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Everything posted by stburr91

  1. Fascinating project Jonnyboy, I love how you're willing to tackle such a difficult problem/limitation of the AI. Hell, I'm working on a singleplayer mission assaulting an oil rig, and I just resorted to using the unit capture function by TedHo to script most of it, which has it's own limitations. Anyway, I just wanted to say good luck with the project, keep up the good work.
  2. stburr91

    Make all DLC Maps Free

    Does anyone know if the new tent lamps ( Land_TentLamp_01_suspended_F) require Contact? I don't want to use them in my mission if they are require Contact ownership.
  3. stburr91

    Arma 3 DLC - CONTACT

    To show the hose connected to the mask, put this into the unit's init. (backpackContainer this) setObjectTexture [1,"a3\supplies_f_enoch\bags\data\b_cur_01_co.paa"]; (backpackContainer this) setObjectTexture [2,"a3\supplies_f_enoch\bags\data\b_cur_01_co.paa"]; To hide the filter on the NATO mask. this linkItem "G_AirPurifyingRespirator_01_nofilter_F";
  4. stburr91

    Big tanoa airport hanger

    There is no need for mods, just put this into the debug console in the editor to spawn the big hanger. create3DENEntity [ "Object", "Land_Airport_02_hangar_left_F", screenToWorld [0.5,0.5] ]; create3DENEntity [ "Object", "Land_Airport_02_hangar_right_F", screenToWorld [0.5,0.5] ]; After you do that, just save the two pieces as a composite so it's easy to place in the future.
  5. The problem with that fade effect is that is also fades the sound (not what you want for a blindfold). It's better to use, cutText ["", "BLACK OUT",3]; I tried a script to raise the cargo platform, it works, but the cement base for the legs also raises up with the platform, and doesn't look right.
  6. stburr91

    Arma3 Videos

    CSAT Vipers training
  7. OP, You may want to check out this thread, there are unused textures you can apply to some of the vehicles. For example, this is a black texture for the Hummingbird. \a3\air_f\Heli_Light_01\Data\heli_light_01_ext_ion_co.paa
  8. stburr91

    All other SP missions?

    In the launcher, go to the DLC tab, in there, deselect "Contact". Then use the yellow\orangish colored "Play" button at the bottom left of the launcher.
  9. stburr91

    New platform from Contact

    You can find them under, Props>Structures (Altis)>Military>Military cargo Platform They are available on the platform side, no need to load the Contact DLC.
  10. stburr91

    Liberate Livonia

    Play as the Livonian Defense Force as they engage in deadly house to house fighting to regain control of the village of Radunin. Mission here https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1819888071 Mission features Gritty CQB fighting Helicopter sniper gameplay Drone demining Intro, cut scenes, and outro No mods required Contact Expansion required Situation A radical Islamic group has seized control of several villages across Livonia. After three days of air, and artillery strikes, the LDF prepares to launch the ground assault to retake the villages. You will take part in the operation to liberate the village of Radunin.
  11. stburr91

    Contact Expansion Feedback

    It seems that you aren't using the default FOV. Try zooming out, or go back to the default FOV.
  12. So it's not just me that thought that the, find the root tips mission was terrible. I just watched OperatorDrewski's play through of Contact. He said the mission to find the root tips was the worst experience he has ever had as a gamer. He said it was so bad, that he was going to edit it out of the video, and spare his audience having to sit through it. LoL For anyone that wants to see his video.
  13. stburr91

    "Old Man" campaign still a thing?

    Well, they did include a walker in Contact, must be a clue. Assisted living expansion, I'm in, when can I pre-order?
  14. I knew Miller had something to do with all of this. Yep, this is what you need to put into the debug console to spawn the sinkhole. create3DENEntity [ "Object", "Land_Sinkhole_01_F", screenToWorld [0.5,0.5] ]; Save it as a composite so it's easy to place in the editor later.
  15. Let me start off by saying that my intention for writing this is to provide honest feedback, and I genuinely hope that this is taken as it's meant, as constructive feedback. I waited 24 hours before posting this, as to avoid a knee-jerk reaction. Arma fanboys need not read any further. First, the overall experience of the campaign was up, and down. However, when it was all done, and after a day of thinking about it, I feel the campaign was just not very good (for a lot of reasons). Okay, that's pretty vague, let me go into more detail.
  16. stburr91

    "Old Man" campaign still a thing?

    Last we heard, they stopped development on it, but have not officially canceled the project. With Contact released, it would be nice to know if they will continue work on the project now.
  17. stburr91

    Contact petition.

    That is what I assume the OP means, he wants the alien assets available on the platform side for people that own Contact, even if they are only static props. Frankly, a very reasonable request. I would add the simcom muzzle attachment, and the chemical detectors as well.
  18. How can you see the sound library if you can't get into the detail menu? Like Gunter Severloh already pointed out, your problem is that you don't have the "F" key bound to select the rate of fire. Bind your "F" get to change the rate of fire, and you will be able to get to the detailed menu.
  19. stburr91

    ARMA III Contact - Custom Alien Behaviour

    A video showing how you set that up would be quite useful.
  20. I got that error once as well.
  21. stburr91

    DLC Contact multiplayer

    It's not idle, it can be used in singleplayer. Maybe you missed it, but the devs said they abandoned the idea multiplayer compatibility early in development.
  22. Light post placed in the bench at position [5647.92,3841.39,0], grid 056038.
  23. stburr91

    Arma 3 DLC - CONTACT

    I haven't played the whole campaign yet, but it's pretty much option one, the, "Over the top, heavily scripted linear, 4 hour long non persistent 1 man army missions separated by a few loading screens, with some "alien" plot devices?". It's still a good campaign, but definitely not a combined arms/open world campaign. There are already videos on youtube of the campaign, so just check them out, and see for yourself.