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About TFAltdanthomas

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  1. The right syntax for what you are trying would be but I don't think that is actually the fix you want. That will make it only run on the server. I'm extremely rusty on my multiplayer scripting, but I'll see if I can work something up if no one else gets you an answer soon. Thank you very much man Ill give this a shot, been racking my brain trying to figure this one out.
  2. Ive been creating an EOD mission using ALIVE that is giving me some problems regarding the isserver command. wondering if anyone could help a brother out? Here is the issue. I have a mine placed through the editor and named it ied_1. The goal is to have the team deactivate the mine and to get a message using a trigger with the next 6 digit grid for the next mine to show. heres where i have my issue. the trigger is set up like this. activation is for Bluefor Once condition- !mineActive eod1 On activation hint "IED has been deactivated, move to grid 027033 for next IED mission";deletevehicle EOD1; and I will get that message no problem when i am hosting the game but it will not show up for anyone else, nor is it allowing anyone else with a toolkit to deactivate it. So i thought that i might need the isServer command in the condition field but to no avail. so i put isserver;!mineActive eod1; in the condition and get an error message. I am not a script guy by any means and ive spent hours trying to fix this issue. So if anyone could help me out please let me know. you can comment here or contact me on steam though the name LTdanthomas or LTgunnerkitty its one of the two. thanks for any help. ~lt
  3. Ive been creating an EOD mission using ALIVE that is giving me some problems regarding the isserver command. wondering if anyone could help a brother out? Here is the issue. I have a mine placed through the editor and named it ied_1. The goal is to have the team deactivate the mine and to get a message using a trigger with the next 6 digit grid for the next mine to show. heres where i have my issue. the trigger is set up like this. activation is for Bluefor Once condition- !mineActive eod1 On activation hint "IED has been deactivated, move to grid 027033 for next IED mission";deletevehicle EOD1; and I will get that message no problem when i am hosting the game but it will not show up for anyone else, nor is it allowing anyone else with a toolkit to deactivate it. So i thought that i might need the isServer command in the condition field but to no avail. so i put isserver;!mineActive eod1; in the condition and get an error message. I am not a script guy by any means and ive spent hours trying to fix this issue. So if anyone could help me out please let me know. you can comment here or contact me on steam though the name LTdanthomas or LTgunnerkitty its one of the two. thanks for any help. ~lt