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About Calop

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  1. Calop

    Weapon tests

    thanks guys, @chairborne: for the difficulty I'm not quite sure, I'll check (what is the default when you create a map in editor?) @ imperator: thanks, I indeed enabled as well the lock target (crtl+T by default if I remember). Both on static and mobile targets. I then activate the mini-monitor and I can see that darters and UAV keep the lock with the turret on the targets. But I do use ACE and maybe that even when it is disabled it still impacts the core version of the game (though I also reinstalled the game without modes with all the default settings to check and the problem was still there).
  2. Calop

    Weapon tests

    It seems the only logical explanation, yet I find it weird that AI can still attack the targets painted with laser after I let go of the UAV control(which to me it means that the laser is still on). I think that the empty vehicle appears as a red square in my little radar but then nothing in my HUD. AA and AG missiles: no problem. can see the target, lock on and hit when I shoot.
  3. Calop

    Weapon tests

    yep, I'm pretty sure that the laser is still on. To test it I use UAV or other AI flying the A10. They autonomously spot the target and drop the GBU bomb. I also reinstalled the game but no difference...no idea what's wrong..
  4. Calop

    Weapon tests

    hello, this is my first post, I hope this is the best thread for it. I mostly play infantry in Arma 3, but occasionally I like to fly the A-10 and A 100. I master fairly well all the weapons, but the bombs are a mystery to me. My problem is that once the target has been painted with laser I do not detect it. Same thing with IR grenades.. It happened when playing multiplayer, so I started some training mission in the editor, but I still cannot see in my HUD. I deploy an empty/enemy vehicle, then I paint it with a remote designator (without the ‘autonomous option on)/darter or I throw IR grenades. I then take off and I fly from different angles and altitudes (making sure that I’m coming from the right side of the vehicle= where the laser is visible), but nothing shows in my HUD. I tried to push all sorts of buttons: next target, lock, reveal target etc, but nothing. I know these are valid targets because autonomous drones (Yabhon) detects the target and drops the bomb. In my understanding the target painted with the laser should appear automatically in my HUD without pushing any button (green square+name item in red). Then it’s just a matter of aligning the plane, wait for the “diamond†to appear and then drop the bomb. I have seen countless tutorials teaching you how to align with the bomb target (speed altitude etc), but nothing that would help me with my problem. I fear I’m doing wrong something very basic , but no idea what this is. Any suggestion would be hugely appreciated Thanks P.S. I also tried with and without modes just in case…no result.