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Posts posted by cookies2432

  1. 18 minutes ago, RoF said:

    What did you use to extract the winter plants pbo?


    As for Eden you can do file export to Terrain Builder, then copy and paste that to a file, then import that to TB. BUT Eden nor x-cam exports rotation correct. So you can only move object up/down and rotate left and right

    I used Mikero's tool "ExtractPbo" and ah okay, yea I guess i'll just work with buldozer then :)

  2. Hello, I thought I'd come here for assistance since people are experienced in terrain builder. 


    I'm currently having issues exporting my terrain after having added custom tree's. When I try to export it it gives me this error: ERROR: there is no config.bin/cpp found for \plants_winter\models\t\t_picea1s.p3d 

    I was also wondering if there's a way to "import" objects placed in the eden editor on the map to terrain builder. 


    Thank you for your time and have a good day :)

  3. //Script for spawning on different floors
    _differentFloors = [5, 10, 15, 20]; //Different floor levels (meters, can ofcourse change this to what fits you, these are only examples).
    _chosenFloor = _differentFloors call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; //This will select a random height by chosen a random number from the array we created. //The unit will thereby spawn on a random height.
    //Refuel and rearm script
    //Create a trigger and name it: RearmAndRefuel
    //Make it trigger when any player enters the location and make sure it is repeatable (check the box that says repeatable).
    //After that, write this in the activation field: null = [thislist] execVM "yourSqfFileName.sqf";
    //Inside of the SQF file, write this:
    //Declare a variable for unit using the vehicle
    params ["_unit"];
    //Selects the vehicle the player currently is using
    _currentUnitVehicle = vehicle _unit;
    _currentUnitVehicle setDamage 0;
    _currentUnitVehicle setVehicleAmmo 1;
    _currentUnitVehicle setFuel 1;

    Hopefully this should work for you, let me know if something doesn't work or you need something else.

  4. Well, I was looking at a far more complex solution than was needed. All you need to do is to repeat your code to remove the weapons from the jet after you have rearmed it. It would look something like this:


    veh = vehicle player;
    _spd = speed veh;
    engOn = false;
     veh engineOn false;
     waitUntil {!isEngineOn veh};
     _i = 20;
     while {_i > 0} do {
         _i = _i -1;
         sleep (1);
         if (engOn) exitWith {};
         hintSilent format [   "%1 Seconds Left"  ,   _i   ];
     hint "GO GO GO!!";
    veh setFuel 1;
    veh setDamage 0;
    veh setVehicleAmmo 1;
    _veh removeWeapon "weapon_AMRAAMLauncher";
    _veh removeWeapon "weapon_AGM_65Launcher";
    _veh removeWeapon "Laserdesignator_pilotCamera";
    _veh removeWeapon "weapon_GBU12Launcher";

    All you need to do is basicly have the weapons' removal code after you rearm it (and modify it so it has more ammo, did not include it.) so it rearms every gun and then removes the ones you don't want.

    • Like 1

  5. 1 minute ago, Sloppy on pc said:

    veh = vehicle player;

    _spd = speed veh;
    engOn = false;
     veh engineOn false;
     waitUntil {!isEngineOn veh};

     _i = 20;
     while {_i > 0} do {
         _i = _i -1;
         sleep (1);
         if (engOn) exitWith {};
         hintSilent format [   "%1 Seconds Left"  ,   _i   ];
     hint "GO GO GO!!";

    veh setFuel 1;

    veh setDamage 0;

    veh setVehicleAmmo 1;

    And your script for the customization of the cannons (gryphon for example).


  6. 1 minute ago, Sloppy on pc said:

    hi guys, i'm in the middle of creating an mp mission. It's my first project and i'm excited to see how far it's come, but i have hit a snag. I've customized the new jets main cannons (i.e added more ammo to the gryphons cannon and so on).  but unfortunately every time i pull into the rearm bay to refuel and rearm it changes the main cannon back to what it was originally. is anyone able to help me with this problem?

    What does your current script look like? For rearming.

  7. 1 hour ago, ALPHIVE said:

    Ok @cookies2432 thank you ! :)

    Alright seeing as this was a bit more complicated than I originally thought (primarily getting the player who activated the trigger) it took longer than I expected but I managed to solve it. I used an SQF file to make it easier as I think it's rather complicated to do it all in the trigger module in the editor. 


    1: Place a trigger and name it trigger1

    2: Set the activation to "any player" and "present".

    3: In the activation field, enter this: 

    plr = (thislist select 0); null = [plr] execVM "nameOfYourSqfScriptHere.sqf".

    4: Create an SQF file inside of your mission folder which is located at: documents/arma3_other_profiles/yourArma3Name/missions/. Make sure you end it with .sqf so it is an sqf file.

    5: Inside of the sqf place this:

    _seconds = 0;
    _person = _this select 0;
    while {_seconds < 11} do {
    PP_wetD = ppEffectCreate ["WetDistortion",300];
    PP_wetD ppEffectEnable true;
    PP_wetD ppEffectAdjust [2.77,0.2,0.2,2.51,1,1,1,0.05,0.01,0.05,0.01,0.25,0.1,0.2,0.2];
      if (_person inArea trigger1) then {
        _seconds = 0;
      } else {
            _seconds = _seconds + 1;
    hint format ["%1", _seconds];
    sleep 1;
    if (_seconds > 10) then {
      ppEffectDestroy PP_wetD;
    	hint format ["The effects have worn off"];

    This makes it so that the effects will not reset if you're still inside the specific area however if you exit it, it will do a countdown of 10 seconds before the effects are worn off. Let me know if any issues pop up and i'll do my best to help.

