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Everything posted by cookies2432

  1. cookies2432

    Mounting P: Drive

    Nvm i fixed it without using arma 3 tools. For anyone else havign issues, open CMD (Command Prompt) and put this in: subst P: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3 Tools"
  2. cookies2432

    Adding custom objects

    Any help would be much appriciated :)
  3. cookies2432

    Adding custom objects

    Even tho i'm amazing my finest didn't work.
  4. cookies2432

    Adding custom objects

    I'll try my finest to fix it :)
  5. cookies2432

    Adding custom objects

    The tutorial is great but it sadly doesn't work for me, the rvmat files say that the texture files should be in a "CA" folder inside of the P: drive meanwhile the prefix file says "plants_winter". None of them seem to work.
  6. cookies2432

    Adding custom objects

    I have no idea how to fix it :(, still no answer as well.
  7. cookies2432

    Adding custom objects

    still getting this issue: https://gyazo.com/9d4e52192af91c928998c13926d05e0d
  8. cookies2432

    Adding custom objects

  9. cookies2432

    Exporting objects

    I have tried that but my buldozer crashes for some reason... I changed the path in my layers.cfg and i did add a custom .rvmat and also added the textures in .paa file, both the "picture" texture and the "normals" texture.
  10. cookies2432

    Exporting objects

    Yea i might have to but this has actually changed my mind on how i want my map to be, i think i want to have it snow. How would i go on about getting snow textures? Sorry i'm a complete newbie at this i just wanna learn and have fun meanwhile :)
  11. cookies2432

    Exporting objects

    Yea i have
  12. cookies2432

    Exporting objects

    I don't know how i did this but... I fixed the problem with the trees and other objects, they now have textures!!! Just one more slight issue, the terrain decided to get a christmas spirit and become white like snow :unsure: : https://gyazo.com/62f8546aaba1d369ebbcdd6147e9ed4d
  13. cookies2432

    Exporting objects

    I think it works, tho i still have this question about clutter. How can i add grass that sticks up from the ground all over the map or within a polygon?
  14. cookies2432

    Exporting objects

    I have it that way
  15. cookies2432

    Exporting objects

    Will try! thanks!
  16. cookies2432

    Exporting objects

    It crashed when I tried to import it, might have been the ammount of objects. I think it was around 870 000 objects. :mellow:
  17. cookies2432

    Exporting objects

    Thanks! :)
  18. cookies2432

    Exporting objects

    My buldozer works now tho when i open it all of my objects look like this: https://gyazo.com/379b0d89426dcbcaa10f81329f062c21 And i also have this weird bug: https://gyazo.com/2803cf4649356150e75de260c4a7b4f6 Btw i'm using terrainprocessor to add vegetation but i don't have a shapefile, how would i go on about making one?
  19. cookies2432

    Exporting objects

    My Clutter file: http://pastebin.com/sDDyRR6C Config.ccp: http://pastebin.com/EGywpS7c cfgSurfaces file: http://pastebin.com/2K2DyQiN
  20. cookies2432

    Exporting objects

    And now i for some reason can't add trees : /
  21. Hi! I've been having some difficulties calling my functions in my script, not sure why. I've read the wiki page and done as it was told there but it still doesn't seem to be working, thankfull for any advices :) This is my code: // Finds a mission location from 4 possible ones [10, 2] call _fn_spawnAiOnMission; call _fn_missionClock; _fn_findMissionLocation = { private ["_convoy1", "_convoy2", "_convoy3", "_convoy4"]; _convoy1 = getMarkerPos "convoy1"; _convoy2 = getMarkerPos "convoy2"; _convoy3 = getMarkerPos "convoy3"; _convoy4 = getMarkerPos "convoy4"; [_convoy1, _convoy2, _convoy3, _convoy4] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; }; // Creates a marker at "_location" _missionMarker = createMarker ["missionMarker", call _fn_findMissionLocation]; _missionMarker setMarkerShape "ELLIPSE"; _missionMarker setMarkerSize [200, 200]; _missionMarker setMarkerBrush "Solid"; _missionMarker setMarkerColor "ColorRed"; _missionMarker setMarkerText "Convoy taking a break"; // A function that spawns the ai and vehicles at the mission, both have a limit. _fn_spawnAiOnMission = { private ["_aiLimit", "_truckLimit"]; _aiLimit = _this select 0; //retrive the first parameter from the function call; _truckLimit = _this select 1; //retrive the second parameter from the function call; _aux = 0; //added a aux variable that I use as index for the while loop _alpha = createGroup west; //create a group that after the execution of this function will be automatically deleted while {_aux < _aiLimit} do { "B_Soldier_F" createUnit [getMarkerPos "missionMarker", group _alpha, setBehaviour "SAFE"]; _aux = _aux + 1; hint format ["There are %1 ai units in the mission area", _aiLimit]; sleep 5; }; //at this point _aux should be 10 _aux = 0; //again 0 while {_aux < _truckLimit} do { _veh = createVehicle ["B_MRAP_01_F", getMarkerPos "missionMarker"]; _aux = _aux + 1; }; //finish doing the same thing }; // Creates a timer for the mission, if time <= 1 then it will delete the marker and delete all units after 5 minutes (a hint tells everyone about it) _fn_missionClock = { private ["_time"]; _time = 1200; if (1 + 1 == 2) do { while {_time >= 1} _time = _time - 1; }; if (_time <= 1) then { hint format["The convoy mission has ended. All vehicles and infantry will be deleted in 5 minute"]; deleteMarker "missionMarker"; sleep 300; }; };
  22. cookies2432

    Issues calling functions

    :blink: I totally understand that whole code. :huh: Will have a look at it and try to understand it. Thanks!
  23. cookies2432

    Issues calling functions

    Anyone knows?
  24. cookies2432

    Issues calling functions

    I still don't see the units :mellow: this is my code: fn_spawnAiOnMission = { private ["_aiLimit", "_truckLimit"]; _aiLimit = _this select 0; //retrive the first parameter from the function call; _truckLimit = _this select 1; //retrive the second parameter from the function call; _aux = 0; //added a aux variable that I use as index for the while loop _alpha = createGroup west; //create a group that after the execution of this function will be automatically deleted while {_aux < _aiLimit} do { "B_Soldier_F" createUnit [getMarkerPos "missionMarker", group _alpha, setBehaviour "SAFE"]; _aux = _aux + 1; hint format ["There are %1 ai units in the mission area", _aiLimit]; sleep 5; }; //at this point _aux should be 10 _aux = 0; //again 0 while {_aux < _truckLimit} do { _veh = createVehicle ["B_MRAP_01_F", getMarkerPos "missionMarker"]; _aux = _aux + 1; }; //finish doing the same thing }; // Creates a timer for the mission, if time <= 1 then it will delete the marker and delete all units after 5 minutes (a hint tells everyone about it) [] spawn { _fn_missionClock = { private ["_time"]; _time = 1200; while {_time >= 1} do { _time = _time - 1; }; if (_time <= 1) then { hint "The convoy mission has ended. All vehicles and infantry will be deleted in 5 minute"; deleteMarker "missionMarker"; sleep 300; // Delete vehicles and infantry code here }; }; call _fn_missionClock; [10, 2] call fn_spawnAiOnMission; };