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-GMS- Eliree

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About -GMS- Eliree

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    Private First Class

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  1. -GMS- Eliree

    Armory spawn system

    just got a second issue on this matter: i am trying to make the addaction only available to certain uid's so i've done the following: Added this to the box where i want the addaction on: this = execVM "Scripts\cratespawn.sqf"; and i've put this in the Cratespaqn.sqf: if ((getPlayerUID player) in ["UID listed here"]) then { _act = player addaction ["Spawn assault gear",{execVM "Scripts\Gearcrates\assault.sqf"}]; }; any ideas ?
  2. Heya there guys, for an armory like system i am trying to create an addaction which will spawn a custom made gearcrate, so for this i will have to spawn a crate , clear that crate of cargo and then fill it with the items needed for that class. now i am trying to add a deletevehicle for the spawned crate so that it get's removed after 10 mins this is what i have so far: _Assaultcrate = CreateVehicle ["Box_Nato_Wps_F", getmarkerPos "Gearspawn1", [], 1, "CAN COLLIDE"]; sleep 5; hint 'Assault Gear Spawned'; //boxcontents Clearweaponcargo _Assaultcrate; Clearmagazinecargo _Assaultcrate; Clearbackpackcargo _Assaultcrate; Clearitemcargo _Assaultcrate; _Assaultcrate additemcargo [,]; _Assaultcrate addweaponcargo [,]; _Assaultcrate addbackpackcargo [,]; _Assaultcrate addmagazinecargo [,]; Sleep 600; Deletevehicle _Assaultcrate; however the crate is not despawning after the 10 minutes .. any1 got an idea on how to fix this? Greetings, Eliree
  3. Heya there guys, so i have hit a snag with my server setup.. both the client and the server have exactly the same workshop mods signed up but when i try to join the server it says signature mismatch and i cannot join the server , went into the file structure and everything is exactly the same .. any ideas?
  4. hmmm ok xD cheers for the response man
  5. Heya there guys, since the people on the RHS threat are not responding i thought i'll try my luck here, i am having an issue with RHS and ACRE2. both mods work perfectly fine but whenever i step into a RHS Aircraft or Heli i have no long range radio. is there a way to fix this without putting a long range radio on the player? this cause the pilot loadouts generally don't have space for a long range radio. Greets Eliree
  6. -GMS- Eliree

    ACE 3 Medical training dummy

    i don't have the RPT with me ATM but the rest is as followed: the script is implemented on a Data Terminal as excecute SQF, it's located in the missions folder. the ace functions is basically the types of wounds it inflicts on each part of the body , this is randomised by the script. the problem lies in the spawning of the unit , Arma errors say it is in Line 4, _group1=createGroup west; this part. i basically got this from i will post the RPT tonight once i get home
  7. Heya there guys, i've found this script on youtube which is originally made by "Acoward gaming" and i am now trying to implement this into my training missies for me and my friends .. however i've hit a snag and it is not working .. anyone got an idea as too why ? {if ((typeOf _x == 'b_survivor_F') && (!isPlayer _x)) then {deleteVehicle _x}} forEach allUnits; [MedicalData,3] call BIS_fnc_dataTerminalAnimate; sleep 5; _group1=createGroup west; 'b_survivor_F' createUnit [getmarkerPos 'Med_train1', _group1,'pat1=this; dostop pat1']; [pat1, 0.2, "leg_r", selectrandom ["grenade","stab","bullet","falling"]] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit; [pat1, 0.2, "leg_l", selectrandom ["grenade","stab","bullet","falling"]] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit; [pat1, 0.5, "body", selectrandom ["stab","bullet","falling"]] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit; [pat1, 0.1, "head", selectrandom ["grenade","stab","bullet","falling"]] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit; [pat1, 0.2, "hand_r", selectrandom ["grenade","stab","bullet","falling"]] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit; [pat1, 0.3, "hand_l", selectrandom ["grenade","stab","bullet","falling"]] call ace_medical_fnc_addDamageToUnit; [pat1] call ace_medical_fnc_handleDamage_advancedSetDamage; [MedicalData,0] call BIS_fnc_dataTerminalAnimate; hint 'Your patient is ready'; i hope to hear a solution from you guys soon . Greetings, Schuurmans.T
  8. -GMS- Eliree

