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About peraturabo

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  1. Hi there, been having a continual issue where 99% of the time my game freeze's within say 1:30 of starting a game online. If I alt + tab out or open the control panel I'm left with a blank screen, whilst the task manager shows me no CPU usage, no network usage and the game as 'not responding' if I sit about mashing my keyboard in frustration eventually it boots back up and thusly tells me 'you have been kicked due to battle eye not responding' or something to that effect. I've managed to actually play consecutivly for around an hour maybe 2 today as somehow the game actually woke up one time and I refused to leave the server incase it happened to spazz out again. Checked game cache, tried running through argobattle eye, tried running with firewalls switched off. Any further advice or is anyone else having this issue?