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About ardian_ivanovic

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  1. Oh that is nice, I actually don't want the money because I already rich at the moment (selling weapons and vests of dead rogues seems to be very profitable), I just want the feeling of actually finding something epic and is uncertain that is most other people don't believe at it or simply don't care about it... so well I feel I did now thanks for you to confirm it :D :D :D Haha alright, the starter clothes + boonie hat might work well :D
  2. Lol that is savage :P Btw just curious, from all outfits and gear in arma 3, what is the nicest one to wear at a party? I want to look good at the RnR mission at kavala :D :D
  3. Excuse me admin sir... So I have been playing MERCS for quite some time now, especially looting the rogues of stratis... It is very excellent campaign btw, I can even say a lot better than the BI's Eastwind :D :D :D The problem is this rumor of "The Badass farmer and his badass water pistol", long story short I managed to find the wreckage of an osprey (on the game it is called blackfish or something), so I dive around with my expensive diving set yet I dont find any "silver briefcase" or any dead bodies/ skeleton, and I dont find any other wreck on the north or west of the Stratis Airbase... Can you please give me a tiniest clue of what might be happened? Is it buggy or glitchy something? thanks...