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1st L. Shadow Wing -32nd-

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About 1st L. Shadow Wing -32nd-

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  1. 1st L. Shadow Wing -32nd-

    Suggestion: Artillery In-Game Manual Ballistics Calculations Tool

    Side idea: With this the Developers could as well add a new Showcase: Artillery. In this showcase they would teach players on how to use the calculator and how to calculate to hit targets. This being done by the scenario being that friendlies request the player for an artillery strike over several locations over different ranges and terrains. Including on how to use each type of ammo to its maximum potential.
  2. As i know likely many will agree with this: A lot of us would like to use the Artillery Manually instead of use the Artillery Computer. Currently the only way to do this is by direct fire or by getting a spreadsheet someone made on google docs that helps you calculate the required Elevation and ect. EG: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1q4PWQ4b6azx7YAKrRErsdKEiaYvuJzp0Who7V0batAc/edit?pageId=116206726297015043606#gid=0 Now this suggestion is about to add something like the above spreadsheet as a standard tool into the game it self for those who want to manually calculate and fire the artillery. Why: Some (like me) find it more enjoyable to perform an artillery role when we have to manually calculate the elevation, velocity, and ect. This makes the role of artillery a little bit more complicated and challenging instead of boringly open the computer then point on map and press the fire key. The reason for adding it as a standard tool in the game that can be opened like artillery computer but instead of map click and fire it gives a map with all the the requirements to make the calculation to fire at your wished target is because the following: 1- its a little bit more challenging cuss a wrong calculation could end up you fire friendlies instead perhaps. 2- By having to manually calculate it becomes a bit harder to operate the artillery pieces (MK6, M4, M5) if you are not familiar with it. 3-It makes the artillery role more enjoyable for those who use it this way cuss at least for me (likely as well for others) it gets rather boring to fire artillery when all you do is open the computer mark on map and fire. 4- No more need of those spreadsheets having you to alt+tab every time to insert the next information to calculate. Let me hear your thoughts below in the comments and vote an +1 in poll if support this idea.