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Everything posted by wordy-uksf

  1. A revolutionary mod for Arma, this will change the way we play from now on, absolutely astonishing.
  2. wordy-uksf

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Did we also just see a sneak peak on the new arming menu ?
  3. This would allow you to release a addon and see how it performs overall. For example if the first addon that is released would be the RAF faction, that would most likely stop people crying and would give you the opportunity to work on other things in peace. Some bugs could be fixed along with other versions released. Yes, as long as you're an engineer. :) I remember you mentioning you don't like to use other's people stuff or anything like that. But there are some cool people out there with some interesting scripts that might be answer to your issues. Yes this sounds like a good idea, its not far away and it brings few new things to the table. This could be arranged. Check private inbox. Overall its really nice to hear from you. Keep doing what you do best.
  4. Hey I'm not sure if that has been reported or fixed. But the pilot vest has a vertice issue where one of the models vertice is seperated and it creates a visual glitch in the game.
  5. wordy-uksf

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    Hey is anyone making Hawk T1 training jet by any chance ? or even has it in plan, would be great to have some training jet capabilities.
  6. Good to see you guys, keep doing the great work.
  7. We are the United Kingdom Special Forces, an Arma Milsim outfit dedicated to mastery on the field and fair and honest management. The unit is based on a real task force employed by by British Ministry of Defense to handle all of British Special forces missions. UKSF is a ground breaker for realism, training and cultivation of ability. For nearly 6 years we've been providing people with great milisim experience. We are recruiting people of all ages and abilities and then teach them to be better tacticians, better rifleman, better pilots and generally better soldiers, we are not for the faint-hearted and you must have a desire to learn and improve! What we got to offer ? Missions every Saturday and Wednesday at 8GMT. TS3 and Arma 3 server. Roles in 1PARA and JSFAW air wing. Great atmosphere and realism during missions. Joint Operations with other units. Friendly environment. UKSF Webiste TS3 Server - uk-sf.com Apply now and show us what are you made of!
  8. wordy-uksf

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Both C-130's and C-17's are capable of very low landing speeds in real life. C-130 can land on the beach and only way it can do it is by having very low landing speed (it even can land on a carrier and take of from it). C-17 needs only about 400m of runway as it can use reverse thrust, now here in arma we don't have that so a low landing speed of C-17 makes up for it. I don't remember any combat aircraft whatsoever to have a landing speed of '50' or even 100. Even the Arma 3 wipeout need 170+ to land without any stall. As mentioned by SS9 if the landing speed will be increased dramatically than we won't be able to fly at low speeds. Real life F-16's is known for achieving very low speed passes. So the question you need to ask yourself is, do you want a somewhat realistic landing speeds that will bring nothing more than that or realistic flying speed that will give you a low of freedom on how to control the plane and how to be combat effective with it.
  9. wordy-uksf

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Will the F-35B (if still in plans) be released in this pack or as a separate mod ?
  10. https://youtu.be/ZMH8Jnnav0Y?t=1m13s some great footage from RIAT 2016.
  11. wordy-uksf

    [WIP] Mig-21 PFM (Fishbed-F)

    Looks great, can't wait to try it out. :)
  12. From What I remember Rock said it will come with loudout menu.
  13. Looks damn good, any possibility of cockpit screenshots ?
  14. wordy-uksf

    Panavia Tornado AWS

    Looks great !
  15. wordy-uksf

    Panavia Tornado AWS

    We do not ask for progress. Its considered spam, Pinaz has said few post above that he will be busy with school now. :)
  16. wordy-uksf

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Currently using the USAF mod version of it. Previously we tried ones that came in standalone and the one by A-Team. We shall look at Sabre's version if you're saying it works fine.
  17. wordy-uksf

    EF-2000 Version 7x

    Any possibility to make it manual on the scroll wheel ?
  18. wordy-uksf

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Ye, understandable. Take your time and good luck with the release.
  19. wordy-uksf

    Dassault/Dornier Alpha Jet

    Great jet guys, one that can actually be used for training. Here are some things I found. -Canopy opens every time the aircraft stops, not sure if that was done on purpose. -The sound in the cockpit is always the same no matter if you slow down or speed up, possibly something to work on if needed.
  20. wordy-uksf

    3CB BAF Vehicles

    Hello I was wondering seeing as there is a lot of C-130 mods out there and pretty much all of them have issues in multiplayer, are you guys by any chance planing to do your own version of C-130 ?
  21. wordy-uksf

    EF-2000 Version 7x

    How exactly do you use the dragging chute ? there is no option for it on the scroll menu.
  22. wordy-uksf

    Eurofighter Typhoon AWS

    Firewill might be a good help, he seems to work out those problems with every plane he released.
  23. wordy-uksf

    Eurofighter Typhoon AWS

    I can confirm the issue that you take some damage when landing. We're using ACE3 with most realistic medical options turned on if that can be any lead to solving the issue.
  24. wordy-uksf

    US Naval Warfare Pack [WIP]

    I need to give a point to Pufu and John in what they're saying, and what they're saying is very true and it is in fact constructive criticism, which is a good form of it. Lets be honest, the addon list is huge, it has everything from helicopters to fixed wing ending on destroyers. If you would take for example only the helicopter section and decided to only work on them for now, it would take you a bit of time to finish them all in order for them to have good quality standard. Lets take Pookie for example (hope you don't mind ^.^) it took him a bit to release his SAM pack and I'm sure it involved some heave scripting and fidling within Arma engine to get it working but he did. But keep in mind that was one project he was working on at that time, after he finished that he went to EF and other stuff. Point is that you're just trying to bite off more than you can chew. The project was massive since the beginning and more stuff was added to it over the time, like the semi-advanced or advanced flight model for every aircraft. Even though its pretty much impossible within engine the decision was still taken to try and make a DCS out of Arma, so how did that effect the nearly done assets ? well it pushed their release even further. Innovation is one thing but I think we will all appreciate standard quality mods with standard functions rather than just WIP reports of stuff being added that will never be finished. I'm not saying this to pick out on you and I understand that it is very easy for me to stand here to and tell you all the issues but its just a form of showing a different perspective on the situation, an independent one. Just a reference to RHS, I think PuFu really tried to help you guys out here, not to insult you. Look at RHS, their team is massive and they're working on next updates, but for even a very big and experienced team like them it takes lots of time to come out with an update. So what PuFu was trying to say is 'Hey, it's damn hard for us to work on all the stuff, so maybe if you cut down the list and some ideas then it might be easier for you guys'. I hope that it was somewhat useful and good luck with the project, will be keeping eye on it.
  25. wordy-uksf

    Eurofighter Typhoon AWS

    The jet has been working very well along with all of it systems and the tweaks done to it by Pinaz are a great addition (cheers for that Pookie & Pinaz). I was wondering if there is anyone here who is working or is planing on working on the cockpit of the Eurofighter ? Pretty much the only thing missing to it is the cockpit.