Hello all!
Unfortunately, I have not the possibility to start new threads, so I am writing my suggestion into an existing one. Let me first thank you for creating this great game! I really love the idea, and I really admire the level of realism you are using. I am very curious about the future plans, particularly about the manned missions.
I am writing only a small suggestion for now. I have tried the new devices in the manned mission and it seem to me that the soil extractor is too loud. The martian atmosphere is almost vacuum. Not quite so, but still, one would expect that all sounds should not be very loud and they would die out quickly. (That is: those that are not coming from inside the space suit, of course.) The low frequencies might be transmitted by the soil, so the soil extractor would produce some low-frequency sounds of vibrations if we would be standing next to it, but my expectations are that they would be much, much dimmer than they are now. As an inspiration, I am sending you an interesting article.
news .sciencemag.org/earth/2006/06/mars-no-one-can-hear-you-scream
Thank you and all the best!