  8. 1 minute ago, ALPHIVE said:

    And @cookies2432 just to confirm, the line in condition to affect ONLY people that come into the effect area (not everybody on the server) is this one ? :)


    Player In ThisList

    Seeing as it is a trigger that should be the case yea however, I realise now that you most likely should use _this so that the variable does not have the same value for every player. Give me a few minutes, i'll go and test it. 

  9. Just now, ALPHIVE said:

    @cookies2432 thank you cookie for your help !


    So, if i enter into a trigger and i have this in activation :


    while {true} do {

    PP_wetD = ppEffectCreate ["WetDistortion",300];

    PP_wetD ppEffectEnable true;

    PP_wetD ppEffectAdjust [2.77,0.2,0.2,2.51,1,1,1,0.05,0.01,0.05,0.01,0.25,0.1,0.2,0.2];

    sleep 10;




    the effect will just be for 10 seconds and after it stops and come back to the "normal view" right ?

    This will repeat the effect every 10 seconds. I might've missunderstood you. If you want it to go back to normal view after 10 seconds then you can add an if statement above that will tell it how long it is allowed to repeat the function. 


    _seconds = 0;
    if (_seconds <= 10) then {
    while {true} do {
    PP_wetD = ppEffectCreate ["WetDistortion",300];
    PP_wetD ppEffectEnable true;
    PP_wetD ppEffectAdjust [2.77,0.2,0.2,2.51,1,1,1,0.05,0.01,0.05,0.01,0.25,0.1,0.2,0.2];
    _seconds = _seconds + 1;
    } else {
    	hint format ["The effects have worn off"];


  10. 1 hour ago, ALPHIVE said:

    Hi guys and thank for your help again !


    So you mean that :


     in the activation of my trigger i can place that :


    PP_wetD = ppEffectCreate ["WetDistortion",300];

    PP_wetD ppEffectEnable true;

    PP_wetD ppEffectAdjust [2.77,0.2,0.2,2.51,1,1,1,0.05,0.01,0.05,0.01,0.25,0.1,0.2,0.2];


    In the unactivation of my trigger i can place that :


    ppEffectDestroy PP_wetD;


    And to affect only players that are entering in the trigger (not everybody on the server) can i place in conditions ?


    Player In ThisList





    @cookies2432 About the while, i dont see where you place the timer


    while {true} do {
    PP_wetD = ppEffectCreate ["WetDistortion",300];
    PP_wetD ppEffectEnable true;
    PP_wetD ppEffectAdjust [2.77,0.2,0.2,2.51,1,1,1,0.05,0.01,0.05,0.01,0.25,0.1,0.2,0.2];
    sleep 10;


    How do i must say "While 10 seconds the script will be effective"



    @pierremgi About the while i didnt get how to do, i need to do like that ?


    PP_wetD = ppEffectCreate ["WetDistortion",300];

    PP_wetD ppEffectEnable true;

    PP_wetD ppEffectAdjust [2.77,0.2,0.2,2.51,1,1,1,0.05,0.01,0.05,0.01,0.25,0.1,0.2,0.2];

    PP_wetD ppEffectAdjust [0];

    PP_wet ppeffectCommit 10;



    Thank you for your help !! and sorry im not very very good with the script logic so :'(

    I did not set a timer on 10 seconds in order for it to constantly update but if you want it to update every 10 seconds you can add a sleep command. It would look something like this:

    while {true} do {
    PP_wetD = ppEffectCreate ["WetDistortion",300];
    PP_wetD ppEffectEnable true;
    PP_wetD ppEffectAdjust [2.77,0.2,0.2,2.51,1,1,1,0.05,0.01,0.05,0.01,0.25,0.1,0.2,0.2];
    sleep 10;


  11. 2 hours ago, ALPHIVE said:

    Hi everybody ;)


    I would use this script to make visual effect through trigger :

    PP_wetD = ppEffectCreate ["WetDistortion",300];

    PP_wetD ppEffectEnable true;

    PP_wetD ppEffectAdjust [2.77,0.2,0.2,2.51,1,1,1,0.05,0.01,0.05,0.01,0.25,0.1,0.2,0.2];



    It works well but i want that after 10 seconds it comes back in normal view, do you have tips to make this ?


    Thank you guys for your help again ! :D

    You can add a "while {true} do { YourCodeHere }. It would look something like this: 

    while {true} do {
    PP_wetD = ppEffectCreate ["WetDistortion",300];
    PP_wetD ppEffectEnable true;
    PP_wetD ppEffectAdjust [2.77,0.2,0.2,2.51,1,1,1,0.05,0.01,0.05,0.01,0.25,0.1,0.2,0.2];




  12. Hello, and thank you for trying to help me (I presume that since you've opened this post). I have started working on my map project again and i've noticed that recently all of the mounting on the p:drive has become automatic which I love. However, I'm having a rather weird issue. When I try to mount and set up the p:drive, nothing works but if i use "subst P: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools"" in the CommandPrompt (CMD) it creates a P:drive that is correct. The issue with this is tho that, nothing can be loaded or used from it. When i'm in terrain builder and try to import from my P:Drive it can't find ANYTHING besides 3 folders named "a3, bin and core" and some other random files. I Have no idea what's causing it and would love to receive help from someone who has knowledge about it.


    Thank you for reading this


