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Everything posted by stburr91

  1. stburr91

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    I haven't read all 84 pages of this thread, so sorry if this has already been asked, but isn't the F-16 primarily a bomb dropper, so why no CAS version of the F-16?
  2. stburr91


    I switched back to the stable build (from the Apex sneak peek), and it looks like it's downloading the whole 9.6 GB Apex update.
  3. stburr91

    Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

    I currently running Apex sneak peek, do I need to switch back over to the main build for tomorrow to get the Apex release?
  4. What about using the new V-44 Blackfish. Also, would it be possable to add the prowler to the paradrop options? I don't know how well it would fit in the C-130, I think it should fit.
  5. I haven't used it recently, but I did have AI support, the AI would teleport outside the sub when you exit the lock out chamber.
  6. stburr91

    Advanced Rappelling

    It would be very convenient if people were willing to configure the different helicopter mods, and package them in a PBO file like Bamsa did for the RHS helicopters. That way it is plug, and play. The files could be seperated by the different mods. One for RHS, one for CUP, and so on.
  7. stburr91

    Advanced Rappelling

    Forgive the nood question, but do I put the your PBO file in my mission folder?
  8. Naval special operations conducting maritime operations in the Tanoa Islands. Recovering a SEAL team after conducting an inland op on the islands. A SEAL team boarding a suspicious vessel, and taking several of the crew into custody. Experimenting with the MK V as a vehicle transport. Mods, RHS:USAF, Massi Units
  9. Island Hoppers sightseeing tour of Tanoa Robin's Nest?
  10. I can't get the mission generator to work at the off map ops center. Is it still the laptop at the front cubical were it was in the old ops center?
  11. stburr91

    ASDG - Mk. V SOC (WIP)

  12. stburr91

    Apex Weapon Feedback

    Maybe this isn't the right place to put this, but please, please cut the length of the suppressors in half, they look ridiculous that long. I don't know why suppressors would become twice the length in the future, you would think they would get smaller. I love the Spar 16, but between the nurfed 5.56 round, and the ugly suppressors, I just don't see using them much.
  13. It could be the freighter from Take on Helicopters. You can see it in this video. https://youtu.be/jWg87xsyThQ?t=80
  14. Yeah, I put that in there myself, just for fun. I wasn't sure if you were old enough to remember Magnum PI or not. Glad you got a laugh out of it.
  15. If I knew what video that was, I wouldn't be asking you. LoL. Can you please give me the name of the video, or provide a link to the video?
  16. What video is that from, and what time is it in the video?
  17. Von, I completed an op, and called for the Civilian Chopper Exfill. There was something about a sightseeing tour of the island being canceled, and then this showed up. I'm not sure if I was actually hearing the Magnum P.I. theme music, or if it was just in my head....weird.
  18. That wasn't a freighter, it was the trawler, and it's in the game. It's somewhere under seaports I think. Search for trawler.
  19. I'm enjoying the spook ops. A CIA front cargo hauling company lifting nondescript cargo container with an old cold war relic helicopter. The nondescript cargo container is really a mobile ops center, it can be assembled in about two hours.
  20. Looking forward to getting back into using your mods Von. In preparation of some spook ops. A few locals on Tanoa have reported seeing a strange black aircraft flying around the islands lately. A remote airfield on one of the islands. Unidentified men inspect the cargo Bringing assets in country in preparation for ops.
  21. stburr91


    Yeah, I'm not a fan of the Xi'an either. It's a big fat ugly thing. Also, it has it's jets pointed down onto it's own ramp, cooking the troops as they depart.
  22. stburr91


    Interesting. I'm using keyboard, mouse, and pedals. I cannot control the angle of the props. They automatically point straight up in vector mode to allow stable slow speed flight. You should do a test with your joystick turned off, and see what happens.