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Everything posted by Alex150201

  1. Alex150201

    ArmA3 Apex Giveaway

    Nobody answered my questions that's why I didn't post anything. Otherwise this thread would be filled with CSAT screens
  2. Alex150201

    CH-46 Knight

    Ah gotcha! Hope we see a release soon guys!
  3. Alex150201

    US Military Mod

    About the missions. I already have some done featuring deltahawk's gear. Would you want me to post them here deltahawk?
  4. Alex150201

    ArmA3 Apex Giveaway

    I would put a screenshot but you won't give me the DLC if I win because I already have it. Except if you do give me the DLC if I win then I'll put up some screenshots.
  5. Alex150201

    CH-46 Knight

    There is something wrong nightintruder. Newmass should be the same with the helomass.
  6. Alex150201

    Tanoa Lite - a possibility or a total No-Go?

    Dude please chill out. This isn't our choice. I just told my opinion and there is no rule that is against people telling their opinion.
  7. Alex150201

    Tanoa Lite - a possibility or a total No-Go?

    Okay mate, chill.
  8. Alex150201

    US Military Mod

    Thank you for this it's just amazing looking through your album. Thanks for sharing!
  9. Alex150201

    US Military Mod

    Alright thanks dude. Hope we see more soon!
  10. Shit we live across the globe. I'll send you a PM with the mission files. Thanks dude.
  11. Alex150201

    US Military Mod

    Yeah I got it now but aren't you always supposed to fold them like this? Unless it's a rule only for the Greek army.
  12. I can't tell dude it's binarized and I have to re download the Apex Sneak Peak branch to open that mission again in the editor :(
  13. Well I posted because I didn't use apex stuff in my mission! I was only on the Apex Sneak Preview but nothing that had to do with apex was spawned int he mission!
  14. I am having kinda the same problem. I published a mission while I was in the Apex Sneak Preview branch without even using the apex stuff and when I released it people couldn't play it. I still don't get though how to remove the apex stuff from the mission.sqm
  15. Alex150201

    Tanoa Lite - a possibility or a total No-Go?

    Nice dude I agree on every point you make!
  16. Alex150201

    Weird PC Noises (Please Help)

    Okay will do. Thanks.
  17. For some reason my PC is making some weird noises. This isn't the PC I usually use but it's the one I have available now and for the rest of summer. While it's still a strong PC it sometimes annoys the living shit out of me. I have no other choice other than ask the people of this community that could help. In short it makes that weird screaming noise and the looses my hard drives. In the past it used to do that mostly when I would push it over the limits while now it does it for no god damn reason. I open steam, it starts screaming. I open chrome, it starts screaming. I open a picture in my PC, guess what, IT STARTS SCREAMING. Any help woud really be appreciated I'd like to get this fixed before July 10 because after that we'll see ya at around October. Audio Pictures Specs of this computer: z97x gaming 3 (motherboard) AMD Radeon R9 200 Series Intel® Core i5- 4690K 3.50GHz, 3500MHz 8GB RAM 64bit CORSAIR HYDRO SERIES H60 HIGH PERFORMANCE LIQUID CPU COOLER (120MM)
  18. Alex150201

    Weird PC Noises (Please Help)

    I already monitor my temperature. What do you mean grounded properly?
  19. Alex150201

    Weird PC Noises (Please Help)

    I last cleaned my pc yesterday :P I forgot to mention that I have the Corsair Hydro Series H60 High Performance Liquid CPU Cooler. That might actually change things. And I have not overclocked neither the CPU nor the graphics card.
  20. Alex150201

    Weird PC Noises (Please Help)

    Oh my graphics card was bought at around 2013 or 2014 I believe. I am not sure when I bought it. So yeah what I can surely gather is that overclocking is anything but good. God damn. Still trying to fix this shit. I also updated my drivers to a beta version maybe that would help with my games randomly crashing on me. For example I thought I'd try payday 2 since I hadn't played it in a long while but once I opened it it just crashed. I have literally spent my whole day in trying to fix this. EDIT: Nope, updating to beta drivers didn't do shit.
  21. Alex150201

    Weird PC Noises (Please Help)

    Thank you all for the help so far. It was doing it before the new motherboard too but not as often. So what I have gathered. Do not do overclocking, I don't know if I have the PC Speaker gc8 talked about, I'll open up my PC to check that all pins are attached, and the wires clipping the fan and I am not quite sure that the capacitor is. I am not much of a tech guy to be honest here. Thank you so much for what you have told me so far.