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Heya there guys, i am having an issue with RHS and ACRE2. both mods work perfectly fine but whenever i step into a RHS Aircraft or Heli i have no long range radio. is there a way to fix this without putting a long range radio on the player? this cause the pilot loadouts generally don't have space for a long range radio. Greets Eliree
  9. -GMS- Eliree

    F-15 Eagle Series Standalone

    Good moaning Firewill, first of all i have to say i absolutely love your mods .. the aircraft are beautifull and work like a charm.. however i have a question concerning the aiming of the GBU's. i am implementing your aircraft into a modpack i am making for some friends, in this modpack i combine your aircraft with ACE 3 and MCC for instance. but once i start flying now and try to aim my GBU 38 on a lased target which is being lasered by friendly ground forces the bomb will not lock on the target. as in the square apears fine but the targeting never goes to the Star shape for release.. you got any idea what this can be and how to fix it ? Greetins, Eliree
  10. heya there guys , i've noticed that as soon as i boot up my units modpack with the vehicles mod then the ace interaction menu stops working. i have checked the RPT and i've found these errors: 22:21:45 [XEH]: USAF_C17 does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @ST1_Vehicles 22:21:45 [XEH]: USAF_F35A does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @ST1_Vehicles 22:21:45 [XEH]: kyo_MH47E_base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @ST1_Vehicles 22:21:45 [XEH]: FIR_F16_Base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @ST1_Vehicles 22:21:45 [XEH]: USAF_C130J does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @ST1_Vehicles 22:21:45 [XEH]: USAF_C130J_Cargo does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @ST1_Vehicles 22:21:45 [XEH]: FIR_ECM_Dummy_Base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @ST1_Vehicles 22:21:45 [XEH]: aces_ejection_seat does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @ST1_Vehicles 22:21:45 [XEH]: f16_ejection_seat does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @ST1_Vehicles 22:21:45 [XEH]: FIR_F16D_Base does not support Extended Event Handlers! Addon: @ST1_Vehicles can this be the error or is this something different? Greetings, Schuurmans.T
  11. heya there guys, posted this aswell in the config and scripting forum as i am not sure what channel is best sooted for this. but anyways lately i am getting something strange which i cannot identify , when ever i preview a mission from EDEN, TFAR will not load straight away so it reload after a minute or so. however i cannot seem to enter any vehicle or use the ace interaction, self interaction works perfectly fine but the interaction opens up and never disapears then. added here is a link to a google docs where i posted the RPT from the mission. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1yNQiaHOeNfFfJ01-B0ShU4UNgrYae23uyzyueYd1eGI/edit?usp=sharing any ideas as to why this is happening and even better how to fix this would be greatly appreciated. Greetings.
  12. Heya there guys, so i've made a custom weapons case holding the snipers for my custom unit. however when i add the weapons case to the mission through the editor it also has a bunch of scopes in there .. you guys got any idea as to why this happens ? below is the config for the weapons case : class 50_Cal_Sniper : Box_NATO_WpsSpecial_F { scope = 2; scopeCurator = 2; VehicleClass = "Boxes"; DisplayName = "50-Cal Sniper"; model = "\A3\weapons_F\Ammoboxes\Wpnsbox_Large_F.p3d"; icon = "iconCrateAmmo"; class TransportMagazines { mag_xx(AWC_5x127_Mag,20); }; class TransportWeapons { weap_xx(ST1_Snip_TAC50_W,1); weap_xx(ST1_Snip_TAC50_D,1); }; };
  13. -GMS- Eliree

    Custom weapons on table

    not to keep annoying you but this config is basicly for every weapon ? or is it 1 general config and then different parts in it?? i am talking about this part : class ST1_Weapons_editor : Weapon_Base_F { scope=2; scopeCurator=2; displayName="TRG-42 .338"; editorCategory="EdCat_Weapons"; editorSubcategory="EdSubcat_SniperRifles"; vehicleClass="WeaponsPrimary"; faction="BLU_F"; author="Eliree"; class TransportWeapons { class bnae_trg42_virtual { weapon="bnae_trg42_virtual"; count=1; }; }; }; if i am correct the basic class which i named ST1_Weapons_editor is the basic class and then under the Transportweapons i list all the different weapons correct ?