would never spawn the jumpmaster, or loadmaster. I don't have the latest version of the USAF, but I'm not sure that would be a problem.
  20. stburr91

    Zero Dark Zero

    I don't have much time right now, but I got a lot of errors as the sample mission started, and got an error when I tried to file a flight plan, and could not file the flight plan, so no jump. I couldn't find the LEAP modules in the editor. I was using the 3d editor. Complete no go for me, I'll do more testing when I have time.
  21. stburr91

    Zero Dark Zero

    Sounds good, I can't wait to do some jumps again.
  22. stburr91

    Zero Dark Zero

    The mod is not currently work since the Eden update.
  23. stburr91

    Zero Dark Zero

    I think I speak for everyone here, thanks for all the time, and effort you are putting into this Von, we do appreciate it.