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Everything posted by stburr91

  1. stburr91

    Trim Feature For Helicopters/Jets

    Trim is only available with the advanced flight model for helicopters. You will find the key binds for it in the helicopter controls.
  2. That would be cool, but that would be a 3 year project, and by the time it was done, Arma 4 would be out, so a cDLC with that kind of scale is very unlikely to happen at this point.
  3. stburr91

    Ps5 port reforger

    BI said no mods, or cross play for ps5, at release, maybe in the future.
  4. stburr91

    Bohemia. C'mon

    It's just extremely slow development, A4 is 3 years away, so I have some doubts that half the team already moved to A4.
  5. From an upcoming mission I'm working on. German Paratrooper No mods, Spearhead 1944 CDLC
  6. Yes, I've never been able to get the restrict voice module to work.
  7. I don't think night vision is on the roadmap.
  8. They are going to move all of reforger's content over, add a few things, and call it Arma 4. So yes, if you own reforger, you will be paying for all the content a second time if you buy Arma 4.
  9. stburr91

    Arma 3 Creator DLC: Reaction Forces

    BI doesn't like to do too many patches for the CDLCs, so it could easily be 6+ months until the next patch.
  10. stburr91

    Reaction Forces Issues

    The devs are very active in their Discord, you may want to try there. https://discord.com/channels/700262636096323634/1215300159521427458
  11. Their Discord, they have said in a number of times, here's one of the posts. https://discord.com/channels/824223048940519434/839818528685424660/1205580417407651911
  12. From my latest mission "Defend the Crash Site" https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=3214438905 No Mods, WS and RF CDLC
  13. stburr91

    help to understand

    I don't expect them to show us anything of Arma 4 until it's nearly ready for early access. I would guess A4 will be released into EA in about 2ish years.
  14. stburr91


    Here you go. https://reforger.armaplatform.com/faq
  15. stburr91


    First, BIS is a completely separate company, and no longer has any association with BI (BI makes the Arma series). With that out of the way, I agree with you, it would be nice to see Arma 4 be a full content, full feature game, however, I highly doubt that will be the case. BI has already said that they will be reusing all the content from reforger in A4. so it seems we will be stuck with a bunch of reused content for A4. Also, with how many difficulties BI have had developing reforger, I don't expect Arma 4 to have the same amount of content, or features as Arma 3. Maybe someday the Arma series will get fleshed out to be as content, and feature rich has Arma 3, but we are many years away from that day.
  16. stburr91

    Interesting fact

    What Arma 4 website? The enfusion engine only supports island terrains, so the A4 terrain will be an island.
  17. stburr91

    S.O.G. Prairie Fire for XBOX.

    Arma 3 will never be on console, that ship has long since sailed. The guys that did Prairie Fire are working on new projects in UE5, I don't know if what they are doing will be on console, or not.
  18. stburr91

    AI Causing Massive FPS Drops And Lag Spikes

    BI is notorious for being extremely low paying, and the main studio is in eastern Europe, a low pay part of the world (compared to western Europe, and North America). One can't help but to wonder if it would have been cheaper to just pony up the money to move the development to their Amsterdam studio, and hire devs from western Europe, and North America. Heck, who knows, if they did that, Arma 4 could have be out by now....we'll never know. Speaking of perspective. Keep in mind that it isn't against the rules to criticize the game, but it is against the rules to say the kinds of things you say to those that criticize the game. I appreciate that the mods have a light touch here, and let people moderate themselves. Maybe you could self-moderate what you say about other users?
  19. stburr91

    My vision of perfect Arma 4

    There are a lot of people that are not happy with the state of the Arma series right now, and it's been a rough 1.5 years, some people just need to vent.
  20. stburr91

    My vision of perfect Arma 4

    Well, if "the leaker" is correct, and he's been proven correct about pretty much everything he's said, there is a fairly small team working on, the enfusion engine, reforger, and Arma 4, and most of them are junior people. Based on the the pace of development, and the poor quality of the development, I would bet the leaker is also correct about this as well.
  21. stburr91

    Helicopters in Arma

    When you push the mouse forward (move the mouse further from you), the nose of the helicopter moves down? The WASD keys work correctly, it's the mouse forward, and back that are inverted for me. Someone on Steam said they have the same issue, so either there is a bug that some are experiencing, or you are misunderstanding what I'm saying.
  22. stburr91


    I will not buy any DLC for reforger, no matter what. Heck, as this point, I don't even know if I'll be buying Arma 4.
  23. stburr91

    Helicopters in Arma

    I just tried the helicopters in the game, they inverted the mouse controls, not all the mouse controls, just the forward, and backwards cyclic. Who does that? Who inverts only two of the controls? No rational human being would invert the controls, and not give you an option to not have them inverted.