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Everything posted by YanYatCheng

  1. YanYatCheng

    Pick up Intel

    this addAction ["pick up paper", {hint format ["please send help!", _this select 3]}]; this addAction["Pick up map", {deleteVehicle (_this select 0); player linkItem "ItemMap"; hint "I now have a map!"}];
  2. please note that planes in USAF/USN that starts with "X" means "Tester/Research plane" , and those plane that's good to go for a large rate production will change to it's own designation letter (like X-35 -> F-35) ; and "Y" refers to "Prototype" that will compete with other plane for a contract. (like YF-17 and YF-18) and also for the record, there isn't a "XF" designation for any plane in USA yet, there's only "YF" XF isn't a choice for vehicle designation
  3. finally found the problem for the HUD before, i was thinking, why i always went too high for a carrier approach although I follow the real life landing path (from USAF released flight manual) when I am flying as slow speed with flaps one, I bring my aircraft to a 5 degree pitch and my FPI (Flight Path Indicator) shows that I have a 7-8 degree AoA, which is -3 degree. and i take a look at my altimeter, what i should except is a quick altitude loss, which will drop nearly 10 meter in a few seconds. but no, the altitude haven't change at all, but the HUD shows that I am descending at 5 degree. can you please look into it? it explains why most pilot went diving on landing or even having a -8~-10 degree glide path (as indicated) ** i can take a video if you want
  4. YanYatCheng

    A-10 Warthog Series Standalone

    flight test result: takeoff speed ~180kmh landing speed ~170kmh (minimum 165kmh) maneuverability excellent, speed drop a lot when having full stick back (90degree bank), works as intended stall is kinda weird, a straight up "drop" to death when stalling (@~160kmh, need to dive down to recover, even you are at 180-190kmh weapons maybe add 2*AGM65 like real life? and also, can rocket pod load on pylon 3/9 4/8 with free of them each (HE/AT rocket) bugs (for now when I flare at landing, combining a full speed break and a 10 degree nose up, the plane can't push back down after touchdown, she will stuck at "nose up" position even I increase speed and try pushing her down HUD's Velocity Vector indicator still broken nice mod tho, love it alot
  5. oh, that's why. must the map texture and settings are so good
  6. who's idea, to put a non concrete runway, without runway lights. And hills plus tall trees right on the two ends of the runway?? that really need to be re-mapped, it's 100% impossible to land on the main airport with a correct landing glide recommending a runway extension towards the sea, and remove all trees on the hill side at the end of the runway, and put landing lights and turn signal just like the old Hong Kong Kai Tak airport
  7. YanYatCheng

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    the map size isn't even big enough for a full length runway
  8. just found out that the "best" landing speed is around 170kmh, with a good glide slope and a nose up position thx alot for the fix, but a little bit comments. now as usual, the nose will drop at landing speed (same feeling as the past nose up at high speed), and the HUD is not working, that means I am adjusting my sink rate by my experience but not why the HUD indicates
  9. push the same button as the old TGP
  10. i set the target on the TGP map screen, and start running in, release my GBU/JDAM, but it says no target locked, bomb not tracking, something like that
  11. I just flew the steam version, and the TGP and I-TGP are not working at all, can't set target like before and activate the camera
  12. YanYatCheng

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    there isn't any airport in ArmA3 that is big enough to hold this hanger
  13. YanYatCheng

    port fowarding fail

    idk why, everytime i try to host my own server, it fails. and I'd try restarting it and it never works. my internet is set for 2302 and all enabled, but still, idk why, it fails
  14. YanYatCheng

    A-10 Warthog Series Standalone

    oh, typo 7mm rocket will be "fun"
  15. YanYatCheng

    A-10 Warthog Series Standalone

    70mm rocket should be available on 3/9, 4/8 with 3 on each pylon just like the 500lb, dunno if you can add that option for loadout
  16. is that a common bug? when i loaded my weapon with full attachments, then put it in my backpack. pick up another weapon. And when I switch to the one in my backpack, all the attachments disappeared. is there any way to fix it?
  17. YanYatCheng

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    is that a bug that the M107 overheats so fast? like 2 mags not quick shots, already having 10m spread on 400m
  18. that means you got bad skills when flying CAS mission
  19. seems the Americans are going to test 30mm autocannon (M230) no it, don't know if you can make that also, as a turret :D
  20. YanYatCheng

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    dunno why the 500lb looks not to scale when comparing to the snake eye