I will ask here, because I can't start new thread.
At the beginning, I want to say that I'm an airsoft guy.
I don't really play ARMA because I found so much fun in milsim outside..
Why am I here?
Well, a lot time ago I had an idea to create a replica od M3 MAAWS which would work as hair spray fueled potato gun. I wanted to have it just for showing around.. Not really to kill someone hahaha.
But I had one big problem. There's no any 3D model or blueprint or anything else which would help me creating my replica..
A few days ago, I was searching again (just my curiosity) and google shows me this forum and @tf47 launchers thread. I saw MAAWS and I was like.. dude if I could export 3D model of this to 3DS Max, convert measurements to 1:1 and even to try making blueprints in 1:1.
Unfortunately, as I explored, I can't extract MAAWS model from pbo (or I can unpack pbo, but I can't open p3d or idk whatever)..
Google told me that there's a way to unbinarize p3d file (convert ODOL to MLOD lol haha i don't understand), but I don't know how to do it, and even if I know I won't because it's like disrespecting guys who make it. I asked author to gave me 3DS model and I told him I won't use it for any game (i'm not jerk lol), but he's not answering.
Could anyone help me guys? I only need 3D model of that 'cause it's high detailed and It would help me a lot.
Thanks in advance