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Everything posted by stburr91

  1. I was wondering the same thing. It looks like the gun is meant for the person on the bench. I would bet the gun could be locked into a forward position, and fired by the pilot as well.
  2. Yes, that would be great, the silly ties kinda of ruin what are otherwise nice textures. Being able to change the ties would make the uniforms much more useful. If you watch the BI video promoting the sandbox content, at the end, there is a massive shadow on the ground of this"alien ship". If that's not just a post processing effect, and was actually in game, the "mothership" would be huge.
  3. stburr91

    Arma 3 Photography : Questions and Comments

    @thebuckfastwine Your latest post in the pictures thread is awesome. It looks almost hand drawn, like it's artwork for an old magazine, or book.
  4. Thanks, that's useful for the Livonian Defense Force Showcase mission I'm working on. Now, if we could have a texture option for the ugly neckties we'd be all set.
  5. I just tested it on the latest dev branch, and no mater what I do, I cannot reproduce the clipping you are having. Are you using the default view?
  6. I just checked, and I have the crosshairs for the minigun on the boat. I don't have any clipping issue with the Zafir with an RCO. I'm on the latest dev branch. The problems seem to be on your end.
  7. Callsign Minotaur is a singleplayer, armored vehicle centric campaign that you play as a CSAT soldier. The campaign has voicing acting, and is considered one of the best user made campaigns. https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=835526985
  8. I haven't seen them say that, but I would think that with all the scripting that will be involved in the campaign, that it would be tested on dev, at least a few days before release. But who knows, they may just want to wait, and have a big reveal on release day. I agree, a Kuma would be nice to have in LDF paint, or at least, od green.
  9. There isn't any leaflets for the LDF. Will leaflets for the LDF be added?
  10. Out for a bombing sortie over Livonia. Cluster Bomb drop Mods: Project Livonia F-149 Gryf
  11. That's pretty interesting. Maybe you guys should mention that in one of the dev vlogs, or something, because I'm sure I'm not the only one that didn't know this. How do you reload these? I guess that's the night shift guy's problem. 😉
  12. Would it be possible to get that orange beacon as a placeable object in the editor? That would be an awesome addition for mission makers. Also, can anyone tell me, what is the purpose of the new cargo platform? Maybe I'm missing something, but with no ladder up to it, I'm not sure what function it would serve.
  13. I haven't read the entire thread, so I may be misunderstanding what the OP wants, but an easy way to get this to work would be... Place a trigger on the LZ with the trigger size, A 250, B 250, C 125 Name your group, group1 In the trigger, activation type, Bluefor present, On activation {_x addBackpack "B_Parachute"; } foreach units group1; 0 = player spawn {waitUntil {getPosATL _this select 2 < 122}; player action ["openParachute"];}; This does everything automatically, no need for the player to have to try to open his cute as the last second. You can give the player a parachute from the start, it doesn't matter. This may not be exactly what the OP wants, but it's the simplest way to do this.
  14. This is minor, but there is grass in the main road, Grid 086098, position [8659.23,9880.36,0]
  15. stburr91

    Contact Expansion Feedback

    After spending some time on the new terrain, I have to say that it's better then I first thought. In fact I would say overall, it is a decent map. With that said, I still would have never picked this location for a new terrain, and the terrain itself is without a doubt, a bit parochial.
  16. stburr91

    Project Livonia

    Since the LDF are a member of NATO, what about an A-164 Wipeout? Here's a pic using, this setObjectTexture[0,"#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.518,0.519,0.455,0.2)"]; this setObjectTexture [1,"#(argb,8,8,3)color(0.518,0.519,0.455,0.2)"]; This is a crude example, but I think it has potential if properly re-skined.
  17. stburr91

    Project Livonia

    I noticed you released a re-skin for the Gripen, it turned out really nicely. I would encourage you to put all the re-skins into one mod, it would make it so much easier to just download one mod for LDF re-skins. It would also likely be easier for you to only have to maintain one mod. Anyway, thanks for the re-skins.
  18. stburr91

    Project Livonia

    First of all, the re-skins look good, nice work. Would you consider doing a Buzzard, or Gripen re-skin?
  19. I don't expect any of the "aliens" material until the campaign is added, which is generally one of the last things added.
  20. New LDF Tank? Mods: Contact Expansion
  21. I just tried this on the Kuma, and it looked ok, a little shiny. However, if you use those textures, you can't use the camo netting. There are unused NATO (light green color) textures in the game for the Gorgon, and Strider that looks pretty good. There is also a CSAT grey camo for the Buzzard without any AAF markings. These are all usable to help augment the LDF without any need for mods. The unused textures can be found here.
  22. Yeah, I was all excited when the OP said this was nearly complete, but the OP hasn't even been on the forums here since shortly after posting this, so everyone should adjust their expectations accordingly. Let me be clear, I'm not saying this will never be released, I'm just saying have realistic expectations.
  23. Arma ragdolls are awesome. 😉 Sometimes you just need to drop your gun, and start dancing. Channeling your inner James Brown Mods: Contact Expansion
  24. I noticed there is a spinal board added, will there be an animation for a unit as if they were laying on a spinal board?
  25. You could always use call BIS_fnc_attachToRelative, that is a very easy way to attach the turret to the flatbed. I agree, it would be really nice to be able to load ammo boxes, and cargo containers onto the flatbed via the ViV function.